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Tinder’s verification process will now use AI and video selfies

Tinder is rolling out an AI-powered update to its photo verification feature today, which to date has allowed users of the app to prove to others that they are neither a bot nor a catfisher. In the past, users took photos of themselves, posing as instructed, to be verified on the dating app and receive a blue check. Now, Tinder is strengthening this process by requiring a selfie video instead of photos. Also, it will soon allow users to restrict their chats to only those members who are also photo verified.

The company says the changes are part of Tinder’s work to make the app safer for its members.

However, the feature also comes at a time when it’s becoming much easier to leverage AI tools to create fake photos and people, which could fill dating apps with fake people who are really just bots primed to send. spam your matches. Requiring a “life” check, like a video selfie does, is a much stronger means of verifying that people are who they say they are and weeding out spammers.

Tinder says it is working with a third-party partner to manage the selfie video verification process, rather than running it in-house, but declined to name the provider.

However, he explains that the new model will first require the user to complete a series of video prompts, which the AI ​​then uses to match that the person in the video also matches the person in the profile picture the user wants to verify. .

As the updates roll out, starting Wednesday, users who want to be photo verified or who want to keep their existing verification will need to take a video selfie. The feature will completely replace the previous option of uploading photos.

Existing Photo Verifieds will soon start receiving in-app prompts to upgrade to the latest version of Photo Verification if they want to keep their blue ticks on Tinder, the company notes. This not only ensures members get verified through the strongest video selfie feature, but also fixes the issue of inactive Tinder users returning to the app where their verified photos are now years old.

In addition to updating the feature to use videos instead of photos, Tinder will later introduce new features that allow users to see only other photo verified members in their recommendations, through their messaging settings. And it will allow members to ask their Matches to verify the photo before they are allowed to send a message. (However, it’s hard to imagine how this will make a good first impression!)

Meanwhile, Tinder Gold subscribers will be able to filter their “Likes” page to Photo Verified members only.

The company claims that photo verification has been shown to increase matches on the service, as users feel more confident that their potential match is a real person, not a bot, and that they look just like their photos. Tinder says that among its users ages 18 to 25, being photo verified gives them a 10% higher chance of a match, for example.

The photo verification feature will roll out today for global Tinder users, while the ability to restrict messages to “photo verified members” will only come in the “next few months,” Tinder says.


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