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This mind-blowing Japanese pancake will blow your mind – and it’s saving the world!

How Okonomiyaki Became a Comfort and Home: Exploring the Meaning Behind a Shared Dish


Food has the power to evoke powerful emotions and memories, acting as a constant companion in our lives. For the author, okonomiyaki, a Japanese savory pancake, has become a symbol of comfort, resilience, and home. This humble dish has been the source of solace during the first weeks of Covid isolation, a balm for frayed nerves amidst uprisings, a symbol of friendship and reunion, and a testament to the author’s personal struggles and growth. In this article, we explore the significance of okonomiyaki as a shared experience and delve into the deeper meaning it holds for individuals and communities.

Finding Comfort and Resilience Within Okonomiyaki:

Okonomiyaki, with its versatile ingredients, becomes a haven during uncertain times. It becomes a go-to meal that brings familiarity and comfort when everything else seems to be changing. The author reminisces about the moments they turned to okonomiyaki, from the early days of the Covid pandemic when their stomach could only handle this dish, to the aftermath of the shooting at a queer club, where okonomiyaki became a refuge from the world’s chaos. Okonomiyaki acts as a salve for their physical and emotional pain, weaving through their journey of medical tests and personal tragedies.

Shared Experiences and the Power of Connection:

In every meal, there lies a story. Okonomiyaki, when shared among friends and loved ones, becomes a token of connection and unity. It bridges gaps between people, regardless of their backgrounds or circumstances. The author reflects on how okonomiyaki brought them together with friends at a long-delayed reunion on an Oakland patio, and later, in Kyoto, where they shared this dish with others, finding solace and camaraderie. The act of cooking, eating, and sharing okonomiyaki becomes a tangible representation of the bond formed through shared experiences.

Building a Home Through Okonomiyaki:

Okonomiyaki goes beyond being a mere dish; it has the power to create a sense of home. Regardless of where the ingredients are found, the author argues that okonomiyaki can create an abode. It symbolizes stability and belonging, especially for those who have had their homes lost or taken away. The author highlights the significance of having a place to call one’s own, whether it be a physical house or a sense of community. Okonomiyaki becomes a thread that weaves together stories of loss, rebuilding, and the capacity to change lives.

The Beauty in Simplicity:

In a world where complexity often takes center stage, the simplicity of okonomiyaki stands out. The author recounts a visit to a small okonomiyaki place in Osaka, where a humble chef creates magic in the simplest of dishes. This experience reminds them that beauty can be found in simplicity, and that something doesn’t have to be extravagant or elaborate to be special. Okonomiyaki becomes a metaphor for appreciating the ordinary moments in life and finding joy in the little things.

Engaging Piece:

Title: Unlocking the Secrets of Okonomiyaki: How This Simple Dish Holds the Key to Resilience and Connection


Okonomiyaki, a seemingly ordinary Japanese pancake, holds a profound meaning beyond its ingredients. It serves as a companion and solace during times of uncertainty, a symbol of the shared human experience, and a source of resilience and comfort. In this article, we will delve deeper into the world of okonomiyaki, uncovering the secrets that make this humble dish a powerful emblem of connection and home.

The Power of Food and Shared Experiences:

Food has always been more than sustenance; it is a medium through which we connect with others and share our stories. Okonomiyaki, with its rich history and versatility, becomes a vessel for these shared experiences. It acts as a conduit for emotions, bringing people together over a shared meal, regardless of their background or circumstances. Whether it’s a long-awaited reunion on an Oakland patio or an encounter with strangers in Kyoto, okonomiyaki builds bridges and fosters a sense of belonging.

The Journey of Okonomiyaki:

Okonomiyaki’s significance goes beyond its role as a culinary delight. It bears witness to the personal journeys and struggles of individuals. From being the only dish that the author’s stomach could handle during the early days of Covid isolation to providing comfort after tragic events, okonomiyaki becomes a constant companion on their path to healing. The author’s experiences with medical tests and kidney pain evoke a sense of perseverance, with okonomiyaki acting as a soothing balm amidst the challenges faced.

Quiet Kitchen, Loud Impact:

Within the walls of a quiet kitchen, the first scene of “Family Meal” unfolds. Okonomiyaki becomes the focal point, representing stability and continuity. As the author reflects on their last Eating column, they realize that okonomiyaki holds a special place in their heart. It symbolizes the comfort of home, even in the face of constant change. The author opines that, like the ingredients of okonomiyaki, we can reconstruct our lives and find solace amidst turmoil.

Savoring Simplicity:

In a world that celebrates complexity, okonomiyaki’s simplicity stands out. A visit to a small okonomiyaki place in Osaka reveals the beauty that can be found in simplicity. The chef, donning sweatpants and working behind an iron, creates a masterpiece of simplicity on the plate. This experience teaches the author to appreciate the ordinary moments in life and find joy in simplicity. Okonomiyaki becomes a reminder that beauty often resides in the everyday, waiting to be discovered.


Okonomiyaki, the beloved Japanese savory pancake, has become more than just a meal for the author. It represents resilience, connection, and home. This humble dish has offered solace during days of Covid isolation, became a balm for frayed nerves amidst uprisings, acted as a symbol of friendship and reunion, and accompanied the author through personal trials. Okonomiyaki brings people together, transcending borders and backgrounds, reminding us that even in the face of change, we can find a sense of belonging. Its simplicity shines through, reminding us to savor life’s ordinary moments. In a world that often seeks complexity, okonomiyaki teaches us that sometimes, the most special things are the simplest.


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Months passed. I ate okonomiyaki: the only thing my stomach could handle during the first weeks of Covid isolation. The only thing that calmed my nerves after the uprisings a few months later. And then a version shared among friends, at a long-delayed reunion, on an Oakland patio. A recipe I cooked up over months of medical testing, for kidney pain, through one MRI after another. A recipe I ate after learning, upon returning from a queer club, about a shooting at another queer club just a few states away. A recipe shared in Kyoto months later, softened with sake, numbed in a yukata, eaten by hand on a single plate.

In every meal we touch reside the dishes we have cooked before. Nothing is wasted. The first scene of “Family Meal” (the shared okonomiyaki, a quiet kitchen) became the last. Now I’m lost in another book, throwing out more words, and this will be my last Eating column.

But I think it might be that okonomiyaki has become a kind of home for me. Wherever your ingredients are found (cabbage, flour, water), you can conjure up an abode. Some of us have the opportunity to build our own houses. Some of us lose them. And some of us find that others are also looking for theirs and we settle into a comfortable place together. Seeing how much things can change, and what can be rebuilt with the pieces, is proof that we can change our lives as many times as necessary.

However, if we are lucky, even for a while, some things stay the same. A few weeks ago, after missing a train, I ended up at Osaka Kote, a small okonomiyaki place along the local line. Three regulars crowded around the bar, while a single chef worked behind an iron in sweatpants. His movements belonged to her, but he had seen them countless times. When he put my plate on the table, the okonomiyaki was simple and could have been made at anyone’s home: I mean, it looked beautiful. I told him.

But he smiled too. Oh, she said. No. It’s not that special.

And I agreed: he was right. After all, it’s not that special.
