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The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) Study Explained… And its not what you thought!

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The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) Study Explained //That WHI scared many women from taking hormone therapy, but it has …


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17 thoughts on “The Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) Study Explained… And its not what you thought!”

  1. Thanking for explaining the study & now post review. Most surprising is purpose of the study…chronic disease & not menopausal symptoms

  2. Such a great video. Thanks to your wealth of knowledge and information I’m on HRT which has changed my life and overall well-being. I only wish I started sooner. I advocate so much for HRT and I refer all my friends to your videos/podcast. Thank you!

  3. This was great content. What was most surprising to me was your perspective of our risk with getting cancer in comparison to the risk we may already be taking drinking wine daily or being overweight. Great info! Thank you

  4. Thank you, Dr Hirsch! I also highly recommend Dr Louise Newson’s interview with Professor Robert Langer, who was one of the investigators of the WHI study. It is a fascinating podcast that helps lay persons (and professionals) understand this complex topic. It’s podcast # 097, titled “Trying to right 20 years of misinformation and hysteria about HRT” and can be found on the balance-menopause website.

  5. This is easily the most important YouTube channel I watch, with a wealth of information so important to women. Thank you Heather, for all the time and energy you put into educating us. You explained this complex subject so well. We need a special l “LOVE” icon for your videos.

  6. Thank u again for spreading this extremely important information. What is being done in the medical world to increase the education of drs so they are aware of this?? As u know The majority of drs are against HRT and do not promote it. My Dr said to me oh you shouldn’t be on that…. 5 years max then get off…. I am educated on the subject but not enough to go head to head with a Dr. I’m very anxious for all drs to be educated in this…. Please!! Thank u again!!!❤

  7. Thank you so much for all your videos and information. I keep sharing them with my big sister who has finally gotten some vaginal estrogen and is contemplating going back on orals. She was one of those scared off by the WHI and has been quite defensive about talking about it with me. But she's making progress!

    Oh and just a friendly reminder to add the links to other videos. You often reference them and point, but the link isn't always there.

  8. Thankyou doctor. But still the most important question is not made nor answered and that is why do we have to take hormones similar to ours when there are hormones bioidentical exactly like ours, only for the benefict of BigPharma, not ours. Why do we have to increase even a 0.1% of risk just for Big Pharma to earn more money. What I have studied about estrogen is that it is a great hormone but that it has to be talen with progesterone. I'm talking of course about bioidentical hormones. Women live with both hormones in our bodies for many years with no side effects. The problem is not the hormones which are just like ours. Couldn't the problem be that premarin and provero use hormones which are not exactly like ours. Still it's confusing that you use sometimes progesterone when meaning progestines which are not the same nor have the same effects in our bodies. Please women tead Dr JonR. Lee books and dr. Platts', 2 different approaches to bioidentical replacement therapies, which I always prefer to that of Big Pharma. Just in case, I know that bioidentical hormones are also synthetic, but still they are like ours. And one more point is that the whi study is not the only syudy which concludes against big pharma hormones.

  9. The thing that shocks me the most is that the vast majority of doctors and ob/gyn's dont know the science. I actually had my women's health doctor Tell me "hormone replacement therapy will kill you" literally those actual words came out of her mouth! I don't see her anymore and I found a doctor who prescribed to me and I had a complete cessation of all symptoms. I feel like my normal self again! And I'm in perimenopause not menopause. I can't imagine what it would have been like to have to go through all of this without hormones.

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