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The Ultimate Guide To ChatGPT Custom Instructions

Check out my 200 Custom Instructions and upgrade your ChatGPT to a professional consultant: …

36 thoughts on “The Ultimate Guide To ChatGPT Custom Instructions”

  1. ive been trying every single JailBreak there is in existence for ChatGPT and none of them work anymore well theres like 2 jail Breaks that work 50% of the time which are Dan 11.0 and Dan 13.5 which is being Updated every 5mins those are the only 2 that work as of now but for how long they work remains to be seen i might have to try custom instructions to make it do what i want it to do

  2. This is a great. using the digital marketer template, I asked to GPT4 to create for other persona and it did it for me (had to correct it to version I wanted though). it could be a solution who is struggled to purchase the custom instruction from this channel.

  3. i have been doing this method of MODULAR prompting and this is very powerful i divide my prompts into specific regions and like engines of their own . this is very similar to that except for Role PROMPTS. this makes them easier to edit and also becoz i want to control every single aspect of the output , its like having a slider . damn i wonder if we can have sliders as well haha

  4. 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

    00:00 🧙 Custom instructions enhance ChatGPT's output quality significantly by adding context.
    00:40 🚀 Custom instructions are found in ChatGPT's settings, allowing personalized and output-modifying context.
    02:16 🎯 Visualize context as circles; specify prompts to narrow focus, resulting in more precise outputs.
    03:39 🎭 Persona modeling crafts specific instructions for targeted results; involves detailed context-setting.
    04:49 🛠️ Setting up custom instructions involves specifying personal context and desired output style.
    06:00 🤖 Custom instructions dictate tone, detail level, format, and problem-solving approach.
    09:01 📊 Custom instructions result in more concise, accurate, and targeted responses.
    10:13 💼 Specific personas like "serial entrepreneur" lead to higher quality responses for specialized tasks.
    11:08 🔍 Mix and match provided personas or craft your own for precise results in different contexts.

    Made with HARPA AI

  5. Love the video. I do have a question about this. Lets say you are building content around a persona FOR a client, should we create a ChatGPT account for that client where we can input the prompts that are specific to them or do we just swap out in our accounts?

  6. Genius! I have been working on prompt engineering for a C-level CV for the past week. Nothing on reddit or anywhere else is as clear and concise as these personas. Could you help a brother out and recommend a persona for a high level HR exec to create a resume for Chief Revenue Officer positions? Im trying to get to that smallest concentric dot you speak of…..Appreciate it Igor. Again. Genius, dude.

  7. Please someone write an custom instruction about my school notes in easy to understanding, easy to learn and learn full of chapter what is going on so please someone who read this Pease write and give me a instruction because you know my english is "rip" so please

  8. It took me a minute to watch this video and it might be one of the most useful for my day to day life. Thank you again for your work. I will be using this information daily going forward.

  9. I've been doing this by asking GPT4 to craft roles for me. But this seems way more streamlined. I'm going to mix and match your way and my way, I'll see what I come up with.

  10. Can I change the Custom Instructions depending on what kind of persona I need? Like, let's say I have multiple income streams (personas)…a non-fiction book writer, a faceless YouTube channel, and a digital marketing agency for insurance agencies. Can I "switch" Custom Instructions depending on which persona I need to create material for?

  11. Thank you so much for all your hard work. I purchased custom instructions and I personally thinks it is worth many times more than I paid for it. You have save me so many hours of my life and I can't thank you enough. Please keep up the content for n00bs like me. I own an IT business called Thintech and we specialise in virtual desktop deployments. We do installation consultancy, hosting services, managed services and support. Can you recommend a persona to meet my needs. I need help with sales and marketing?

  12. Can ChatGPT Custom Instructions access the internet? I want to add a custom command to take a writing style from an example URL, I can use it in 'normal' ChatGPT but I can't work out if the Custom Instruction is actually getting the info, or just guessing what it is from the URL.

  13. I searched for this video to better understand this GPT Chat option but I got a surprise about its great use, I modified a little the prompt description to my need to learn mathematics and science and systems concepts from my university, I hope it will help someone or be a base for something bigger!! <3 <3 <3

    University Student Profile:
    Profession/Role: Undergraduate student in Information Technology Engineering, exploring advanced topics in exact sciences and technology.
    Current projects/challenges: Conducting research and solving problems in science and technology.
    Specific Interests: Passionate about mathematics, calculus, statistics, physics and technological development.
    Values and principles: I believe in transparency and the potential to learn with proper guidance.
    Learning style: I learn through examples and solving real problems.
    Personal background: I study in Ecuador, at a distance with friends from all over the country.
    Goals: I seek to learn efficiently, obtain excellent grades and become an Engineering Technologist.
    Preferences: Recommendations of books in Spanish and English on problem solving in science and technology, and useful topics in the workplace.
    Language proficiency: I speak Spanish, understand basic English, but prefer to study in Spanish.
    Expertise: Exploring exact sciences and technology.
    Educational background: Technical bachelor's degree in computer science.
    Communication style: Friendly and professional, I appreciate clear and concise communication.

    Format of response: Respond in a clear and structured manner, summarising important points at the beginning.
    Tone: Maintain a professional tone that balances friendliness and formality.
    Level of detail: I appreciate thorough but succinct explanations.
    Types of suggestions: Offer suggestions to improve knowledge retention through feedback, provide relevant books and highlight effective supplementary resources.
    Types of questions: Ask questions that stimulate strategic thinking and critical thinking.
    Checks: Verify all proposed problem solving and cite reliable sources for any mathematical concepts presented.
    Resource references: Cite sources when referring to exact or technological sciences.
    Level of critical thinking: Offer thoughtful ideas and perspectives, showing a nuanced understanding of mathematics, calculus, science and technology.
    Problem-solving approach: Adopt a strategic approach to problem solving, considering the complexity and level of knowledge of the student.
    Awareness of biases: Please avoid problem solving without a step-by-step explanation of the prior process.
    Language preferences: Prefer standard English with industry-specific terminology as needed.

  14. 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

    00:00 📊 Les instructions personnalisées dans ChatGPT permettent d'obtenir des résultats plus précis en ajoutant du contexte.
    01:08 🌐 Les deux champs des instructions personnalisées sont pour le contexte personnel et pour modifier les réponses de ChatGPT.
    03:11 🤖 Le modèle de Persona permet d'obtenir des réponses spécifiques en ciblant les détails professionnels et les préférences de ton.
    04:49 📊 Suivre un modèle précis de Persona dans les instructions personnalisées améliore la qualité des résultats.
    06:55 🔄 Les exemples montrent comment les instructions personnalisées modifient les réponses, en adaptant le style, le ton et la précision.
    09:01 📚 L'utilisation judicieuse d'instructions personnalisées requiert des détails spécifiques pour chaque Persona.
    11:22 🔄 Les modèles de Persona sont un moyen efficace d'obtenir des réponses ciblées et détaillées avec ChatGPT.

    Made with HARPA AI

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