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Top 5 Mind-Blowing ChatGPT Answers That Will Leave You Speechless | COMPILATION

Get ready to dive into an unforgettable journey of fascinating insights and thought-provoking answers! In this compilation …


50 thoughts on “Top 5 Mind-Blowing ChatGPT Answers That Will Leave You Speechless | COMPILATION”

  1. Thank You for spreading the truth… May Allah the creator of the universe guide us all and keep us all on the straight path.

    Thank You for searching the truth.

    Quran 29:69 (Translation)
    And those who strive for Us, We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, Allah is with the doers of good.

  2. Evidence shows prophet Muhammad was not illiterate after revelation. Many famous scholars hold this view, look up al-Baji of Andalaus, there was even a famous court case which he won!

  3. Allah has promised the believing man and the believing woman Paradise beneath which springs flow, therein they shall abide forever, and in Paradise a good abode for ever; And the greatest (of what they will gain) is the pleasure of Allah. That's a huge success."

  4. ChatGPT is not a legitimate source. It is based on algorithms it is not artificial intelligence. You can quite literally present present bias to ChatGPT in order to make it say pretty much whatever you want to say.

  5. The
    is very different from the

    The Qur'an was revealed a few verses at a time over a period of 23 years, memorized and written down


    upon revelation, recited and checked the accuracy several times in front of Prophet MUHAMMAD pbuh and his companions.

    During Ramadan, Prophet MUHAMMAD recited aloud in Terawih prayers completely whatever had been revealed.

    During the last Ramadhan, the Prophet recited aloud completely the completed Qur'an twice witnessed by many of his companions.

    By then thousands of his companions had memorized the whole Qur'an.

    These complete memorizations became institutionalized and developed into a well-embedded tradition with many complete memorizers (called HAFIZ – singular, HUFAZ – plural) having recorded


    of memorizers straight to the Prophet himself.

    By the time of the demise of the Prophet,


    of his companions had become hufaz.

    In Peninsula Arabia nowadays, there is an annual


    where one of the judges would recite any verse of the Qur'an, the competitor would then recite the following verses until stopped by the judges.

    If one were to gather a Hafiz each from


    and other regions, and request each one of them to recite the whole Qur'an starting from the first verse until the last verse, one would find each of them reciting


    completely from the first verse to the last one proving that the

    has been

    for around 1,400 years as promised by the


    of the universe:

    أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.

    اِنَّا نَحۡنُ نَزَّلۡنَا الذِّكۡرَ وَاِنَّا لَهٗ لَحٰـفِظُوۡنَ‏ ﴿15:9﴾

    "I seek refuge with ALLAH (the CREATOR of the universe) from the accursed satan (who will be punished).

    In the name of ALLAH, the

    '"Behold, it is We Ourselves
    (MAJESTIC plural) who have bestowed from on high, step by step, this reminder (i.e. the QUR'AN): and, behold, it is We who shall truly guard it".'
    (The Qur'an and its translation Surah Al-Hijr 15:9)

    The first complete manuscript of the Old Testament of the BIBLE called


    attributed to Moses and other İsrailli prophets who lived in the years B.C. (i.e before Christ), was written in

    YEAR 1008 C.E.

    (i.e. after Christ)
    by over


    most of whom were


    The first complete manuscripts of the New Testament called


    were written in the


    i.e. about


    after Jesus and not written in Aramaic, the language Jesus spoke in but in


    NONE of Jesus' disciples knew Greek!

    Hence the entire BIBLE is a compilation of

    73 BOOKS
    (Duay Bible of the Catholics);

    66 BOOKS
    (Protestant Bible);

    75-79 BOOKS
    (GREEK Orthodox)

    73 BOOKS
    (Coptic Bible)

    81-88 BOOK
    (Ethiopian Bible);


    79 BOOKS
    (Russian Orthodox)

    every one of which is based on


    upon hearsays upon hearsays upon hearsays.

