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These 20 elements define the future of startups

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Greg Isenberg is the co-founder and CEO Late checkout, a product studio and agency that designs, builds and acquires community-first technology businesses. inside Tweet, he compiled a list of 20 elements that will define the future of building startups. Here, we consider each of these issues to explore the new era of entrepreneurship that is taking shape.

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20 Elements That Define the Future of Startups

  1. MVP speed (1x per month): The speed at which minimum viable products (MVPs) are created will decrease dramatically. Startups aim to launch a new MVP every month, which will foster a culture of rapid experimentation and iteration.
  2. AI-Instant: Artificial intelligence will play an important role in startups, both in product development and in the decision-making process. This will lead to more efficient and optimized businesses.
  3. Supernish is the new exclusive: Targeting ultra-specific market segments will become more prevalent as companies seek to differentiate themselves and build deeper connections with their customers.
  4. Community 1st, Software 2nd: Community building will take precedence over developing software. This approach will build strong brand loyalty and promote organic growth.
  5. No-code first, some code second: No-code platforms will become the primary tool for building startups, with traditional coding taking a back seat. This will democratize the creation process and enable entrepreneurs to focus on innovation.
  6. 10x more automated: Automation will become an important driver of efficiency in startups, allowing for leaner teams and smoother operations.
  7. Global teams, local products: Startups will increasingly be built by global teams, yet their products will be tailored to local markets to better serve customer needs.
  8. 95% are dominated by solopreneurs and micro-entrepreneurs (less than 12 teams): The startup landscape will be dominated by solopreneurs and micro-entrepreneurs, leading to more diverse and agile businesses.
  9. Pop-up digital experiences: Apps and platforms that only work during specific times or events will become more common, creating a sense of urgency and exclusivity.
  10. Holy Trinity of Marketing: Successful startups will need to achieve product/market fit, content/market fit and community/market fit to really gain traction.
  11. Half Robot/Half Human Teams: A blend of AI and human talent will form the backbone of startup teams, combining the best of both worlds for optimal results.
  12. Quick by “boring marketing”: Effective marketing strategies that may seem mundane or uncertain will play a crucial role in driving a startup’s success.
  13. Multiple Income Streams: Diversification of revenue streams will become the norm, as startups look for different ways to generate revenue.
  14. Design Matters: Design will continue to grow in importance, with high-quality aesthetics and user experiences being non-negotiable.
  15. Partnership with Creators: Creators will play a significant role in the startup’s distribution and promotion, leveraging their established audience for greater reach.
  16. The game looks like: Gamification elements will be integrated into startups, making them more engaging and fun for users.
  17. Purpose-Driven Moonshot: Startups will increasingly focus on making a positive social impact, attracting both customers and investors with similar values.
  18. Generating agencies for cash flow: Agencies will play a key role in offering standardized products to generate consistent cash flow like Design Agency Dispatch Design.
  19. The production studio becomes standard: Product studios, which develop multiple products simultaneously, will become a popular business model in the startup world.
  20. 99% of MVPs will not need a VC: As alternative funding sources and bootstrapping gain traction, venture capital will become less important for most MVPs.

The future of building startups is going to be an exciting journey marked by rapid experimentation. As the landscape evolves, entrepreneurs will need to adapt to new trends and strategies to stay ahead of the curve. By embracing AI, no-code platforms and purpose-driven missions, startups can position themselves for success in this new era of entrepreneurship.

Related: 18 Inspirational Lessons from the GOATS of Entrepreneurship and Leadership

For those interested in learning more about the future of startups and getting valuable insights from Greg Isenberg, you Book a 1-on-1 video call Accompanied by a preface. This is a unique opportunity to have a personal conversation with a thought leader and founder to gather practical advice.


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