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The Most Positive Astrological Shift Of 2023

Attention, astrophiles: The most positive astrological transit of 2023 is (finally!) here, and it will help every zodiac sign thrive over the next year. On May 16, Jupiter enters the part of the sky ruled by Taurus, where it will remain until May 25, 2024. ICYDK, this cosmic combo last occurred in 2011 and 2012, a time in which all signs experienced good luck and abundance—collectively and personally.

By far the biggest planet (eleven times bigger than Earth, in fact), Jupiter’s astrological meaning derives from its unique place in the solar system. Jupiter’s gravity is so massive that it attracts all kinds of celestial debris, saving ours and other planets from collision. Interestingly, since the dawn of time, multiple ancient cultures around the world have always venerated Jupiter as their “Great Protector.”

Jupiter in Astrology

Seen as the supreme deity of the Roman pantheon, Jupiter is the equivalent of the Greek god Zeus. Originally known as the “god of the sky and thunder,” Jupiter eventually rose to become “the king of all gods,” having the last word whenever there wasn’t consensus amongst the other dieties.

In astrology, Jupiter is the “Cosmic Expander” and the planet of “protection, abundance, and higher learning.” Being the antithesis to Saturn, who contracts and brings tough lessons, Jupiter’s influence is jovial, as its job is to magnify everything it touches. And while the planet is linked to optimism and an innate joie de vivre, Jupiter’s serious side lies in its search for deeper meaning.

Jupiter is the planet to turn to when you’re undergoing a lack of faith, as it inspires you to believe in the future and all its possibilities. At a collective level, Jupiter represents philosophy, spirituality, wisdom, world travel, and knowledge. On a personal level (within your own birth chart), Jupiter represents your world views, spiritual inclinations, and ability to attract luck and wealth.

Jupiter in Taurus Meaning

For the past year or so, Jupiter has been traveling in the sign of Aries, from May 10 to October 28, 2022, and then from December 20, 2022 to May 16, 2023. During this second part of its journey in Aries, Jupiter was magnifying another planetary body, Centaur Chiron, known as the Wounded Healer. For many years now, Chiron has been exposing every zodiac sign’s need to heal deep identity issues, as well as the ways in which those affect our relationships. With this combination at play, 2023 hasn’t been easy.

But when Jupiter moves into Taurus on May 16, that will feel like a world—or even a galaxy—of difference. Taurus is ruled by Venus, known as the goddess of pleasure. Like Jupiter, Venus is mostly a positive planet that instigates love, self-care, and connection. Over the next year, Jupiter will grow your ability to attract more of that good stuff.

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Jupiter in Taurus Collective Meaning

Besides being all about connection, Taurus is also about absorbing life through the five senses. Expect everyone to ditch that constant sense of urgency as “stopping to smell the roses” feels more natural. We will embrace a slower pace of life, and in return, realize that when we take care of ourselves and our bodies, it’s easier to attract our heart’s desires.

Out of all zodiac signs, Taurus is the one most related to money, finances, and material possessions. Jupiter occupying this sign for the next year could translate into the financial market experiencing positive turns. Especially in the Spring of 2024, Jupiter’s once-every-twelve-years meet-up with the planet Uranus, which is also in Taurus, could translate into pay raises, a buyer’s real estate market, and large gains. If there ever was a “being in the right place at the right time,” this would be it!

Jupiter in Taurus Personal Meaning

While Jupiter in Taurus will be beneficial for every single zodiac sign, those who were born with this planet-sign combination in their birth charts are due for an ultra-sweet time in their lives. If you were born in between any of the dates below, you will have your Jupiter return, which means the next twelve months could make for one of your best years yet!

  • May 16, 1940—May 25, 1941
  • April 28, 1952—May 8, 1953
  • April 12, 1964—April 21, 1965
  • March 26, 1976—August 22, 1976
  • October 16, 1976—April 2, 1977
  • March 8, 1988—July 20, 1988
  • November 30, 1988—March 9, 1989
  • June 28, 1999—October 22, 1999
  • February 14, 2000—June 29, 2000
  • June 4, 2011—June 10, 2012

You will also benefit greatly if your Sun, Moon, Venus, or Rising sign is in Taurus. That said, everyone can harness the power of Jupiter in Taurus by adopting a “slow and steady” approach to achieving their goals. Showing up every single day will make you a master of your craft under these vibrations.

The only risk you run during Jupiter in Taurus is having too much of a good thing, as this is a combination that loves a good time. After all, Jupiter’s favorite mantra is “go big or go home!”

Watch this to learn more about Taurus zodiac signs:

preview for 6 Things You Should Know About Tauruses

Curious how Jupiter in Taurus will impact your specific zodiac sign? Ahead, read your horoscope for your Sun sign, as well as your Rising sign:

Jupiter in Taurus Horoscopes


Jupiter will expand your earning power, Aries. Over the next year, you could receive a significant raise due to a promotion or a job well done. If you work for yourself, you will feel a new sense of confidence in the value of your services or products, which will reflect in higher prices as well as your ability to attract more clients. You could also be spending more, however, so be sure to save some of your stacks, too.


