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This is Your Brain on Grandchildren

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Art credit to Caroline Devine

“This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs.” If you’re old enough to be a grandparent, you probably remember this anti-drug commercial from 1987. We won’t talk about the past and whether you inhaled or not. We’ll move on to the AARP version. “This is your brain. This is your brain on grandkids.”

Being a grandparent changes our life. It rocks our world, but did you know it might actually change your brain? Recent research studied the brains of fifty grandmothers to understand the close emotional bond grandmothers share with their grandchildren. The results showed that while the grandmothers had a feeling of cognitive empathy with their adult children, their brain activity showed a strong emotional empathy with their grandchildren. If their grandchild is happy, they feel joy. If their grandchild is sad, the grandmother feels sad. Did we really need research to tell us that?

Why are grandmothers so much more emotionally empathetic towards their grandchildren than their adult children? I’ll pose some educated guesses since (about 30 years ago) I did write my Master’s thesis on grandparenting. In an ideal situation, grandparents are freed from the physical, mental, financial, and emotional responsibilities of caregiving. We get the fun part. We play, we teach, and we indulge our grandchildren.

My five-year-old grandson and I were playing Connect Four a few weeks ago, and I was slightly altering the outcome of the games, allowing him to win. I never let our kids win. I’m almost embarrassed to think about how cutthroat I was playing Candyland and Checkers with my kids. Sorry, kids. Because of my previous killer instincts, my husband was surprised by my indulgence with our grandson. As I explained to him, my role with our kids was totally different. I was preparing them for the world. With my grandkids, that’s not my job. I’m their pal, their playmate, and their friend. As a grandparent, I get the easy job with all of the perks and none of the negative aspects.

Sometimes I wonder if my adult children are maybe a little jealous of how crazy I am about the grandkids. I love my children, but there is a carefree, pure joy we take in our grandchildren. I hate to be morbid, but could it partly be because we know our time with them is limited? There may be a subconscious desire to make a positive impact in a short time. Maybe they won’t have concrete memories of us, but hopefully, we will have planted seeds of love they retain deep within forever.

Grandparents and grandchildren share a bond that is unlike a parent and child. We’re the soft place to land, a place where the answer is usually yes. The grandparents’ house is where they come to bake cookies, to do messy science experiments, to stay up a little later than usual, and, most importantly, be the focus of all the attention. Grandparents believe their grandchildren are perfect and aren’t afraid to tell them. We love them irrationally and unconditionally in a way that is unimaginable until you are a grandparent. The grandchildren reap the benefits from being loved so deeply, but so do the grandparents.

I could have saved the researchers at Emory some money and told them how emotionally connected a grandmother is to their grandchildren. Can an MRI explain it, or is there some mystical bond that science can’t clarify? This is my brain “on grandkids,” and I love every minute of this kind of high!

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My first day as a grandmother. My brain and heart forever changed!

Gl Grandchildren Brain Pin


How Technology is Revolutionizing Retail Operations

In recent years, technology has had a significant impact on retail operations, with industry leaders adopting innovative solutions to enhance their sales and customer service processes. The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR) in retail has changed the customer experience forever and provided brands with the ability to deliver a seamless shopping experience.

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Retail

One of the most significant impacts of technology on the retail industry has been the utilization of AI. Retailers are now using various AI-based technologies, such as chatbots and natural language processing (NLP) to gain more insight into their customer’s needs and preferences. By decoding customer data in real-time, AI technology allows retailers to tailor their marketing efforts and personalize their interactions with customers. Retailers can use AI to respond to customer inquiries quickly, provide product recommendations, and even communicate with customers via social media, email, or text messages.

The Impact of Augmented Reality in Retail Operations

Another significant impact on the retail industry is the use of augmented reality (AR) technology, enabling virtual shopping experiences using smartphones and tablets. With the help of AR, retailers can quickly provide customers with an immersive shopping experience, simulating the look and feel of products without requiring them to be present physically. AR technology also enhances customer engagement, enabling retailers to showcase their products while gathering data on customer preferences and habits. By offering customers an interactive shopping experience, retailers can improve customer satisfaction and boost sales while lowering operational costs.

How Automation is Streamlining Retail Operations

Retailers are using automated systems such as product recommendation engines, self-checkout systems, and inventory management tools to streamline their operations. These automated systems significantly improve inventory management and reduce errors by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks. For instance, product recommendation engines use machine learning algorithms to automatically adjust pricing and promote products based on customer behaviors and local preferences. Self-checkout machines, on the other hand, help retailers avoid long wait queues, optimize staffing levels, and reduce the occurrence of errors that can occur with manual checkout processes.

The Future of Retail Operations

The digital age has revolutionized the retail industry, requiring organizations to adopt new approaches to meet consumer expectations continually. Technology has brought significant changes to the retail industry, and it is only the beginning of what is yet to come. Retailers must continue to integrate new and innovative technologies into their operations, listen to their customers’ needs, and adapt to changing economic conditions.

Additional Piece:

How Technology is Redefining Customer Experience in Retail Operations

The retail industry has experienced significant change since the introduction of technology, and retailers are scrambling to keep up with the rate of change. New technological solutions such as AR, AI, and automation have drastically changed the way retailers approach customer experiences and enhance operational efficiency. Technology in retail operations has gone beyond the confines of organizations and into the consumer’s hands, where customers can have a seamless, personalized, and immersive experience. Here, we delve into some of the impacts of technology on customer experiences in retail operation.

AI Provides Personalized Shopping Experience

Innovative solutions such as chatbots and NLP, reinforce retailers’ understanding of customer needs and tailor their marketing efforts. These technologies greatly contribute to improving businesses’ customer relationship management system, enabling retailers to keep track of their customer data and shopping habits. Through analyzing real-time customer data, retailers can tailor their sales and promotional strategies, making their customers feel catered to and appreciated. AI helps assess customer preferences and creates personalized recommendations, enabling consumers to find what they need quickly. AI technology also eases communication between retailers and customers, as retailers can respond to clients’ inquiries in less time compared to traditional communication channels, such as phone or email.

AR Disrupts Traditional Shopping Experience

AR technology embeds virtual experiences within real-world surroundings, providing clients with highly immersive experiences. Retailers can use AR to create virtual displays of their products, enabling customers to have a detailed look and feel of the products from wherever they are. By doing so, retailers can drastically reduce their operational costs, with customers pleased with the convenience and flexibility offered. AR technology also allows retailers to analyze customer behavior in real-time and note down their suggestions, thereby improving clients’ experiences.

Customers Are Embracing Automation

The future of retail is automated! Retailers’ automated tools such as self-checkout systems and inventory management tools reduce wait times and eliminate significant dropouts. Automated systems also leverage the use of machine learning to improve recommendations based on customer histories, preferences, and locations, making shopping experiences a breeze for customers. With automation, retailers can serve more customers at once, analyze a massive amount of data quickly, free up more time to focus on building customer relationships and improving service.


Technology has expanded horizons in retail operations, leading to transformational changes in customer experience. Innovations like AI, AR, and automation have enabled businesses to personalize their promotion strategies, create virtual shopping experiences that resemble the traditional ones, and streamline their services, providing customers with choice and flexibility, and convenience. The future of retail operations will continue to be shaped by technology, and retailers must embrace digital transformation to stay ahead of the curve and consistently satisfy their customers’ needs and wants. Overall, the power of technology to revolutionize the retail industry is fascinating.
