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The ONE ChatGPT prompt to rule them all!

In this video I explain the last ChatGPT prompt you will ever need. This is the prompt that’s been a key to a lot of my success on …


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41 thoughts on “The ONE ChatGPT prompt to rule them all!”

  1. Here's the prompt itself: "What are the absolute coolest, most mind-blowing, out of the box, ChatGPT prompts that will really show off the power of ChatGPT? Give me 10."

    Watch the video to see how I add more context for specific use-cases.

  2. Thank you for sharing very insightful information.

    Rewritten Prompt :

    What are the most awe-inspiring, groundbreaking, and innovative ChatGPT prompts that will truly exhibit the remarkable capabilities of this AI model? Focus the prompt around virtual reality and blockchain


    Virtual reality and blockchain: Transforming the digital landscape – Analyze the potential synergy between these two groundbreaking technologies and how they will revolutionize industries and society as a whole."
    "The future of decentralized metaverse: Explore how the integration of virtual reality and blockchain will create an immersive, secure, and decentralized digital universe for users across the globe."
    "Empowering creators with virtual reality and blockchain: Discuss how the convergence of these technologies can democratize content creation, distribution, and monetization, leading to a new era of digital ownership and innovation."
    "Ethical implications of a blockchain-powered virtual reality: Debate the moral, ethical, and privacy considerations surrounding the use of these technologies in a fully immersive digital world."
    "Revolutionizing education and training through virtual reality and blockchain: Describe the potential applications of these technologies in creating immersive, secure, and personalized learning experiences for students and professionals alike."
    "The future of gaming and entertainment: Analyze the impact of virtual reality and blockchain on the gaming and entertainment industries, and envision the next-generation experiences they could create."
    "Virtual reality and blockchain in healthcare: Explore the transformative potential of these technologies in revolutionizing healthcare services, from remote diagnostics to secure data sharing and personalized treatment plans."
    "Decentralized finance (DeFi) meets virtual reality: Discuss the implications of combining blockchain-based financial solutions with immersive virtual environments, and how this can shape the future of finance."
    "Building a sustainable virtual reality ecosystem with blockchain: Explain how blockchain technology can enable the development of energy-efficient, transparent, and eco-friendly virtual reality platforms."
    "Virtual reality and blockchain: Redefining human interaction – Reflect on the potential impact of these technologies on the way we communicate, socialize, and collaborate in both personal and professional settings."

    Shockingly awesome Sir 🙏🙏🙏

  3. Amazing! Can I ask Mr Wolfe pls what is the platform you mentioned to upload our AI images to that distributes them for us to others that also do this – you mentioned this in another one of your amazing videos?! For the life of me can’t find the vid or who offers that via Google
    Thanks all ways!

  4. Matt, thank you for your explosive contagious passion about AI. This video expanded my mind the way a great workout will expand my biceps and pump them to new growth. The more I explore Chat GPT, the more I appreciate that AI collaborates with us to make us more focused, creative, and smarter. It's a superfood for the imagination!

  5. after reaserching gtp and ai in general. most of it just seems to be hype. i was using ai chat bots over 20 years ago on AIM and it gives me a very similar feel. It tells you what you already know, and just very generic responses. as far as writing code, or using it to generate images like with midjourney, the technology has come a long way. but the responses im getting to questions arent all that impressive still, i assume thats a direct result of the lack of reasoning and creatiivity. it still has a long way to go

  6. I want to say thank you for all your work and your enthusiastic voice and content. I am exited to see every new video of you. You have great ideas and share them all. TOP – GREAT WORK

  7. tbh Ive just been using flow gpt. I;m hard pressed to say that's the best prompt source ATM. I've found some truly mind blowing stuff on there, from legal assisstants that can draft documents, to coding AI and more

  8. Hello! I have such a question. I was having a conversation with GPT-4, then I ran out of 25 messages and switched the model back to 3.5. Now more than 3 hours have passed, how do I switch the model back to GPT-4?

  9. In this video, the presenter shares a powerful chat GPT prompt that can generate a wide range of creative and thought-provoking responses. The presenter shows different ways to add context to the base prompt, such as focusing on money-making or productivity, and demonstrates how it can come up with prompts for various topics, including developing a wealth-building plan, envisioning ways to collaborate with chat GPT in real time, improving a business, and even creating a turn-based strategy game using Google Sheets. The presenter emphasizes that this prompt is all one needs to learn to unlock the power of chat GPT.

  10. I was asking GPT4 (the May 3 version) about the Big Mac Index and it answered this: "the price of a Big Mac in Switzerland is one of the highest in the world, with an average cost of around 6.82 Swiss francs (or about $7.50 USD as of May 2023)"

    It still denied having any data more recent than September 2021.

  11. My results…

    1. Ask your ChatGPT to generate a random fact about itself.
    2. Ask your ChatGPT to generate a random list of words.
    3. Ask your ChatGPT to generate a random list of numbers.
    4. Ask your ChatGPT to generate a random list of images.
    5. Ask your ChatGPT to generate a random list of people.
    6. Ask your ChatGPT to generate a random list of places.
    7. Ask your ChatGPT to generate a random list of things.
    8. Ask your ChatGPT to generate a random list of ideas.
    9. Ask your ChatGPT to generate a random list of quotes.
    10. Ask your ChatGPT to generate a random list of songs.

