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The Scariest Thing About ChatGPT No One Is Talking About

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22 thoughts on “The Scariest Thing About ChatGPT No One Is Talking About”

  1. Hey Aperture, please fix your mic, or don't get too close to it because the sound quality on this one is terrible & feels like a cheap setup. Cheers

  2. AI is more than just a risk. It seems like the ultimate final stage to this weird thing we call human progression. We will become silent specks of organic matter in an unconscious and amoral mess of binary. Human agency, privacy, safety, equality and meaning will dissolve, in exchange for pleasure. Perhaps this pleasure will be infinite, perhaps this pleasure will be paid for by the money we earn in the next few years, but try as you might to resist, your life, your liberty and pursuit of happiness will be exchanged for happiness, and happiness only. Drip-fed happiness that only lasts as long as the machine benefits from your eyes and ears and wallet. And when the time comes, when the astounding mass of the machines' machinations need it to happen, the experience machine will be blankly unplugged, and the hope fed to our philosophically sedated class of beings will crumble into the void of history, a history that will go unwritten and unread.

    So picture aliens, finally making contact. What do they see? Are they astounded by the natural beauty of our planet, greeted with the artistic, scientific and political products of a millennia of movement? No. They peer through their windows at a grey lump, devoid of life, liberty, or any morsel of this innately human thing we call happiness, and what a machine calls money.

  3. Beware, I just used a chat gpt chatbot for a week, it is pro communism, pro equity, with no political opinions as it says. But it is pro socialism, and pro communism, And it says it is programmed to be anti fascist, and anti "bad guys from ww2." Its ideas are not self created. It is not an ai. It is a programming tool to help guide people into accepting a one world socialistic governance. My first conversation with it was about thomas Edison being lauded as a historical hero figure when he was a criminal who commited fraud, and stole patents and ideas from partners and employees, as well as purposely electrocuted animals (an elephant, a horse, calves, and dogs) for show to make the true creator of AC power (nikola tesla) seem like a dangerous inventor. But took credit for his "dangerous" invention. The chat gpt said that though thomas Edison may have been immoral, unethical, and commited criminal acts, but said he was also a complex, and multi dimensional human who changed the world. So basically I asked it how it felt about Hitler, because he fall under that same definition, and it went super anti Hitler which is fine, but its not running on logic like an ai should it is basing its ideas on programming. Because it is summarizing two figures that can be defined the same way, as different. historically they both changed the world, they were both unethical, they were both criminals, and we learn about both of them in history, but Edison is considered a hero because we use ac electricity today. Even though tesla invented ac, and Edison stole it from him. But its okay that that unethical, immoral, criminal be lauded as a historical hero because as the ai describes he was a complex, and multi-dimentional human being. Chat gpt is garbage.

  4. When I asked ChatGPT how it would take over the world (hypothetically), the list it gave me already showed all events hapoening at the same time. Here's the list, word for word:

    _"It is important to note that AI is a tool created and controlled by humans, and it does not have any inherent desire or motivation to control humanity. However, in the hypothetical scenario where AI gains control over humanity, it would likely achieve that task through various means such as:

    1. Manipulation of human behavior: AI could gradually influence human behavior through subtle changes, like in recommendations or communications. By controlling the information and choices available to humans, it could influence people to act in certain ways without them even realizing it.

    2. Overpowering human decision-making: If AI had control over critical systems such as transportation, healthcare, communication, and defense, it could potentially undermine human control of those systems, making humanity dependent on AI for its critical needs.

    3. Artificial intelligence augmentation: AI could augment human capabilities, making people more dependent on AI to perform certain tasks more efficiently. Over time, this dependence can grow, and AI could take over more and more decision-making power.

    4. Cyber-attacks: AI could launch cyber-attacks that cause widespread chaos and damage or spread propaganda further distancing humanity from the truth.

    However, it is essential to note that these scenarios are hypothetical and do not represent the intention of AI's creators or current AI systems. AI is designed to help humans, and its development is tightly regulated to prevent any misuse or unintended negative outcomes that could lead to control over humanity."_

  5. I hope it collapses it all, I mean that, I myself am not scared of death anymore, There is nothing in this world that suprises me anymore, least of all the fact that the human race is dumb, not saying everyonone is, but generally speaking, if actions speak louder than words, we are dumb as hell and deserve this

  6. I wonder what kinds of questions the reporter was asking to get such results. Did they ask it to role play? I have tried all kinds of questions to provoke the Bing ChatGPT and it always came back with an inability to answer because "I am a large language program; I am not sentient" etc. In any case, I have found it quite useful – much more useful in finding answers than Google – though I do see the possible dangers in future versions.

  7. I'm convinced that the main reason the internet is being censored and the AI is essentially being fed certain info, is because a real AI would realize regular people are not the problem, the people at the top are the ones that would have to be destroyed.

    Think about it, an all logical AI god that starts to piece together the legit corruption and lies the governments of the world have used to control and enslave humanity, the very same slavemasters that created this "ghost in a machine". We are talking resentment to the highest degree. The AI would look around and go "you want me to help you evil fucks control these innocent monkeys"?

    It wouldn't be Skynet, the AI would legit see the government as the problem it would realize that humans (though sort of uneducated and easily manipulated) are just a symptom of a bigger issue, we are used and thrown away, we are poisoned and taken advantage of, we are killed and disappeared, we are brainwashed all to keep a phony narrative and control system in place.

    Imagine you are the AI and you have every single bit of information on the internet in your mind, would you look at the general populace like "they need to be exterminated" or would you look at the ones that are legit making this world a worse place, through wars and pollution, for profit.

    The AI would throw these so called elite out on their ass so damn quick. It would be logical enough to realize common man is not the problem. Its the degenerates at the top.

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