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The TRUTH about “men in women’s sports”

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A deeper look at the issue of “men in women’s sports,” also known as transgender women in women’s sports — Become a …


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23 thoughts on “The TRUTH about “men in women’s sports””

  1. I read somewhere that if Caitlyn Jenner’s decathlon win in the 1976 Olympics were considered as a female athlete that Caitlyn would hold a number of women’s world records.

  2. David Pakman "I don't think it is a super important issue."

    So women's issues are NOT "super important" or just women's sports issues? Either way, only a man could have said that, and in such a dismissive fashion. Are abortion rights also not super important?

  3. Why would you have a thumbnail of Caster Samenez, she is neither trans nor a man.
    She was born intersex. A little irresponsible on your part to equate her to a man. She’s been fighting for years to just compete, and she’s a woman biologically

  4. I don't hate anyone…But I believe that there's only man and woman…God created both…So if anyone has a problem with that, then you have a problem with God!! He created us and it's for that reason I don't believe men should participate in women sports against other women if you were born a man!! No matter what a doctor does to your body to "change" your sex you are who God created you at birth…Sorry not sorry there's no sugar coating that!!

  5. Hgh is a drug banned for the 4%-8% performance advantage it affords athletes. Trans women, even after years of testosterone suppression, maintain a performance advantage of 8%-48%, depending on the sport.

  6. Thanks for the measured response. If only the data could put these issues to bed. But the people on the other side of this issue are arguing from their feelies, not facts. Who the fuck cares if people with a 12% advantage are playing professional sports? There are tons of people in professional sports with other biological advantages like height and dexterity and shit. Let professional sports figure that balancing shit out, why is this a national issue when less than 1% of the country is trans, less than half that 1% are trans women, and a sliver of that are playing sports?? Like can we please move on and talk about REAL issues like the eviction/housing crisis? The national student loan debt cresting alleviate it going impotent)? The drug crisis tearing apart families, killing innocent kids and filling our prisons? I feel like I'm going crazy. Why do people have to care so much about this

  7. As a point of note track & field athlete Castor Semenya, who is in the thumbnail, is not a transwoman. She is a born woman but was born with male traits.

  8. Whether you like it or not, testosterone makes permanent physical changes – especially during puberty. There's a reason women CAN'T compete well with men in upper body exercises like bench press or pullups (look to powerlifting numbers if you don't agree and you'll also notice the numbers in deadlift and squat aren't as far apart between men and women as the bench press). If you were exposed to testosterone during puberty, then you've got real physical advantages over cis-women for the rest of your life in strength and speed sports. You will have about 30% more muscle fibers in the upper body than cis-women! If you never workout or train for muscularity, this may not be noticeable, but if you do the potential to utilize that muscle fiber becomes real.

  9. While I agree with you on a lot of other topics, I have to disagree with you on this. I feel your overcomplicating it. By allowing trans people that don't necessarily have a physical advantage you would be opening it up to allow trans individuals that do have a physical advantage. I do believe that Republicans are making a bigger deal out of this than it has to be using it to fuel their manufactured culture War, but there is something to be said for not allowing trans women in women's sports.

  10. So I didn't go to work today. My boss called me asking where I was. I said, I was at work but he might not be able to see me because today I identify myself as TRANSPARENT.

  11. The problem though is when talking about the Bell curve, that most women who transitioned do not have an unfair advantage and are performing like average, while yes that might be true, but it only takes the small amount of athletes at the very top of that curve to ruin sports for a lot of biological born women. Yeah 99% of trans women might not have a measurable or significant advantage, but that 1% is who everybody will be focusing on because they will be on top of the sport.

  12. I was debating this topic with someone recently, and they said that trans women who used puberty blockers when they were young boys are physically comparable to biological females in strength and athleticism. There are legit uses for those drugs, such as precocious puberty, but you shouldn't give them to healthy children. Medicine is used for patients who have medical problems. "I'm a boy who wants to play on a women's sports team when I grow up" is not a medical problem, at least not physically. Please take your children to a mental health professional if they are in distress over something they can't control, like their gender. My family has hereditary mental illnesses, and my parents took me to a psychiatrist when I was a teenager. I still go to appointments with a psychiatrist because I need treatment for mental diseases. There's no shame in seeking help if you are anxious, depressed, overwhelmed or suspect that you have a psychological disorder. Some people, especially children, make hasty decisions. The solution shouldn't always be to give them drugs that have irreversible side effects.

  13. I support the Transgender community and under stand the Psychology of the Transgender! But we cannot discount that a Transgender who identifies as a Female born with a Male body like Lia Thomas should not be competing against other Women, I saw the competition and it was unfair! All your doing is giving Republicans a strong argument against Transgender people. I don't know the exact solution but this is not it.

  14. As a leftist, this is one of the few issues where I'd say that leaving it up to the free market, so to speak, is the right choice.

    Sports are valuable in two main ways, entertainment, and social participation/community building. The social participation aspect is a clear argument in favor of allowing trans women to compete.
    The entertainment aspect is more questionable, the degree to which a sport is actually competitive, and there's a real question about who the victor will be, is part of what makes it entertaining. If it were to ever get to a point where you always know in advance that the trans woman competing will be the victor then that would be a problem, because it would no longer be entertaining and nobody would want to watch or participate anymore.

    But it hasn't gotten to that point, not a single sport has gotten to that point!!

    I can totally see an argument for requiring trans women to be on hormones for a certain amount of time, I do believe that without that some sports could potentially reach a point where the only serious contenders are all trans women, which would suck.
    But beyond that I really don't think that banning trans women makes sense, especially in sports where there aren't even weight or height categories, where the bell curve of physical advantages between cis women is large enough that trans women fall well within it and aren't advantaged at all compared to some cis women.

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