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The Incredible Story of How I Defeated Chronic Pain – You Won’t Believe What Finally Worked!

The textbook definition of chronic or persistent pain is when it lasts for more than 12 weeks despite medication or treatment. I have been dealing with this type of pain for the past three years, trying numerous painkillers and seeing many doctors. It is both a physical and mental battle that exhausts me, makes me angry, clouds my brain, robs me of my sense of humor, scares me, and takes away my ability to live a normal life.

I have always been hypermobile, which was great when I was young and could easily exercise and bend. However, as I reached 60, this flexibility started causing problems. I started experiencing back, neck, and arthritic joint issues in my hands. The pain was occasional at first, but as time went on, it became more frequent and debilitating. Walking became a struggle, and simple activities like getting up from a sitting position or getting into bed became difficult.

I joined the millions of adults in the UK who suffer from chronic pain. It was the little things that bothered me the most, like not being able to walk to my favorite swimming cove or having to leave a friend’s birthday party in tears because of the pain. I reached out to multiple doctors in search of a diagnosis and treatment. Unfortunately, after two years of no improvement and no answers, I lost faith in the medical system. Most doctors simply offered me painkillers, which only provided temporary relief and did not address the underlying issue.

I eventually learned that I had severe degenerative tendinopathy in my pelvis through a consultation and pelvic MRI at an orthopedic clinic. The recommended treatment was cortisone injections, which had a supposed 98 percent success rate. However, I fell into the two percent failure rate and experienced worsened pain and sciatica in my right leg. The clinic did not respond to my inquiries about the situation.

While my pain was not life-threatening, it was physical and intense. I relied heavily on painkillers and longed for alternative treatments like acupuncture or Pilates, but these options were not commonly recommended by allopathic medicine. According to neurologist and neuroscientist Dr. Ash Ranpura, chronic pain is an imbalance in the way the nervous system regulates itself, not a mechanical disorder. He suggests a holistic approach that considers alternative treatments and helps the brain change its activation to focus on healing rather than pain.

Desperate for relief, I took matters into my own hands. I focused on reducing inflammation in my tendons through intermittent fasting, turmeric, and a stay at a clinic in Germany. This experience pushed me to take more control of my mental and physical health. I also turned to complementary therapies like acupuncture and somatic therapies, as well as working with a Pilates teacher and chiropractor who provided both physical and emotional support.

Finally, after years of searching, a rheumatology specialist diagnosed me with arthritis in my hips and recommended bilateral hip replacement surgery. I underwent the surgery and have been recovering for five months. Although I was physically strong before the operation, my new hips have improved my quality of life significantly.

Chronic pain is a complex and challenging condition, but taking a holistic approach, exploring alternative treatments, and advocating for oneself can lead to better outcomes.


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The textbook diagnosis for chronic or persistent pain is “lasting more than 12 weeks despite medication or treatment.” It has been my companion for the past three years, along with a plethora of painkillers and a plethora of doctors. Prolonged pain becomes both a physical and mental battle. It exhausts you and makes you angry, clouds your brain, robs you of your sense of humor, scares you, and robs you of a normal life.

I have always been hypermobile. Great when I was young and could exercise regularly and bend inside out. Even less so at 60, when what allowed me so much freedom of movement began to punish me. In recent years I have suffered from back, neck and arthritic joint problems in my hands.

In the early stages, the pain It was occasional and I could get by. A doctor looked at my hands and told me he had postmenopausal osteoarthritis (so many unappealing words, all in one sentence). A pair of black compression gloves became a must-have accessory. Then, about five years ago, I walked out of the bathroom, and when my foot hit the floor, I felt a sharp, stabbing pain in my groin. It was fleeting, but soon it happened all the time. I started having trouble doing things like getting up from a sitting position or getting into bed.

Just under 28 million adults in the UK suffer from chronic pain. I became one of them. It was the little things that bothered me the most: struggling to walk to my favorite swimming cove in Cornwall, or the night I tried to dance at a friend’s birthday and found myself crying in pain.

I called one doctor, then another, then another. He had an almost childlike trust in them. But after two years of no improvement and no diagnosis, I lost faith, especially in those who said, “We’ll get to the bottom of this!” and then he didn’t. Most offered me some kind of painkiller, a gift to pharmaceutical companies, who are certainly in no hurry to make the pain go away.

My story, like so many others in my situation, was, as my neighbor Tim (an orthopedic surgeon) said, “complex.” The doctors continued to speculate. Maybe it was a groin hernia? Maybe it was an internal problem in my uterus? It was neither of the two things.

A consultation and pelvic MRI at an orthopedic clinic revealed that she had severe degenerative tendinopathy in her pelvis and that the best course of action was cortisone injections. They told me they had a 98 percent success rate and that, with exercise, they should fix things. Two days after the injections, it became clear that I had a two percent failure rate. I had sciatica in my right leg and my walking was reduced to shuffling. The pain was at least 50 percent worse. I left messages at the clinic; How could this happen? No response.

I wasn’t suffering from anything that was life-threatening. (I live with someone who has cancer, although it is manageable with medication and he is not in any tangible pain.) But my pain was physical and strong. He was aware of the amount of painkillers he inhaled; I was never short of a large amount of co-codamol.

