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The real world Hustlers University features, price,

is the real world worth it

The real world once known as the hustlers university is an online school that teaches people how to make money online with different business models. The hustlers university was Andrew Tate’s medium to achieve is dream of making men and women become better in everything that they do. In content the real world and hustlers university are the same just that the real world has some more knowledge and features added to make people more money. If you want to know everything about the real world this article should be read to the end so that you will know all the features before signing up to the real world.

The real world vs hustlers’ university

There is a major difference between the real world and the differences just made it better for student. Student now have a very good experience using the real world. I will state the differences between hustlers university and the real world so that you can be informed. Mind you those that are using the hustlers university are all invited to join the real world from within their dashboard.

The real world and Hustlers University are the same prices. Although, Andrew Tate said that the price will be increased any time soon so he urges people to subscribe now so that the price does not go up and then you are unable to subscribe to the program.

Sign up to the real world here>>>

The reason for the change of the name from hustlers university to the real world happened when Andrew tate lost all his social media account. He even said his payment processor platform decided not to work with him again. It almost affected the academy such that the academy was not functioning as it used to, a lot of people even cancel the subscriptions and the number of student reduced. The solution was to host the entire academy by himself which will cost a lot of money. He hosted the academy with its own programmers so that he will not have to bow to any restrictions from third party platforms this are some of the things he changed;

Hustlers university was hosted on a discord channel previously but now Andrew tate developers are hosting the real world on their own servers that they created so that they are not restricted in any way. You can either use their online portal to register and login or you can use their app. The real world now have a app. What I noticed is that the app is not yet properly optimized. On my own android version the app was not opening was just showing the real world logo so I just stay with the web versions and that is how I login to take classes.

Upon getting suspended by the payment processing platforms that they work with Andrew Tate decided to create his own payment processing platform like their own bank where they can receive money from people that are ready to subscribe to the platform and they use the platform for every money transactions; this is just like the real world personal bank.

Now compared to the hustler’s university the real world have over 200,000 students which are mind blowing because the hustler’s university then had a little over 100,000 student in there.

The real world website has a clean and a neat interface compared to the hustlers university and it is easy to navigate through the whole website without getting stuck. Andrew tate and his team did a very good job here.

The real world price

The real world for now is priced at $49.99 per month. This means to stay on the platform you need to pay monthly. Andrew tate mention that the price will increase because a lot of students are getting better result some people making their first $10,000 the very first month. So, he said that he kept the price at 49.99 per month so that as many people as possible will be able to join the real world before it becomes $149 per month. The price of the course is not that expensive considering the value that you are going to get from it. When you take actions on what you are taught the course will pay for itself so you don’t have to worry about losing your investment. You need to lock in on the price now using the link.

Click to checkout the real world here >>>

Student reviews about the real world

There is a dedicated section to reviews of people inside the real world. The section is called victories and what student do is to post their daily results on there. I will post some of them and if you want to see more students results click the link below.


“Earned enough money from learning how to sell items in the freelancing campus and Got this brand new m2 MacBook Pro for editing.”


“Currently on 100k+ total revenue. This revenue in the screenshot is only accumulated through shopify, first we worked on wix’s platform where we ended with 60k in revenue.”


“When I joined TRW, I was making minimum wage (350 bucks)

Within less than a month of joining in mid march I made more than 2000 euro in profit.

Then in the last week and half I lost every penny I had, due to some mistakes I made in business.

Yesterday I moved to a jail cell like flat because of that, and within two days of work, I made 500 euros profit.

Thats more than all the dorks that said I would regret taking the risk of leaving my job and school make in a MONTH .

Now im working forward to scaling that 10x in the next days, and doubting me doesnt have a good history of succeeding.

Thats where speed and competency in all realms of human endeavour gets you.

Risk isnt real in modern society and going through bad times isnt a big deal when youre a G like me.

For geeks that thinks that TRW is not legit and selling online is saturated, have fun with your stable wage.”


“Made $18,000 last quarter on track to make another $18k or more this quarter and been so busy starting up a new business that’s gonna bring me in 30-50k a month super excited already got a ton of potential customers interested they are ready too 🙂 soon I’m gonna need help to hire some tech people I’m gonna look here first in our community :)”

Who is the founder of the real world?

Andrew and Tristan tate are the brain behind this successful online school called the real world. In the make money online space the real world is one of the best online schools that teach you how to make money. First, it is not Andrew tate that teaches the course himself. Andrew tate actually handpicked men he calls professors to teach the different business model. These professors are not called professors because of a degree they got from the university but they are called professors because each of them make any from $10,000 to $500,000 or more per month with their select business model. Each professor specializes in different businesses and they are selected because they actually do what they are teaching. This will give you the up to date information about a certain business model.

Andrew tate was a former kick boxing fighter with 4 championship. He also make money running various businesses one of the businesses he runs is the online school that generates him a monthly cash flow.

Is the real world legit?

The real world have over 10 business model that you can choose from in the platform and these businesses have the potential of making you a lot of money. Andrew tate program will most especially help beginners to make money online. Let me inform you that if you don’t put in the work you won’t make money at all. There are some people who will go through Andrew Tate introduction video but they won’t pick the business they want to learn and they expect to make money; it does not work that way. You need to pick a course and work on it till you start seeing results that you desire. You also need to be consistent and diligent with each lesson. If you really want to get results faster then, you need to put it more hours into it and work on the lessons this differentiate people that don’t make anything the first month and people that make thousands of dollars their first month.

There are some courses in the hustlers university that accept students per time. When they have enough student they will just close it up and open it again to accept more students. You don’t have to worry about it because there are enough courses you have access to immediately you signup. Some of the courses teach on businesses like; amazon fba, ecommerce, affiliate marketing, stock investing, crypto currency, freelancing, copy writing, Dropshipping etc. Pick the ones you desire and get to work.

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Agric ikorodu.

hairley digital

hairley digital is a brand and also a content marketing company that writes about legitimate businesses and also events.

This release was published on openPR.


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