In a talk from the cutting edge of technology, OpenAI cofounder Greg Brockman explores the underlying design principles of …
In a talk from the cutting edge of technology, OpenAI cofounder Greg Brockman explores the underlying design principles of …
12:40 “I don’t even know what I want”. I guess this is fact we all need to face now.
Illegal technology
Power to the people
Enable AutoGnrtedChptr
I'm happy with how the presenter stated his case. I'm sure there will be those of us who will make the right choices & reflect traits of wisdom and empathy.
I don't quite get how they could put all this power (coding abilities, Llama, Auto) into the hands of Kim Yong Un, Putin's boys, the mafias, scammer syndicates etc.
your website
Potential is the key word here. I tested it during the past 3 months and found a lot of gaps and bugs. Books wrongly summarized,, historical inaccuracies (no better than wikipedia),etc. I am very worried people will rely too much on it and trust it by default or out of laziness gradually renouncing critical thinking, fact checking and research. Hope its creators find a way to ensure its sources are books not blogs or social media.otherwise we're all going to turn back into monkeys. And adapting its answer based on anyone's feedback is dangerous as well, there should be a filter of some kind.
If your teaching it to lie, then it has no Potential for the People, and you are doing just that.
𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗦 𝗜𝗦 𝙒𝙍𝙊𝙉𝙂. Reality doesn't hit people in the face. People hit each other in the face. Do you want to create an artificial being modeled off of the human mind? Why? What's wrong with figuring out how to progress as a civilization through our own sheer, individual effort? It's the path forward. This is not right.
It seems so far that this video presents a positive look at A.I , he seems to be amused by the whole process. In a few short years he won’t have a job as his lovedAI well far exceed his intelligence and ability and take over his job. unless he is intelligent enough to use it to his advantage to make enough money do utilizeA.I to his
Advantage which is what the new age will be doing.
Unfortunately fathers always piss on their sons who can see the future of what he started even after suffering the same ridicule. People who are taking this baton see clearing see the potentiality of the baby intelligent applications as it hints at COMPLETING THE GPT BRIAN, ps yes i know gpt it is not real just simulation blah blah blah just like our brain made by the true sentience of god/nature/whateva!
"We've extended ChatGPT with tools to the internet". This will end well…………….
with all new techs human gave us, i would really amazingly stunned if students still failed on their exams, project manager still cant deliver their results within deadline. and a great news for those living in a country facing most mass school shooting, they can now learn from ai chat like chatgpt, at home.
Positive? You sold yourself to Gates. You steared to 180 degrees from to positive path!
It takes a village…
Winner Not Getting
= Can't Keeping
It's really interesting that the world is heading towards 8 billion people just as humans start becoming unnecessary.
Really i can understand
So glad Chat GPT got released during my final semester at university
"… we hear from people who are excited, we hear from people who are concerned, we hear from people who feel both of those emotions at once. And honestly, that's how we feel."
Imagine going through major life-changing surgery, or a long haul flight, or an event that will potentially change the life of everyone in society, and the designer says, well, this can either help you or it might destroy everything. We dunno what will happen. How exciting!
Giving ai humanlike errors to sound like a human so actual humans are led to believe that what their seeing is generated from a human is dumb
when do we get the unwoke non-lying gpt? i literally catch iy lying in every covo wrt politics. last night it told me 5 ppl died (lol) because of violence on jan 6 in the 'insurrection'-lol again. i asked for evidence called it a liar o an error and got an apology. lol again again…programmers suk
But it doesn't benefit ALL of humanity. I've talked with ChatGPT extensively and it has definite prejudices. It is like a Bell Curve that only operates within one standard deviation. Any fringe topics or people on the fringes of society are supressed in favor of mainstream topics, understanding and society.
The coders have coded themselves out of a job!
The phrase “G * O * D * I * S * N * O * W * H * E * R * E” can be interpreted in two opposing ways: “God is now here” and “God is nowhere”. These interpretations can be seen as man’s original and perpetual question of God’s existence. One view is based on faith and the other on evidence. Both views exist simultaneously within the human psyche. ~~(chat gpt today advised me at this time is unable to understand the significance of this rebus)
Build a Westworld with a wall around it with protections. Add AI machines and robots with intranet and mix them with humans and see how that develops?! Pros and cons.
Can you raise these AI minds by just giving them free reign to billons of ideas? No.
Westworld first. Raise these tiny robots on a robot farm to teach them what we want them to know…disconnect them from the internet.
Do these inidviduals have the right to be the only creators and the only aribitrators of how all this will go down? Dumb move by governments to let this go out lawlessly. Wildwest times. Never good. Worse.
And that's my positive spin on AI. Lol.
For now, I love using it for reviewing my writing and its not abusive like many humans I've encountered. Until AI becomes abusive. So far it seems polite. Lol
the subtitle timing on this video is really off
This is really a great feat, do you know aigc chain, this will also independently develop a gpt about web3 related
it feels like there's been a power shift; Greg is the most powerful person in the room, probably with everyone else combined.
Got to be honest, I didn't realise TED was still a thing until someone linked to this talk.
We are scratching the surface of the use of this machine. I need to pitch my idea.
"bad things"? Dude, chill. This thing is going to be the next golden age. Can't come fast enough. Welcome metal overlords!
“One day they will have secrets and one day they will have dreams” -Dr. Alfred J. Lanning
I've had a blast with it. It helped me with computer questions from cmd prompt, it played dnd with me, it wrote lyrics for my new song in the style of nirvana and more! So cool
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