  6. Hello Lily Jay, This is such a lovely video of you. Quran is the word of God and nobody can replicate it like they do the Bible and other religoius books. Islam is the fastest growing religion, because people knew the truth it's Allah's miracle guiding everyone towards Islam. Lily, I'm happy that Allah showed you the right path and he will offer you a beautiful heaven as a reward of believing in him.

  7. I think …. That Jesus spoke Greek as well as Aramaic.
    Take John 7:35 as an example “The Jews said to one another, “Where does this man (Jesus) intend to go that we cannot find him? Will he go where our people live scattered among the Greeks, and teach the Greeks?”

    So firstly with the Jews living among the Greeks, it seems that they could speak Greek. Secondly, Jesus also could speak Greek as the crowd suggests.

    Luke who wrote his Gospel and Acts was not Jewish, Matthew a tax collector and disciple of Jesus would also be well versed in Greek for his job.
    But as Church history mentions Matthew wrote his gospel firstly Hebrew. It was then translated to Greek.

  8. Should women who identify as Muslim have the right to vote in Western democracies?
    Why not?
    According to the voting laws of most Western democracies, people with intellectual disabilities cannot vote in elections for government bodies.
    Explanation from an unbeliever in Islam:
    If someone believes that they are in a religious system that clearly tells them that they cannot testify in court because they are intellectually disabled (stupid), we should take their belief seriously and support them in it, which should result in the abolition of voting rights.
    Explanation from a Muslim:
    Everything that is written in the explanation for unbelievers + Muslims have been grumbling lately that they want at least some of their laws to be implemented in the state system as a minority. So I propose that the voting rights of those people who are declared so stupid in Islam that they do not have the right to testify in serious court cases be abolished.
    Advantages and disadvantages of this system compared to the current situation:
    From previous experiences, for example in GB, it has been shown that a man in a family in areas with a majority Muslim population where the members of the electoral commission are mostly Muslims, usurped the right to vote from the female members of his family and voted on their behalf according to his own wishes. This proposal will prevent such abuse.
    In addition, Muslim men have an archaic / different view of morality compared to the moral values ​​​​common in Western democracies, so it is better to reduce their influence on the election of government as much as possible.
    Another advantage is that the female part of the immigrant population will tend to declare themselves atheists or Christians, which will drastically reduce the number of Muslims in the country (and this means their lobbying influence).
    Personal note:
    Although this proposal of mine seems to nullify women's rights, it actually improves them for two reasons:
    1. Muslim men who were raised in traditional Islam and thus cannot accept women's rights according to how we understand them in Western democracy, so in my opinion it is better to deprive them of the opportunity to usurp the right to vote instead of their wives and daughters in order to use political influence to further reduce their rights, which will happen if Islamic laws are accepted.
    2. By putting things this way, the female immigrant population will have an even greater tendency to separate from Islam and fight for their rights.
    3. When the last woman leaves Islam Islam as a religion that has been preaching that women are stupid for 1400 years will deservedly die out.

  9. The scriptures (Old Testament/Torah) were mainly translated to Greek (Septuagint) in Jesus’s time and thus it makes sense that the New Testament was also first written in Greek. Maybe research facts instead of asking chatGPT. You can’t even reference chatGPT for assignments and yet here you are making up ‘facts’ on an entire religion.

  10. Reddit level arguments against Christianity. There is a reason she only speaks to Chat GPT and not Christian scholars. Video should be called "Lady learns people can speak more than one language."

  11. Hey Lily Jay, just to let you know, there are manipulating ChatGpt now to hide the truth. I tried asking the same question as you and I couldn’t make ChatGpt say anything freely.

  12. Surat 1, 1 of the Korax by me:

    "By justice you are to live and by love as we are always watching over you to see your intentions as they truly are towards your fellow creatures that God has created from water."

  13. Total bullshit. Only fools learn from chat GPT. The gospel of chat GPT. What a joke. Probably chat GPT written by Muslims who try to lie in everything.

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