What happened to you back in 2011 and 2012, Taurus? Those were most likely awesome years, and you’re about to relive the same expansion you did then! Many areas of your life—relationships, career, and personality—will feel more flow as you find support from others and all kinds of doors open for you. This is a favorable time, so swing for the fences and take risks that you would normally avoid. Just keep an eye on how much you indulge over the year ahead—you don’t want to overindulge.


It’s time to channel your inner guru, Gemini. Jupiter will have you craving more time alone as your desire to retreat and embrace spirituality deepens. Meditation, dreamwork, and intuition development will not only become more attractive to you, but you will also find more success in these areas of life, too. Doing the inner growth work now will prepare you for a major period of expansion in 2024 and 2025!


You’re not exactly the social butterfly of the zodiac, Cancer. But as you’re about to see over the next twelve months, you will attract luck when socializing with kindred spirits who share some of your similar interests and life goals. Since joining clubs and organizations is how you grow this year, Jupiter will expand your desire to connect in the spirit of community and maybe even push some of those associations to do some needed reforms.


Even if you’re not one of those Leos who loves the spotlight, you will most likely love what Jupiter in Taurus has in store for you. You will come across professional growth, success, a higher level of productivity, as well as a better relationship with your bosses and colleagues. The more you’re willing to be in the limelight, the better feedback from the audience you will receive—so it’s time to strut your stuff!


Get ready for a philosophical upgrade, Virgo. Over the next year, you will feel optimistic about life as Jupiter adds a colorful filter to your eyes. Your desire to find new vistas, see new colors, and taste new flavors will drive you to focus on mind-expanding activities. You might enroll in a course, travel overseas, or decide to deepen a spiritual practice. Allow your creative juices to flow and think big!


You’re entering your inner witch era, Libra. The non-tangible side of life will have a strong pull on you, and you will grow enormously when focusing on all things mystical and magical. Astrology, Tarot, Akashic Records, and other practices will guide you in attuning to your inner compass, as well as bring healing and a deeper sense of intimacy into your life.


You will receive Jupiter’s golden touch in the realm of relationships, Scorpio. An easier flow and connection will occur between you and romantic or business partners, coaches, financial counselors, basically anyone you deal with one-on-one. Some single Scorpios could find their perfect match, get proposed to, or take a relationship to the next level this year. And if a connection ends now, take it as a blessing in disguise—it wasn’t in your best interest, trust.


Lucky you, Sagittarius! Jupiter is your planet, and it will help you build something meaningful, stay committed to your goals, and even improve your health and wellness throughout the year ahead. You will find it easier to have a healthy work/life balance and stick to the daily routines that work for you—if you dare to ditch the ones that are wasting your time. Over the next year, you may even get a new job or significantly improve your current position. Basically, the sky’s the limit, so shoot for the moon, dear Archer.


Feel your innate sense of urgency drop, Capricorn. Jupiter arrives in Taurus to see you enjoy life’s many pleasures, inviting you to embrace more romance, creativity, fun, and joy! Your imagination will expand, boosting your desire to express yourself, and maybe even take up a new hobby. Some single Capricorns could be coupled up by the end of this transit, while those who have children will get close to them, and those desiring to be parents could experience pregnancy or childbirth.


Your home life will receive many blessings over the year ahead, Aquarius, assisting you in creating a strong foundation for yourself. Pure, domestic bliss will be available to you in the form of a closer connection to your tribe, a new home, a newborn baby, a new pet, and even financial security. If you’ve had long-standing issues with a family member, a miraculous type of healing could take place now as Jupiter instigates more connection.


Grab that microphone, Pisces! With its positive vibes, Jupiter will have you feeling enthusiastic about expressing what’s in your heart. Since communication is your vehicle for making your dreams come true now, this is an opportune time to write that book, launch that podcast, and even go back to school to upgrade your skill set. Embrace mental stimulation but also physical mobility, as taking a stroll in your neighborhood or a weekend trip could spark a brilliant new idea.

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Narayana Montúfar is an astrologer, artist, and writer who finds inspiration in the symbolic language of astrology. She is the author of Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power. Narayana currently serves as the Senior Astrologer of &, and her work has been featured in numerous lifestyle publications including Vogue, Teen Vogue, Refinery29, InStyle, Brit+Co, Bustle, PopSugar, Cosmpolitan, Romper, and more. She was also featured as one of’s Authority Magazine 2020’s Strong Female Leaders, Destig Magazine’s Top Artists to Collect in 2020, and one of Vogue’s 13 Astrologers to Follow in 2021.


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