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The wildest statements in Disney’s lawsuit against DeSantis

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As Florida Governor Ron DeSantis would say, buckle up, this is great.

So, as you may have heard, DeSantis is very unhappy with the Happiest Place on Earth. It all goes back to early 2022, when then-Disney CEO Bob Chapek came out against Florida House Bill 1557, the so-called “Don’t Say Gay” bill that limits teaching about LGBTQ+ issues in public schools. Following the company’s comments, DeSantis, who endorsed the bill and signed it into law, and Republican lawmakers made a move to strip Disney of the special tax status it has in the Florida region where Walt Disney World resides and empower a group of DeSantis appointees to govern it.

Disney fought this, finding a way to strip DeSantis’ board of directors and giving the company veto power over his actions. It did so by having the outgoing junta make a pact that invoked, no joke, the “real lives” clause, which is intended to keep the agreement valid in perpetuity, or until the “death of the last surviving descendant of the king.” “. Carlos III.”

On Wednesday, DeSantis’s board moved to void that deal, and things got tough. Almost immediately after the annulment, Disney sued the governor, alleging that his actions were retaliatory and stifled the company’s First Amendment rights.

Wild, right? Well he gets wilder. While the demand it’s full of the usual jargon, it also has a few choice words for DeSantis and his allies. He repeatedly refers to Disney in a kind of third-person personal way that makes the company sound like a lover who is very sorry but think it’s time to quit. Here are some of the best lines:

  • “Disney is sorry it has come to this.” Sure it does, but the fact that she expressed that regret with a 77-page legal filing is really something.
  • “Having exhausted efforts to seek a resolution, the Company has no choice but to bring this lawsuit to protect its cast members, guests and local development partners from a relentless campaign to weaponize the power of government against Disney in retaliation. for expressing a political point of view. unpopular with certain state officials. Yeah, TRUE state officials.
  • “This government action was blatantly retaliatory, blatantly anti-business and blatantly unconstitutional. But the governor and his allies have made it clear that they don’t care and they won’t stop.” Translation: Disney won’t stop either.
  • “Disney is in this unfortunate position because it expressed a point of view that the Governor and his allies did not like. Disney wishes things had been resolved differently.” so much regret
  • “But Disney also knows that it is fortunate to have the resources to take a stand against state retaliation, a position that smaller companies and individuals may not be able to take when the state goes after them for expressing their own points. of sight”. Sheesh.
  • DeSantis and other legislators have “proudly stated that Disney deserves this destination because of what Disney said.” Translation: The north (part of Florida) remembers. Also, Disney knows what Disney did.
  • In the company’s Prayer for Relief: “Award the plaintiff his attorney’s fees and costs.” Yes, if the governor loses, he’ll pay the bill.


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