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The State of Anti-Griefers In GTA Online

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24 thoughts on “The State of Anti-Griefers In GTA Online”

  1. Proud to say I started the game buying 2 million to start grinding ceo crates and was griefed so much I almost quit but decided I need to get really good to destroy those kinda people, 6 years still get randomly griefed on some sales but the tide gets turned pretty quick these days and I like to protect others out on sale missions

  2. Anti griefers are gay and always play the victim. I had one of these "anti griefer" attack my friend because they cant comprehend the concept of fun. Then the guy cried because we 3v1 him

  3. I definitely respect the Anti Griefers that are in the lobbies oh, I don't know if there's any on Xbox I would definitely appreciate their presents. It's too much buffoonery going on, all I want to do is make money but there's always some Cunt that's wants to act Retarted and ruin the Game for Me and everyone else minding their business.

  4. I only attack those who attack me, attract them via vip work (mostly executive search), and ally with their enemies. Other than that, I remain neutral and avoid players entirely (mostly players using dangerous vehicles like mk 2 oppressors, deluxios, other op vehicles).

  5. My anti griefer technique is usually to harass the griefers by crashing into them or getting them to blow up my personal vehicles. Keep them focused on me and not the grinders.

  6. I was once antigriefing some dude that was blowing vehicle cargo and some modder came up at me acting like i was the griefer … funny part is that the actual griefer was claiming I was the bad guy and our "hero" ended up crashing my game

  7. Anti-griefers are on a huge decline on console. Nobody cares about those level 10 players getting destroyed by level 500's on oppressors. If I could stand a chance against those sweaty nerds as the level 50 I am I would. Hate seeing new gamers quit because someone kept killing them over and over.

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