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The Indian Quandary: Unraveling the Puzzle for the United States and its Allies

The Unsettling Allegations Surrounding India and the Need for Western Action


In recent years, India has been seen as a key player in the global market and an important counterweight to China. World leaders, from Washington to London, have hailed Narendra Modi’s India as an essential partner. However, allegations that India may have sponsored the assassination of a Sikh leader on Canadian soil have raised serious concerns that cannot be ignored. This article delves into the unsettling allegations and explores the dilemma faced by Western governments in responding to them.

The Unfolding Accusations

The allegations first came to light when Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stated that Canadian intelligence had “credible allegations” of Indian involvement in the murder of a Sikh separatist in Vancouver. India has dismissed these allegations as “absurd,” but subsequent reports revealed that US President Joe Biden and other Western leaders privately raised concerns about the claims during the recent G20 summit. The implications of these allegations, if confirmed, go beyond bilateral relations and highlight the moral danger of downplaying questions about Modi’s record.

Questioning Modi’s Record

Narendra Modi, the current Prime Minister of India, has faced scrutiny for alleged violations of religious freedom during his tenure as the chief minister of Gujarat. For nearly a decade, he was barred from obtaining a US visa due to these serious allegations. However, since taking office, Modi has received increasing acceptance and warm receptions around the world. While Western misgivings have been kept under wraps, this article highlights the need to address concerns rather than turn a blind eye to them.

The Temptation to Limit Response

It may be tempting for Western diplomats to limit their response to general statements of concern and maintain a viable relationship with the Modi government. Drawing a parallel with the cycle of relations with Saudi Arabia following the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, some argue that a slight cooling in official language can eventually lead to a resumption of normal service. However, this approach ignores the need to uphold values and prevent India from acting with impunity. It also risks reinforcing the perception of Western hypocrisy.

The Geopolitical Context

The geopolitical context surrounding India, particularly in relation to China, adds complexity to the equation. India is seen as a vital Asian ally, and Western governments are cautious not to jeopardize this partnership. However, if it is confirmed that the Indian government was involved in the murder, ignoring the incident will only encourage New Delhi to continue its actions without consequences. This article emphasizes the importance of prioritizing values over geopolitical interests.

Foreign Policy and Values

Foreign policy can be a complicated business, but sometimes values must take priority. This is one such case. The article argues that due legal process must take its course, and Canada should transparently publish all the evidence it has to support its accusations. By doing so, Western democracies will have the necessary foundation to decide how to proceed and demonstrate their commitment to upholding justice, even in challenging geopolitical environments.

Additional Piece: Understanding the Complexities of India’s Role in Global Politics

While the allegations surrounding India may be unsettling, it is essential to grasp the complexities of India’s role in global politics. Here are some unique insights and perspectives to expand your understanding of the subject matter:

1. Balancing China

India’s emergence as a counterweight to China stems from its growing economic prowess and strategic location in Asia. As the world’s largest democracy and a rapidly developing market, India is viewed as a crucial partner in addressing China’s expanding influence. Western governments recognize this balancing act and seek to strengthen ties with India to maintain stability in the region.

2. Religious and Ethnic Tensions

The tensions surrounding Sikh separatists and their alleged links to India reveal deep-rooted religious and ethnic divisions within the country. India’s historical, cultural, and religious diversity presents unique challenges that Western governments must navigate carefully. Striking a balance between supporting human rights and preserving diplomatic relationships is a delicate task.

3. Upholding Democratic Values

Western democracies often face the dilemma of engaging with governments that have questionable human rights records. Balancing diplomatic interests and the promotion of democratic values is a constant struggle. The case of India poses difficult questions about how far Western governments are willing to compromise their principles in pursuit of geopolitical objectives.

4. Broader Implications

The response to the allegations surrounding India will have broader implications for global politics. It will not only determine Western governments’ commitment to justice and accountability but also shape the perception of their stance on human rights violations. Non-Western nations, particularly developing countries, closely observe how the West handles such delicate situations, which can influence their relations and alignments.

5. The Power of Public Opinion

Public opinion plays a vital role in shaping foreign policy decisions. Western governments must consider the expectations and concerns of their citizens when formulating their response to the allegations against India. Increased public awareness and scrutiny of international affairs make it incumbent upon governments to uphold transparency and address human rights concerns.


The allegations surrounding India’s possible involvement in the assassination of a Sikh leader on Canadian soil have raised significant concerns within Western governments. While India is viewed as a crucial partner in balancing China and ensuring stability in the region, it is essential not to ignore questions regarding human rights violations. Western democracies must prioritize values over geopolitical interests and uphold justice by ensuring due legal process is pursued. The response to these allegations will have broader implications for global politics and shape the perception of Western governments’ commitment to human rights. By addressing these challenges transparently, Western democracies can demonstrate their dedication to upholding democratic values and accountability.


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No Western government wants a clash with India. The country is seen as the market of the future and an essential counterweight to China. From Washington to Canberra and Tokyo to London, Narendra Modi’s India is hailed as an important partner. But allegations that India may have sponsored the assassination of a Sikh leader on Canadian soil should not be swept under the rug.

The first thing to establish is what happened. Only then should appropriate action be considered. Indian accusations that Canada and the United Kingdom have been too soft on Sikh separatists also deserve a hearing as part of this process.

The dilemma has come to the fore since last Monday, when Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Canadian intelligence had “credible allegations” that indian agents They were involved in the murder of a Sikh separatist in Vancouver in June. India has dismissed the allegations as “absurd.” Has later it emerged that US President Joe Biden and other Western leaders privately raised concerns about these claims to Modi, India’s prime minister, at this month’s G20 summit. If the accusations are confirmed, they will underline the price, if not moral danger of the approach of the United States and its allies in recent years in downplaying questions about Modi’s record.

For nearly a decade, the Hindu nationalist leader was barred from obtaining a US visa for “serious violations of religious freedom,” a reference to his alleged failure to stop communal violence when he was chief minister of Gujarat. But since he took office nine years ago he has received an increasingly warm welcome; Earlier this year he had red carpet receptions in Paris and Washington. Modi is seen as a vital Asian ally at a time when Washington and Beijing are estranged. In recent years, any Western misgivings have been kept under wraps. But, as a wise Western politician has observed, if you turn a blind eye to something, you are setting yourself up for a nasty surprise.

It will be tempting for Western diplomats to argue that the best approach will be to limit their response to general statements of concern. Their argument will be that a viable relationship with the Modi government is of utmost importance and that even if India’s complicity in the June assassination is confirmed, after about a year of a slight cooling in official language (ideally without visits in no direction) normal service can resume.

Supporters of this position will cite as an analogy the cycle of the relationship with Saudi Arabia after the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi agents in Istanbul in 2018. The details of Khashoggi’s murder in the Saudi consulate were so clear and graphic that Washington was obliged to speak out and distance itself from its former ally Riyadh. This phase did not last long. Saudi Arabia is now being assiduously courted by Western governments and investors almost as if nothing had happened.

This is an understandable argument given the geopolitical context. But if it is true that the Indian government was involved in the murder, then for the West to pretend that nothing has happened will only encourage New Delhi to think it can act with impunity. It will also reinforce Beijing and Moscow’s argument that the West is completely hypocritical, a belief that has underpinned the indifference of much of the developing world to Western calls for support for Ukraine.

Foreign policy can be a complicated business. But sometimes values ​​have to take priority. This is such a case. Due legal process must take its course. Canada should publish all the evidence it has to support its accusations and resist arguments from those who might suggest it would be better to keep it in the shadows. It will then be up to Western democracies to decide how to proceed.
