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These 22 ChatGPT Plugins Will Affect Everyone in 4-5 Months…

These 22 ChatGPT Plugins Will Affect Everyone in 4-5 Months… Keep Your Digital Life Private and Stay Safe Online: …

26 thoughts on “These 22 ChatGPT Plugins Will Affect Everyone in 4-5 Months…”

  1. If I have ever been racist against any group on this planet then its AI developers. They are a cancer. They are telling you themselves just how dangerous this is but are still doing it for the money. Do ya need to hear it a second time? The developers themselves are telling you how dangerous this is. The planet is heading for disaster with this one. No different than a biolab in China, we all know how that turns out huh? I will take the buttholes of humanity before I deal with the pressures a machine deciding the type and way of life I lead.

  2. Hello! Million thanks for such a great source of info on plugins! I saved this video to use as reference for me. Please continue your work. I will subsribe and follow up on your new videos. All the best!

  3. SWITCH IT OFF!! You are feeding a Demon that will devour your 'intellect' as easily as it assimilate any of the 'plug-ins'.
    At this rate, AGI will present well before most user's have even heard of the 'Alignment Problem'.
    Like giving a teetheing Baby a live pineaplle Grenade to play with.
    WAKE UP, lazy 'productive' sheeple, WAKE UP!

  4. The hole mural link is b.s i was expremented on 2018 bacteria cdb can grow silicon Nano wires they grow and build circuits wires etc so the need to have surgery is bullshit lies it can also grow chips using programble matter and bacraria the vax was Nano technology hydrogel Quontom dot cubes chips it is an hydrogel A.I bio synthetic parasite because it can replicate and grow and put in air food water all injection have it dentist to hospital to swab test to being near another infected person NATO do self spreading vacancies and the hudrogel spread across everything and infect everything that is cellular or living it spreads across the globe 🌎 and will turn every fish plant anamil human bio synthetic this why every thing is trans trans gender trans human synbio optogentics LEDs optogentics used to target you musk i think takes part in human trafficking he near the boarder and i see 2 men on short twitter message him said we know your girlfriend is A.I he offered money they said no money is amoth and he did video saying i have kids real ones that just weard he sick and a puppet of the military so no different not free speech but data real time feedback loops geo polical and part of wef young global leader 😮

  5. Ssam, remarkable 👏! I wanna work with you. Elon and I welcome you. ❤Your friend Name didn't memorize. You guys a little bit different in my eyes.

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