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This Small Business Awards winner found the perfect fit for success – and you won’t believe what it is!

Small Business Awards Winner Finds Natural Solution for Outdoor Gear: The Success of Grivet Outdoors

Coleman Whitsitt, the founder of Grivet Outdoors, was recently announced as the winner of the 2021 Small Business Awards. The outdoor gear company gained recognition for its exceptional commitment to quality, sustainable practices, and innovative solutions that cater to the needs of avid adventurers. In this article, we will delve deeper into Grivet Outdoors and its founder’s journey to success, exploring what sets this company apart in a highly competitive industry.

From Humble Beginnings to Promising Future: The Grivet Outdoors Story

Born and raised in North Carolina, Coleman Whitsitt has always been a nature enthusiast. He spent his childhood exploring the lush forests and towering mountains of his home state, developing a deep love for the great outdoors. After graduating from college, Coleman started working for outdoor gear companies in various capacities, gaining invaluable experience and insight into the industry.

However, Coleman did not want to settle for being an employee. He always harbored an entrepreneurial spirit and a desire to create something of his own that would reflect his values and passion. In 2018, Coleman founded Grivet Outdoors, an online retailer that specializes in selling premium quality outdoor gears.

At first, the journey was not easy. Grivet Outdoors started as a one-man operation, with Coleman handling everything from product design to marketing. The company lacked resources, brand recognition, and a solid clientele base. Nonetheless, Coleman persisted, driven by his vision of creating a brand that would stand out in a crowded market.

Over time, Grivet Outdoors began to find its footing. Coleman’s commitment to quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction paid off, and the company began to attract loyal customers who appreciated the brand’s values and offerings. Today, Grivet Outdoors has grown to become a thriving business, with a team of dedicated employees, a vast product line, and a reputation for excellence.

What Makes Grivet Outdoors Unique: The Philosophy Behind the Brand

Grivet Outdoors distinguishes itself from other outdoor gear companies in various ways. Firstly, the brand’s commitment to sustainability is evident in everything it does. The company’s motto is “preservation through innovation,” and it strives to minimize its environmental footprint as much as possible. All products are made using eco-friendly materials and processes, and the company works with partners who share its values and ethics.

Secondly, Grivet Outdoors focuses on innovation and quality. The brand’s products represent cutting-edge technology and design while maintaining a classic, timeless aesthetic. The company uses only the finest materials available and tests all products rigorously to ensure they meet and exceed customer expectations.

Finally, Grivet Outdoors prides itself on customer satisfaction. The company goes above and beyond to provide unparalleled service and support to its clients, addressing their queries promptly and offering tailored solutions that meet their needs.

An Example of Grivet Outdoors’ Innovative and Natural Approach

One excellent example of Grivet Outdoors’ innovation in the outdoor gear space is its product line of insect repellents. This line features natural, plant-based formulations that repel mosquitoes and other insects without the use of harmful chemicals. This product line reflects the brand’s dedication to sustainability and its willingness to find unique solutions that cater to specific customer needs.

The Grivet Outdoors approach to insect repellents has resonated with consumers who are increasingly concerned about the use of chemical-based products and their impact on the environment. The plant-based formulations are not only effective but also gentle on the skin and safe to use around children and pets.


Coleman Whitsitt is the founder of Grivet Outdoors, an outdoor gear company that recently won the Small Business Awards. The company distinguishes itself from others in the industry through its commitment to sustainability, excellence, and customer satisfaction. Grivet Outdoors’ innovative and natural approach is reflected in its product line of eco-friendly, plant-based insect repellents, which have gained popularity among consumers seeking effective and safe alternatives to chemical-based products. Grivet Outdoors represents a success story of entrepreneurship and dedication to quality and sustainability in a highly competitive industry.


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Here’s how Small Business Awards winner Coleman Whitsitt of Grivet Outdoors found a natural solution  business magazines