Neurologist and neuroscientist Dr. Ash Ranpura says chronic pain is “the kind of pain that doctors hate because they don’t like to prescribe a lot of pharmaceuticals. But they don’t know what else to do and pharmaceutical-based healthcare is not associated, as it should be, with alternative treatments such as acupuncture, cranial osteopathy or Pilates.” Ranpura explains that “chronic pain is not a mechanical disorder. “It is an imbalance in the way the nervous system regulates itself.” To explain how chronic pain reaches the brain, he says: “Imagine a field where the grass is the same length. If you cut a strip, people would start walking along it and it would be used a lot. This is what happens with severe pain: a pathway is formed that the brain can use more and more.”

He continues: “While allopathic medicine is excellent for addressing the initial cause of an imbalance, the holistic approach can restore balance. With therapeutic touch, the brain changes its activation. You have to close the door that leads to pain and open to the feeling of healing.” All of these techniques help to “ground” the body.

Where to go and what to try


Ananda Pain Management Program It includes physical therapy, topical Ayurvedic therapies, stress-relieving yogic postures, and an anti-inflammatory dietary approach. Seven, 14 or 21 nights from $740 per night, full board.

Buchinger Wilhelmi Clinic

Chronic pain clinic

The octagon clinic


Cure back pain by John E. Sarno

Eastern body, Western mind: psychology and the chakra system as a path to oneself by Anodea Judith

Breathing: the new science of a lost art by James Nestor

Mindfulness Meditation for Pain Relief by Jon Kabat-Zinn


Dreem Distillery CBD Night Drops, £160 for 30ml, and The Z’s CBD Bath Salts, £80 for 400g

My primary care physician, Dr. Carolyn Barshall, says she often suggests acupuncture for chronic pain and has been interested in complementary therapies for a long time. “Some orthopedic doctors only examine the joint in question and tend not to pay attention to the emotional or psychological impact,” she says. In addition to a prescription, “ideally, the patient needs more guidance; In Chinese or holistic practice the whole body is looked at. I think it’s something that [western doctors] “We have to think more.”

As my situation became more desperate, I decided to take more responsibility for my own situation. First, I did everything I could to reduce the inflammation in my tendons. I started intermittent fasting. I took turmeric. I spent 10 days in Buchinger Wilhelmi clinic in Germany, which was the push I needed to take more control mentally and physically. I walked, I stretched, I fasted and I meditated. When I left, I was still in pain, but I was on a different path.

At home, I replaced pain relievers with Dreem Distillery CBD Drops before going to sleep, which relaxed me. listen Jon Kabat-Zinn Mindfulness Meditation for Pain Relief and used classic deep yoga and regulated breathing (Pranayama) techniques to calm myself during pain-related insomnia. I looked into “somatic” therapies (created by Thomas Hanna in the 1970s), a way to use body movement as a means to improve physical and mental health. I began working intensively with a Pilates teacher, Polly Benge, and chiropractor Steve Hughes, who work at The octagon clinic in Hammersmith, west London. Benge, a former dancer, teaches mindful exercises with attention to breathing, alignment and control. She would put her hands on me as she guided me through the limited things she could do and handed me a tissue when she cried in frustration over the things she couldn’t do.

They worked on “everything” on me like I was an old car that needed restoration. Hughes assured me that he was actually suffering from chronic pain, because at times it seemed so unreal that it was hard not to wonder if he was making it all up. He spent months trying to free my frozen pelvis and relieve the related pain in my back and neck. At the end of a session, he would hug me. One night, Benge texted me: “We’ve got your back, literally.” I felt supported. Now I can see that what they were doing was helping me work on both my mental and physical health. For them and for me it is clear that the two are one.

Finally, another doctor, this time a rheumatology specialist, wearing the requisite pinstripe suit in an overheated office on Harley Street, looked at me and said, “Well, of course you have arthritis in your hips!” An x-ray later confirmed it. “Wow!” said Tim the neighbor when I showed him the scan. “You have really horrible hips.”

It’s been five months since I had a bilateral hip replacement. (My orthopedic surgeon took one look at the x-ray of the “shitty hips” and told me in no uncertain terms that they both needed to come out.) I was very strong before the operation, I worked with weights so that my upper body could support it. the crutches I was forced to use. Little by little I have found my way back to myself.

I still have pain, but they are secondary things: the ligaments are still tender, my pelvis is trying to return to its normal position after having twisted to compensate for my hips. But I take anti-inflammatory pills as little as possible and visit my chiropractor regularly; he told me I get a gold star for a good recovery. I still do Pilates and exercise, I have acupuncture and I can go for walks. These are all things that seem normal, but to me they have been far from normal for the past few years. None of this has been cheap. I pay £80 for a Pilates session and £65 for cranial osteopathy. It has been worth every penny as I slowly rejoin the real world.

Chronic pain is exhausting, destabilizing and debilitating. But now I have a relationship with it, I understand it and I try to help it. I also know how to change the channel in my brain from fear to control. There is a lot we can do to help us change the narrative of pain, small economic things (breathing, meditation, visualization) that float, like the pain itself, between the mental and the physical. I feel for the first time in over three years that I can see a possible ending. But I’ve learned a lot about myself and my own strength along the way.

I recently went to a wedding and while enjoying the music under the trees, I realized I was dancing, something I hadn’t been able to do in years. Once again I cried on the dance floor, but this time I had a smile on my face.
