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THE WAR ON WOMEN: GOP Now Attacking on No Fault Divorce

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Let’s talk about no fault divorce. The war on women has been in the forefront of American politic for years. Refusing to pay for birth …


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33 thoughts on “THE WAR ON WOMEN: GOP Now Attacking on No Fault Divorce”

  1. I'm not being sexually active due to living in Texas. I want to move away by the end of summer because there's no end in sight of the oppression.

  2. I have known for quite some time that giving anyone rights to my uterus is a bad idea. GET AN IUD, BIRTH CONTROL IMPLANT OR BE CELIBATE. Any woman who wanted to end Roe v Wade or No fault divorces deserve what they get!

  3. So if they succeed with this then marriage will be equivalent to slavery. Now we see why so many women are opting out of marriage and having children. But all 50 States offer no-fault divorce.

  4. Imagine if you’re the wife & you start generating income in the high 6 figures. The huzben is a whole dusty with no passion making 30k or 🍩, now you want to leave & can’t?😳 ohh the Voodoo I would do! 🫠

  5. I'm getting a bilateral salpingectomy in two months! Thank God! This is sickening! And I'm 22, never getting married either!

  6. I had to speak up about trans people using the bathroom at the bar I go to because there are no stalls in the women's bathroom. He's trans people were throwing a fit! I had to say to the bartender they can't go in there. I am not changing my tampon in front of a guy.!! I don't give a F*&% what they think they are! If they don't have to change a tampon every month they have no business being in the women's bathroom.

  7. I'd much rather keep being celibate with my special toys than date these men out there today! Speaking of passport bros, my dad married a foreigner, she already lived in the U.S. though, and worked for the Brazilian Embassy, and my own mother has advised me not to get married! And she's also advised me not to have kids! And she married my dad when he was a very wealthy man, and he paid two housekeepers and a nanny for each of his kids. But he also went through a time when he couldn't afford those things anymore! And my mother, while keeping her job from 9-5, still had to do all the housework and cook for us all. Then they recovered financially but my mom still did all the emotional work and she was always the "bad guy" because she was always the one who made all decisions, and he was always like: "Ask your mom". And she was the success story for women in my family! My aunts have been cheated, one has been screwed over in the divorce and the other has openly admitted to me that she if she could go back in time she wouldn't have gotten married or had kids!

  8. Thank God I'm single and childless. I also thank God I live in a state where a woman is my Governor and women's rights are the norm here. So any woman can come to Michigan for safety.

  9. Do you follow The High Powered Podcast? She speaks on the war between men and women worldwide and why it will never get better but worse and uses science to prove what she says. I think you’ll love her. Once women listen to her, they won’t get married. I’m positive men will disgust them

  10. The only good thing I can think of about the end of “no fault divorce” at this time in history is that it’s easier than ever to prove a man is cheating or abusing you. His social media accounts, his cell phone usage, you can film his abuse using your own phone during the incident, CCTV in stores/cars/your own home, GPS on his car, etc. Thank God, it’s not the 80s anymore where you’d have to hire a PI to get proof. What’s done on the internet on computers and phones cannot be erased. If I suddenly found myself dumb enough to get married again, I’d be investing in some very small cameras that I could place in strategic areas to catch him flipping out on me and a GPS tracker if I suspected he was cheating.

  11. YouTube didn’t send me this notification and it’s On ALL for you 😤😤😡😡😡😡

    Great content. I really don’t get the concept of trying to control someone else. These men don’t want to be controlled, but constantly try controlling us.

    All I know is, if they keep this up. Things are only going to get uglier for them. 😅😒🙃🤭

  12. My neice just got married on the 1st of June. I didn’t attend or say congrats. I don’t celebrate marriage anymore. It makes me sad. And I’m a married woman! 😩. I don’t talk to my sister (her mom) be ause her husband is an extreme narcissist who has broken up our family and he’s cheated on her for 30 years and has done everything that abusive men do, including having outside babies and trying to sleep with me and other family members. I refused to go to the wedding and look at him and my sister disgusts me for staying with him this long

  13. Great show. I didn't know there was this fault divorce issue going on. Males are so desperate, but instead of looking at what the root of the problem is, why women want out, they just try to force and control. Sad and pathetic.

  14. Naw it’s a wrap for me. Celibacy works for me. Since I found this content creator on tick tock who explains male’s true nature and majority of men are like this , I would be really dumb to go down that road again.

    Only way is if that man has healed from his trauma, do the inner work on himself and take a mental evaluation as well as get STD tested regularly other than that it’s a hard pass for me.

  15. Marriage and babies are a SCAM run by men on women. And our hypersexualized culture is not there to convince men to have sex (they don't need any more convincing, their testosterone does all the work on that front). It's there to convince women. Women don't really need men at all to get their pleasure, for starters they don't "need it" nearly as much as men. And they have to realize that the price of sex with a XY is all theirs to pay. So, basically, our culture is a whole structure to convince women to give it up for free. In that sense, the ones who at least get paid are a lot smarter.

  16. I am almost 39, never been married and childfree for life. I never thought in a million years that I'd be so overjoyed for the current state my life is in. I feel like I've dodged so major bullets in my life because most of these males are constantly on some BS.

  17. Ladies most men today don’t want to get married not sure what y’all are talking about over here. Y’all are acting like there’s a line of men outside waiting to propose to each of you. Delusion at its finest.

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