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The United States is far from losing its crown risk

Coinbase is open to leave the United States following a regulatory dispute with the government A change in tone of that magnitude could have an impact on where the future of technology is being built and the global venture market opportunity ahead.

Coinbase news does not exist in a vacuum. various US government agencies. take a more aggressive stance on cryptocurrencies and digital assets and securities in general, evidenced by a burst recently behavior – while concern that developers are heading to the frontier collect steam. Over time, the US could lose some of its prominence in the cryptocurrency market if the trends continue.

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But not so fast: Crypto may be something of an outlier (more on that later), and even then we have to largely weed the idea that the US is in real danger of losing its place as the leading place to build tech companies.

Don’t take our word for it. Instead, we can learn a lot from VC investments themselves. Since VCs are expected to be savvy investors with one finger on the pulse of what’s next, where they place their bets should be a good indicator of where there are hot spots for innovation and optimism.

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