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The Reality of Woke Parenting.

Heather Debrow, star of Real Housewives of Orange County, has announced that her youngest child, who is 12, has come out as transgender. This news follows previous Debrow headlines stating that two of her other children are also members of the LGBTQ community. As expected, the blue checks are clapping like seals.

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50 thoughts on “The Reality of Woke Parenting.”

  1. There is another family called the Saccone Jolys. They have an 8 year old they are transitioning for clicks and money. Dad is a creeper who is living his life thru the kid. Mom is along for the ride and money.

  2. My daughter came out as lesbian at 13. Now we don't know that she is but we told her we love her BUT I also told her that we don't do pronouns in our house and that I won't accept her deciding to be a boy or a house plant or whatever nonsense. If she's still gay by college then we'll know for sure. My older teen doesn't believe she's gay. She's confused and has been influenced by school and TikTok. We support but we don't enable.

  3. These boys don't wanna be girls. They wanna feel pretty and play Barbies and wear soft or frilly things too! That's it. Our dress codes have only been the way they are for a short time and they very recently flip flopped from men wearing all the heeled shoes and fabulous rouge on their cheeks so to say they knew they were one thing cuz they always wanted to wear a dress or liked to play in the dirt is absolutely asinine! Dresses and dirt are both fun!!

  4. I remember when the most wild thing was guys liking guys and girls liking girls, it was simple and didn't require surgery to feel complete, I like both genders and I never had a bone in my body that wanted to be trans, sad part is most probably don't know they wanna be trans but people tell them it's the next logical step, not oh how about we get you some overalls and dapper clothes or at most let's change your hairstyle, like that's change without risk, they need trial runs until they're 18 and if they still wanna modify their body by all means you have the legal right as an adult to do it, sad how this is a hot take :

  5. I don’t understand this? Puberty is a confusing time for all children. They don’t know what they want. But instead of getting therapy or dealing with clearly mental health issues. Let’s put our kids on dangerous drugs then mutilate them? How is this even a solution? This is sick!! SMH!!

  6. I have 5 kids. My youngest suffered childhood trauma and didn't know who she was or where she fit in. She experimented with a trans boyfriend, girlfriends, and landed with a young man that adores her. I did tell her all along that she wasn't part of the LGBTQ community but could be there and accept her friends that were. We as parents need to support and love our kids, of course, but we need to have an open dialog with them and guide them

  7. Yes I totally agree. But one thing to have all siblings to be gay isn't that farfetched haha a great aunt of mines, she had 5 kids. 3 boys 2 girls. The 3 guys are gay. 2 girls lesbians. This was the 90s 😂

  8. When I was twelve I thought I was a witch and made potions from garden herbs so that I get good grades in school. Lol.

    It is so disturbing that this is the fad now

  9. Brett, seriously it’s not OK to promote a gold investment firm or to promote investing in precious metals… The only place that has in anybody’s financial plan is if they plan to sell precious metals to all Psimer‘s patients… Nobody with any sense is invested in any precious metal there are zero wealthy people on this earth invested in precious metals I did not know it was even legal. I thought this was one of the most classic scams in the book like the Nigerian prince. Please stop promoting a company that is committing crimes anytime they do any part of their business.

  10. 6:05 It always astounds me that leftists really believe there are all these parents out there who don’t “love” and “accept” their kids 🙄 Like some mom is sitting on her couch, watching this show, and hears Heather Debrow talking and thinks to herself, “Oh! I need to love and accept my kids! I didn’t know that!” 🤦‍♀️ Most parents would absolutely give their life for their kids, it’s a natural instinct. Are there garbage, abusive parents? Sure there are. But the bulk of them aren’t. Leftists think all these kids are living in horrible, intolerant households where they go home and say, “Mom, Dad, I’m LGBTQXYZ” and their parents reply, “What?! We won’t have nonna that ‘round here. Git yer azz outta ma house yu freekin weirdo!” 🙄 That’s not even logical. Most parents nowadays are millennials, the ones who started all this woke nonsense. Gen Z and Boomers are mostly grandparents now. So kids are going home to millennial parents and liberals honestly believe they are these hateful, intolerant bigots? It’s absurd. They’re imagining an invisible, nonexistent epidemic of “intolerant” parents. If parents do question their child’s supposed “identity”, it’s because they love them and want what’s truly best for them, not because they’re ignorant yahoos that hate anyone different from them 🙄😒

  11. The funy thing is at 13 yrs old I thought I was gay because I saw so manny videos saying if you can't sit in a chair normally you are gay. Nope not gay I just have ADHD

  12. Why are parents doing this let kids live their life instead of doing this for the media. I am scared for this generation and these adults who are going along with the media btw brett ur so good at this stuff my brothers and i love watching u!

  13. I have 3 sisters. One is Pansexual (18 yrs old) one is lesbian (16 yrs old) and one we aren’t sure because she is only 13. But I’m hoping she doesn’t walk in my other sisters footsteps 🤞🏼

  14. It seems to be a form of Munchhausen by proxy , the attention the parent gets from having the "trans / LGBT child is the attraction. Going to be interesting in the next 20 years as these children start to understand the damage done to them by their "parents". Funny you need a licence to own a dog but any retarded arse can have a child.

  15. A video I posted on Tik Tok about the “rainbow mafia” trying to indoctrinate our children and it was only up for a few hours before it got deleted for “hate speech”.
    So defending the kids and having a difference of opinion is apparently a hateful thing to do.

  16. So if kids want to use drugs, as a parent, there would be an intervention so why is this not treated the same?

    I’m the cool mom who takes her kids & their friend to church💁🏻‍♀️

  17. My kids aren't allowed on TikTok. I use parental controls and change the password frequently. There are too many mentally deranged people on there. It was created by China. They must be rolling on the floor, laughing at how screwed up people are here.

  18. Sexuality has nothing to do with being trans. People are born bi/lesbian. You can't compare it to social contagion just because you feel like it. Yes people do lie to fit in but you are acting like bisexuals/ lesbians don't exist.

  19. That woman is the worst housewive on the game and she is a child abuser!!

    I recommend if you want to watch housewives you can learn a lot about women behavior 🤭

  20. Brett are you kidding, comparing bi and lesbian to being trans. Not even similar, dudette. As a straight male, I can even be bi sometimes. Horrible stupid comparison.

  21. The real injustice is when a kid shares a very personal issue with parents and having them broadcast what must be a very sensitive issue to the rest of the world

  22. There are far more women that buy into this garbage than men, and the men that do are usually their husbands/ boyfriends, too weak to actually object to this b.s.

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