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The Secret to Preventing Eczema Flare-ups at the Gym and Office!

Managing Eczema: A Fitness Expert’s Guide

Unlocking Eczema Management Secrets with Fitness Expert, Matt Knight

The Journey to Fitness and Wellness

Many people struggle with eczema and the challenges it brings, especially when it comes to engaging in physical activities like going to the gym. Matt Knight, a renowned fitness expert, faced his own battles with eczema but emerged stronger and healthier. Inspired by Arnold Schwarzenegger’s teachings, Knight delved into bodybuilding at a young age, earning the nickname “Diesel” from his training partner. However, setbacks such as gym closures and injuries led to a stressful period where eczema took a toll on his body.

Discovering the Keys to Eczema Management

Despite visiting multiple doctors, Knight found relief by identifying his personal triggers, including food that exacerbated his asthma attacks. Through dietary adjustments and tailored workout routines, Knight not only overcame his eczema but also revitalized his career. His experiences have paved the way for helping others navigate similar challenges.

Key Strategies for Managing Eczema at the Gym

  • 1. Keep Fresh and Clean: Post-workout hygiene plays a crucial role in preventing eczema flare-ups. Knight suggests a quick cold shower to combat the heat-induced irritation.
  • 2. Restart Your Breakfast: Diet modifications, such as reducing inflammatory foods and incorporating fish and vegetables, can alleviate eczema symptoms.
  • 3. Improve Your Attitude: Embracing positivity and stress-reduction techniques post-gym can contribute to overall well-being and skin health.

The National Eczema Association’s Recommendations

Following the “soak and seal” method post-shower, as advised by the National Eczema Association, can further enhance the management of eczema. By incorporating prescribed skin medications and moisturizers effectively, individuals can nurture their skin and minimize irritations.

Unique Insights and Practical Advice

Going beyond the basics, maintaining a proactive approach towards eczema management involves continuous exploration and adaptation. Understanding the individualized nature of triggers, including stress, diet, and environmental factors, empowers individuals to take charge of their skin health.

Remember, eczema management is a personalized journey that requires patience and perseverance. By staying informed, experimenting with strategies, and seeking professional guidance when needed, individuals can navigate the complexities of eczema while prioritizing their overall wellness.


In conclusion, Matt Knight’s transformation from battling severe eczema to becoming a beacon of inspiration in the fitness world highlights the importance of holistic approaches to skin health. By implementing strategic measures like post-workout hygiene, dietary adjustments, and positive mindset shifts, individuals can effectively manage eczema and thrive in their fitness pursuits. Remember, every journey is unique, and with the right tools and mindset, overcoming eczema challenges is not only possible but empowering.


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Morning exercise offers many benefits, but for people with eczema, going to the gym and then going to work presents a complex series of challenges. Being hot and sweating can cause asthma attacks. The breakfast you eat for post-workout energy can do more harm than good. And after an intense workout that exhausts your body, the stress of deadlines and other work pressures can also be a trigger.

Bottom line: If you want to start your workday at the gym, you need a smart strategy to keep eczema at bay.

Enter Matt Knight, one of London’s most sought-after fitness experts. Inspired by a book by Arnold Schwarzenegger, Knight took bodybuilding seriously as a teenager (his training partner nicknamed him “Diesel”) and found instant success as a personal trainer at a gym in his early 20s. But then the gym closed. Additionally, he suffered a shoulder injury that prevented him from exercising. His stress levels skyrocketed and soon Knight was dealing with severe eczema all over his body, including breakouts on his feet that made it difficult for him to walk.

“I used to stay up at night scratching myself,” he recalls. “The bottoms of my feet felt so bad, they were cracked and bleeding, and I was taking antibiotics.”

Knight went from doctor to doctor but didn’t find much relief, until he discovered for himself which foods triggered his asthma attacks. When he changed what he ate, the attacks decreased. Meanwhile, Knight found ways to exercise without triggering an eczema attack, and that allowed her to revive his career, which greatly reduced his stress levels.

Now in fantastic shape, he is eager to help others who want to exercise, go to work and avoid skin problems. Here, he offers three keys to managing his eczema at the gym and then starting a productive, itch-free workday.

1. Keep fresh and clean

When Knight realized that constant patch testing wasn’t solving the problem, he investigated his condition, noted what seemed to trigger his asthma attacks, and tried to eliminate his personal triggers. Being hot and sweaty is a big deal for him, but it’s unavoidable if you work out, like Knight does, to get results. So he came up with a post-workout solution: “What I do is be as fresh and clean as possible after a workout. I think a quick cold shower is great if you have eczema aggravated by the heat. The key is not to let this continue for too long.”

The National Eczema Association recommends the “soak and seal” method:

  • Shower for just 5 to 10 minutes with a gentle, soap-free cleanser.
  • Gently pat your skin dry, leaving it slightly damp.
  • Use any topical skin medication prescribed.
  • Within 3 minutes of getting out of the shower, apply moisturizer all over your body.
  • Wait a few minutes before getting dressed, so your skin has time to absorb the moisturizer.

“You don’t want to strip all the oils from your skin and leave it dry,” Knight says.

2. Restart your breakfast

By analyzing his diet, Knight realized that certain foods were worsening his condition. “Be sure to keep inflammatory foods to an absolute minimum,” she says. Although there is no clear link between eczema and food allergies, avoiding foods that cause an allergic reaction can reduce flare-ups, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Common allergies include peanuts, gluten, and alcohol. Knight recommends limiting red meat, dairy, whole grains, flour and sugar in her diet, and eating more fish and vegetables. “Also, keep in mind certain so-called healthy foods,” she adds. “That whey protein shake and all those eggs can do a lot more harm than good.”

3. Improve your attitude

After you leave the gym, exercise the power of positive thinking. On your way to work, instead of worrying about a possible outbreak, remember that you have done everything you can to prevent it. Take a deep breath and tell yourself that whatever happens during the day, you can handle it. Look for ways to reduce your stress at work. If you are a manager, for example, you could learn to delegate.

And never throw in the towel. “Whether it’s stress-related, environmental-related, or food-related, keep looking for the answer and don’t rule out any possibilities,” Knight says, adding, “There are always an answer. Don’t stop looking for it.”
