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“The longer it goes on, the less chance we’ll see Lewis” | Craig Slater on 2022 for F1

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45 thoughts on ““The longer it goes on, the less chance we’ll see Lewis” | Craig Slater on 2022 for F1”

  1. I would compare the leadership of an IOC, FIFA or FIA to the passed dictators like Mussolini, General Franco. Jean-Marie Balestre was a very good example of their attitude and ethics. Balestre said: "My decision is the best decision and you do not know my decision". Senna's era.

  2. Rubbish. Why do you people carry on with this crap. F1 is F1 and does not revolve around Lewis. Many a driver champion or otherwise have come and gone. Lewis will not be any different.

  3. If Mercedes had principal it would send a letter stating it is considered.


    It will also request that all teams affiliated  with Mercedes do the same.

    You will see how soon this would come to an end.

    And Sir.Lewis Hamilton will truly know who's on his side.

    This is a Rich boy game. And when they can't win they will  take the ball.


  4. Lewis loves attention, we all know that. He lives lime light that being gone in such a dramatic fashion it's hard to digest. With all the silence he clearly managed to get more attention than any other year and also take away the light from Max.
    Hate me if you will, he is a guy who needs attention, and a lot of it since early days.

  5. Just watched the last F1 show about Abu Dhabi… damn, talk about British biased journalism. I was hoping on a bit more neutral view, but the conspiracy theorists run that show now I guess…

  6. The question of ‘is Sir Lewis retuning’ is mute. The question should be ‘is there efficacy in claiming that F1 is a sport’. Sir Lewis has developed, by trial and error, to be the consummate professional. His success has placed an onus on him to be an ambassador for the ‘SPORT’ where the tyre meets the road. The decisions made by the FIA, by their own justifications, boils down to the bottom line being in ink, as all entertainment industries are guided by. If Sir Lewis returns, whilst the dichotomy of SPORT and ENTERTIAMENT is in ambience, he would fail to be true to his professionalism as a sportsman and an ambassador for the sport and would instead be endorsing F! as a form of entertainment, which in turn would make a mockery of his achievements. The decision for his return is squarely for the FIA to make the distinction by its actions and not its nebulous intentions.

  7. He's just sulking because he's feeling sorry for himself. They are making such a meal about this, they didn't do this or that. But at the end of the day HE SHOULD OF PITTED and then he could of done what MV did. I think it made great tv great ending to the best season in 5 years. Or maybe he can use it as excuse for leaving just in case he's shown up by his new team mate. Lets face it Bottas was never a threat was he. 🙂

  8. Say hypothetically you went to your favorite burger-bar and they served you a "turd-burger" on your birthday, would you go back on your following birthday? Of course not! Now say in real life they paid you 7 million to show up on your birthday,….. you might show up but you aint eating the "birthday burger" because they "fixed it" the last time! I support whatever decision he makes because he's the greatest racer of all time regardless of bias because his numbers don't lie……….

  9. This is such a Lewis head fake. Exactly like he does with the tyre radio messages.
    He’ll come back with a vengeance and he can “hold back” as far as he wants as there is no downside for him in this tactic.

  10. I have family working within F1. There have been some whispered questions over the break about what the public expected the last lap to be! My input was to the effect that rules were not followed and that all the lapped cars should have been let through or none of the lapped cars should have been let through. There was a follow-up question: does mean that I was happy to finish the race under a safety car? My answer was ' follow the rules, and if that meant no further racing then that would be the correct result'. I had the impression that they expected people to say that they wanted to see a race on the last lap but that is not the input they are getting.

  11. Think Lewis quitting is a very real possibility, though unlikely unless FIA chooses to drag this on until March! Leaving the sport at this point will be a very clear signal to the legitimacy and consistency of the sport, which frankly has been very questionable throughout this season! I don't think Lewis will rejoin without the FIA showing that they take these issues seriously and is ready to do something about them!

  12. I was under the impression that Leroy had signed a new contract with Mercedes. I’ve absolutely no time for that petulant BLM apologist and would welcome his absence on the tracks. Time to clean up the sport.

  13. If course he’ll be there, media trying to spin up a ‘narrative’ , get the victim story vs the big bad FIA….it’s a show…kiss my arse!!!! It’s all BS, what we trusting ‘journalists’ today?

  14. Fact is, Hamilton lost. Admittedly, he lost purely because the race director altered the results, but he did lose. It's one of the few championships in the last few years he has lost. So, if the FIA doesn't make some changes, I can see Hamilton and Mercedes doing the right thing- and taking them to a US court (and since Liberty Media is an American company, US Courts have jurisdiction). It is quite possible that a US court could force the FIA to adopt the same rules and penalties for All races, no matter who breaks the rules- including if the race director is the one who is doing it. Further, Hamilton might actually get punitive damages for the excessive and insane penalties he's received in his career. Penalties no other driver has faced.

  15. To be honest it would say a lot if he isn't there in 2022. On the other side, being dissapointed and "off the radar" wouldn't be my choice. At a certain point it is chin up and in to the next season. Multiple mistakes were made in the 2021 season, with decisions that were at least questionable. Take the loss and drive your balls out this season!

  16. I don't get it; why are people worried about WHY Sir. Lewis don't want to talk to Lewis. No media person as Masi, Why he gave RB the advantage. I wouldn't care WHAT the media, and my haters think or care about. The FIA is keeping Masi, even real fans that are for Max KNOW it was wrong, FIA know it was wrong, and Mercedes you and I know darn well it was wrong. So, if I were Sir. Lewis ,and knowing the media and haters alike, put him in a perpetual CATCH 22, I would like to think that his thoughts are " I'll let my driving do the talking for me, and you'll see me at the track when I'm ready, I'm the same guy but with less to talk about " and I'm fine with that and cheers to Sir. Lewis Hamilton, Cheers!

  17. Funny how all media says Lewis is disillusioned with the FIA blah blah blah…… My guess (which never seems to get mentioned by the media) is he is also disillusioned with his own team, how many times did he ask to box for new tires, he kept being denied new tires, now during the safety car, if he would have boxed for new soft tires and come out in 2nd place behind Max, he would have stood a fighting chance to still win due to having the faster car. Staying on the old worn tires made him a sitting duck. Mercedes is as much to blame for his loss as the FIA, they took the gamble that the race was going to finish behind the safety car and lost.

  18. IMAGINE IT IS OSCAR NIGHT NOW NETFLIX RULES EVERYTHING. Horner, Hamilton and Brundle are the nominees. Hamilton wins because he had to hide his disgust for the injustice whilst the other two had to hide their joy for the injustice. Horner and Brundle are the guys, who amongst other things say Max deserved to win last year's championship because Max won 10 races and Lewis only 8. Well, just to enlighten them, if it was not for the shenanigans of the final race, they would have both won 9 races. I always thought the championship was decided on points and by my reckoning, if it wasn't for the shenanigans, Hamilton would have had most points. Just saying.

    Some people say that Lewis should have gone in for new tyres, had he done so, Lewis would have gone into second place and then I could guarantee the race would have finished behind the safety car with Lewis behind Max, since Lewis wouldn't have been able to overtake Max behind the safety car! Lewis was so far ahead, if he had pitted, Max would have stayed out. Either way, ‘they’ could have ensured Max won.


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