  12. 1. Has already been invented, Commonwealth government is amazing, Commonwealth literary means common-well-being, whom ever invented this concept was a genius and a humanitarian and we should really embrace and enjoy in the propergation of the concept.

  13. Reading some of the prompt suggestions above in the beginning of your video, tells me this is geared towards a highly intelligent society with very sophisticated mindset. Sadly, the reality is different – only about 10% of people if not even less I wired that way, I wish it was different, but it is not. So I love midjourney I love ChatGPT ( I think it is powerful probably 1000 times of Google and all the other)
    I’m new to the AI, but being a student of digital media design, you can tell, I have no adverse feelings or hostility towards the subject. However, I do believe that there is a level of society which is considered ignorant, and will be very resistant to any innovation so the above prompts are wonderful, but they do not reflect the majority mindset. These are the people who are not in the know, don’t want to learn and spread fears about AI, which are quite in found it. We have to find ways to suppress this kind of fears, and enlighten the uneducated into the benefits of AI.

  14. With all the moral questions posed – lets NEVER forget:
    Human nature is human for a reason.
    There is no way of avoiding this. I love technology, but the cult of technology will not serve as well considering majority of the population has evolved, but not educated enough to make the best use of AI. So let’s put down the cult of technology and look at it is what it is a phenomenal tool to make life better. Still getting off the deep end and questioning humanity that is profoundly IMMORAL.

  15. As a designer who has worked on her life and take a great joy in her work, and with great success ,which is both providing me a mental stimulation and brought me in worlds beyond your imagination – I would like to ask this question – isn’t AI going to dumb down humanity?

    After all all this magnificent information has been expunged away from brilliant human minds
 It didn’t come out of nowhere, and it comes in metamorphosed chop down trenched information which everyone can use on the account of their own mental abilities

    And that, in itself only – spells the demise of humanity.

    Let’s ask Chad GPT what does it think about “dumbing down” humanity?

  16. Blow your mind ? REALLY?

    AI is supposed to enhance humanity, elevate your consciousness, improve life on earth, in general, for all of us, and for every individual not blow your mind! Every reaction like that, has fear in its roots !
    Is that how you going to defuse the theater in humanity from AI? The answer is NOPE, find another way.


    Matt, let’s figure out a way to encourage developing human intelligence. You didn’t become that good thanks to AI
 You have been brilliant before and you resorted to using AI because of that – and enlightening people about it
 But what will happen a generation later when nobody is trying to do the same thing as you do (using their own brain capabilities?
    That’s a moral question
    By a person who loves AI, but loves humanity first . All of it. Including the dummies

    This is purely moral question, which will concern our educational system – it is not a tech question..

  17. About human intelligence


    Matt, let’s figure out a way to encourage developing human intelligence. You didn’t become that good thanks to AI
 You have been brilliant before and you resorted to using AI because of that – and enlightening people about it
 But what will happen a generation later when nobody is trying to do the same thing as you do (using their own brain capabilities?
    That’s a moral question
    By a person who loves AI, but loves humanity first . All of it. Including the dummies

    This is purely moral question, which will concern our educational system – it is not a tech question..

  18. A surprise when I bought access to GPT-4 is that it’s not only is it better, the 25 message limit every 3 hours only appears to be limited to individual chats. *You can always start a new one*, therefore I never have to use GPT 3.5 anymore! Because if I’m doing anything that requires that much back and forth in an individual chat there’s no way I’m wasting time doing that with 3.5 anyway.

  19. I’m not sure about this logic that this is the best and only prompt you’ll ever need. It’s not just about getting a prompt that looks good, it needs to actually BE good. It might suggest a prompt that may even work better than your own idea, but isn’t actually as good as it could be.

    For me good prompts are ones that have been tested. Like this sounds like a great starting point, but from here you want to test it and hone it to get the most out of it. There could even be a better initial prompt to get the prompts.

    We really don’t know the limits of GPT-4 yet, we don’t know how good it can be with the right set up. That’s what’s so exciting! Even GPT-4 as good as it is can still provide disappointing answers, depending on what you want and the prompts you used. But get the prompt right, and it gives you a response totally different going from a scale of 2 out of 10 (10 being ideal perfect most satisfying answer for you) to like a 9 or something. If someone wants to really be big selling prompts they should work on refining and battle testing these prompts for certain tasks, as well as test what way to give it the prompt (like providing it in several messages rather than one long one). Those are the ones that will be the REALLY important prompts.

    But once you figure out a good method you’ve refined enough that work for several different ideas, perhaps try to describe the process to GPT-4 and try and get a prompt generator prompt that automatically creates prompts with that concept for more than you battle tested.

    This would mean you’ve now improved this “one prompt to rule them all” prompt. But really, only prompts that have been specifically designed and tested for a specific task could be said to be the best. It’s just not all tasks require that level of detail.

  20. Another great vid! I'm going a little off-subject, but yesterday I was interacting with a Conversational AI and I realized what was lacking, and I would like your prediction on when, what I would Like to see, would become available. The conversational AI only responded when I made a comment. I enjoyed the responses but came to realize it never initiated a string of thoughts on its own, it only reacted. When will it be able to add to the conversation, maybe even interrupt me, like a real person would? Keep the conversation going with a tangential, but somewhat related thought; surprise me as my friends often do!

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