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Top 5 AI Tools That Are BETTER Than ChatGPT, But Nobody is Using Them | Coding & Productivity Tools

Top 5 AI Tools That Are BETTER Than ChatGPT, But Nobody is Using Them | Coding & Productivity Tools suggests that other …


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39 thoughts on “Top 5 AI Tools That Are BETTER Than ChatGPT, But Nobody is Using Them | Coding & Productivity Tools”

  1. Hi friends! This video was super interesting to make, exploring tools to help us with coding and being more productive that you might've not heard about. What are some other tools you love to use? Leave in the comments! ❤

  2. Once a real AI gets out (one that can actually think) it will most certainly take over a lot of our jobs and we won't be able to adapt to that. These language models are not true AI and while the creators have admitted they don't know how it fully works – they will be treated as censored and nerfed tools.

  3. What really blew people away about Chat GPT has come with Chat GPT 4.
    It's not about what it can do about tasks, but about how a normal conversation can get quite deep about informations ad finding sources about it from nothing more then general inquiries.
    I asked Chat GPT "What happens inside a black hole collapsing when it reaches the Plank Length"? and the AI found me several articles, on Nature and other publications, speculating on that particular situation and giving me a general recap about what the theory sums up.
    I asked it what is the mass of all the terrain bodies in the solar system excluding earth itself and it gave me a wrong answer: I pointed out the answer could be wrong, as it was lower then the mass of Venus itself, and Chat GPT agreed it was wrong and gave me another figure. I asked to make a sum of all the planet mass it had listed and it did, but the figure contained the same wrong value it gave me before so I asked why it did that, if he had previously agreed it was a wrong one, and it finally corrected the value. Then I asked to add the masses of each body he gave me and compare it to earth and tell me if the total mass of earth and it did, concluding it was smaller then the mass of the earth.
    Then I asked It if Takeda Shingen had in it's opinion the political backing to become shogun after defeating Tokugawa Ieyasu in 1572, hadn't he died, and it gave me a very thoughtful opinion of what could have happened, taking in account which Daimyo could have supported and which could opposed him and concluding it would be very difficult and required a very high diplomatic skill to get everything right.
    I also asked about it's opinion about the anime "Suzume" and it came out with surprising points about which one can see it as a master-work, or somehow as derivative plot from previous works, creating an easy to sell drama.
    This are not questions about a straight "Task": it requires the AI to understand the framework of colloquial questions you are posing and refine them according to the information it can gather, coming out with comprehensive and motivated sum up of these informations. You can also talk to it in any language you want or even switch in between and it does not glitch, answering in the language you have started with. I even tried speaking Latin!
    I haven't find any other AI chat that can get to such level of comprehension.

  4. Compareing the "personal youtube algorithm" that would had concerned for me for several years (in a well-broaded spectrum) but rather defines "itself" as a contra-intuitive thing (as if i would have mis-used some internet parts like a nastier mean dork) i would remain with very deep doubt-like thoughts or wondering about so-called artificial unnatural intel-ligence, so what would some more modern "A. I. concept" improve on nerd-oid programmings? furtherly thinking out loud about Aladdins assessment management being too molopolistic (as far as my stage of awareness 'bout this) for real humaoid open contestance aswell. Or why there are more then a hundred programming languages or compilers hardly ever in parallel (like Fortran). The cake would at first need to be baken together, but that's dreaming from the run-out of the (19)90ies? Perhaps my head just won't turn into a cube somehow.. i just learned some kinda basic keyboard shortcuts what rather brings some benefit to what i do (well, at least for me). It's just that it would come down to me assumeing that an apple company building hasn't any MacIntosh apple trees in it's environment, so what would a rustier guy like me win?

  5. Thank you very much for showing me options of artificial intelligence. I have benefited a lot from using ChatGPT both in my work and in my master's degree. I will try the ones you listed. And once again, thank you for sharing your knowledge." 🙂

  6. Hello ! I've tryed Agent GPT in several tasks as a free user. No task was completed, they all ask for subcription because the agent is running for too long

  7. maybe ppl in the future will be more susceptible to Alzheimer's or dementia because they won't know how to do anything well, since they'll be constantly seeking help from ai.

  8. Nothing will ever replace a human doing the actual work. This AI tech is a new technology – at least when it comes to apps like GPT – and it can't do everything for you. Don't get used to some computer app making all the choices / decisions for your life or work. It's a sign of getting LAZY and complacent. If you're not good at doing something then you should try to find something that you ARE good at and find a way to make money at it. The thing you need to remember about all this AI nonsense is that you can only access it via the internet and you only have access to the internet when you have electricity. What are you going to do if there's a black out or brown out in your area? Nothing beats using your own brains.

  9. Video is too long and was boring before even beginning it. Having a thumbnail with censored icons also lost my interest. I purely came here to rant. Also, talking about "tools that are better" and having "productivity" in your title, while you do the opposite of being productive, is kinda pepega.

  10. Nice proof of concept but nothing more. None of this tools work better than average chatGPT prompt, which is underwhelming. If you say these tools are better than ChatGPT, than you are just really bad at prompt design.

  11. Hey code name Tiffany! Show us that you can type on the keyboard! I'm pretty sure you're just a prompt speaker/actress, like those other lo-budget actresses we see on the ads, who works with someone using ai tools to generate the text content, that's the ads copy in ads speak. I don't waste time on people with no credibility.

  12. Nice review. And thank you for mentioning preference to desktop preference over smart phone. I was getting insecure wondering why I was the only one to prefer my 24" LED monitor over a 4" phone for reviewing things – I figured people are just accepting regressing.

  13. Hi Tiffany. It would be useful to see if you use the apps to completion, and then you can compare how much better they are to chatGPT4. I suspect most of them are just API's on chatGPT 3, with just as many errors.

  14. I dont use nor want any AI. That is a weapon to be used for elimination of the middle class. In every scifi movie of the past, those type of things end in deviation of human civilization.

  15. Wasnt the twitter files an indicator of how our government can use these tools against us to subvert democracy and control us? We have difinitive proof that our government violates the Constitution to control us. You dont think yhey will do the same with AI?

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