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Rafael Cezar June 29, 2023 at 8:36 pm Ele ja tava quase parado e jogou a moto daquele jeito, podia ter acontecido um acidente com a moto voltando pra pista
Vicente Avellan Avellan Pujalte June 30, 2023 at 11:15 am A este piloto tienen que quitarle el carnet de piloto.por dejar la moto con posibilidad de que entre en pista y poner en peligro a los demás pilotos.
Manasvi Sharma July 4, 2023 at 7:13 pm He sent fireball on track 😂.. He could send it to the right side of track..
Pedro Tuono July 8, 2023 at 3:21 pm instead of taking the motorcycle to the grass, the donkey pushed it to the track.
Ildemar Marin July 9, 2023 at 10:01 am Rolitronco de loco no pudo paralce bien soltó la moto y pudo ocasionar un accidente catratrofico no tiene nada de un piloto
Nelson Alves July 9, 2023 at 1:54 pm Como se o fogo estivesse queimando o pezinho da moça. .. esse aí nunca vai ser campeão.
ThisisBen July 10, 2023 at 9:31 pm why would you let it roll towards the track. ride it into the gravel trap. what he did was stupidity
Abderrazak July 11, 2023 at 1:48 pm Dumbest professional driver I've ever seen. He survives himself and destroys the others by pushing the bike back onto the race track
Onaldo Rodrigues, churrasqueiro July 13, 2023 at 12:58 am Será que não tinha freio , pulou poderia até se machucar sério
just thinkin' July 19, 2023 at 8:41 am They should place a FIRE EXTINGUISHING POND off the track. So the drivers can drive into it and it'll save their lives
hans hoogendyk July 23, 2023 at 11:43 am The unprofessional overpaid rider could have quite easily have steered it into the gravel trap, but no let's just let it career back onto the track
cddd drrr July 23, 2023 at 1:21 pm I common sense. At least steer the bike into the gravel trap instead of sending it back towards the track smh
Ele ja tava quase parado e jogou a moto daquele jeito, podia ter acontecido um acidente com a moto voltando pra pista
A este piloto tienen que quitarle el carnet de piloto.por dejar la moto con posibilidad de que entre en pista y poner en peligro a los demás pilotos.
Fortune favours as he has a glimpse on the flames
At le get off the track
Во дятел а заглушить нельзя было, пусть горит в сторонке!
The Knight Rider
He sent fireball on track 😂.. He could send it to the right side of track..
What an idiot he could have easily parked up off the track
Dios los cuide hatodos los pilotos❤
Агнитушитель с собой на спину цеплять надо!
Идиотски поступил
Is this a chariot of fite
instead of taking the motorcycle to the grass, the donkey pushed it to the track.
Rolitronco de loco no pudo paralce bien soltó la moto y pudo ocasionar un accidente catratrofico no tiene nada de un piloto
Como se o fogo estivesse queimando o pezinho da moça. .. esse aí nunca vai ser campeão
Fez o que pode
why would you let it roll towards the track. ride it into the gravel trap. what he did was stupidity
Вот ищак, зачем огонь скинул на трассу, ни себе ни людям!!!
thoughtless rider.. could have taken it to left…
Dumbest professional driver I've ever seen. He survives himself and destroys the others by pushing the bike back onto the race track
Steer back onto the track…brilliant.
Hora difícil! 🤔
Será que não tinha freio , pulou poderia até se machucar sério
why dumped it into the track? tf?
كان من الأجدر أن يتركها تذهب إلى جهة اليمين عكس اليسار
They should place a FIRE EXTINGUISHING POND off the track. So the drivers can drive into it and it'll save their lives
The unprofessional overpaid rider could have quite easily have steered it into the gravel trap, but no let's just let it career back onto the track
I common sense. At least steer the bike into the gravel trap instead of sending it back towards the track smh
Есаул, есаул что ж ты бросил коня..😂
MashaAllah SubhanAllah GREATEST SAVE
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