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Top Female Cyclists Speak Out About Women’s Sports Being “Destroyed” By Transgender Athletes

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Megyn Kelly is joined by Inga Thompson and Hannah Arensman, top women’s cyclists, to discuss sports agencies claiming …


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42 thoughts on “Top Female Cyclists Speak Out About Women’s Sports Being “Destroyed” By Transgender Athletes”

  1. lack of foresight is an understatement… men in wigs are stronger than women? no waaaaaaay. I wonder what serena williams would say now if guys started competing in the womens tournament? even after both williams sisters were destroyed by a 200+ ranked male player one after the other who had just come from the pub and smoked as well…

    the only word that hasnt changed its definition in modern society is gullible, its the depths of the definition thats definitely increased though, society at large is trying so hard to be 'positive' that you acknowledge any obvious power grab campaign that comes along… because BLM and metoo didnt have an obvious stench of supremacy that backfired horribly did it? 🤣🤣 civilisation is such hopeless joke

  2. Lets Stand together over no males in female sports or any toilets !whom made these crazy laws should have their penis cut of and if their are woman involved they should be handed the cut of penis

  3. Think about it. Are you in favor of:
    A) Your son being tricked into falling for a male presenting as female…AND
    B) A male violating the sanctity of your daughter’s legitimate sex in a locker room/shower or…
    C) Being forced to utter a lie by calling a male a “she” in front of your daughters as he took one of their scholarships

    Absolutely not. Biology is NOT bigotry or hate. It is factual truth.

    Courage requires conviction and conviction better be predicated on Truth otherwise we are getting played.

    Tyranny is when you cannot support your argument with facts and then criminalize/censor/shame those who DO.

    If you are for that, go drink a Budweiser in some Nikes….
    Actually all of these companies support confusion to that end: Anheuser Busch, Nike, Jack Daniels, Gillette, Olay, Lego, Disney, Coca-Cola, Matel, Maybelline, Hersheys, Anthropologie, Transformers, Miller Light (Molson Coors), Sports Illustrated, Adidas, Walmart, Target, Calvin Klein, North Face, Fox News, Chick-Fil-A, and Levi’s…they need your support to erode the family nucleus in America. The decision is yours.

  4. Sports (and bathrooms) were never separated by gender in the first place. It was biology that separated them. Keep to that. All biological males are free to compete in the male category regardless of gender.

    Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed on Tuesday (May 30, 2022), legislation that bans transgender women (aka men) from playing on female sports teams in college. The legislation expands the state’s existing 2021 ban on transgender athletes on K-12 sports teams to include college teams.

  6. Why cant all the biological women athletes just say ok fine let them come into women sports, we want a new category as cis women sports 😀

  7. This unfair issue can be solved very fast. To All biological women athletes in the whole world stand Together and boycott those events when you are asked to compete against transgender women because scientifically these guys are men. They should have their own class to compete in sports and be accepted in society.

  8. Thank you Megyn! This is what the Patriarchy (and the ones in heels!) wants: to destroy STRONG WOMEN. This is what they called WITCHES back in the day. Keep up the great work!

  9. What does BLM, the Trans Gender movement , and the Democratic party all have in common beyond the obvious?
    They all make huge promises as well intended and for the Good of society, similar to giving too much sugar to a kid and then taking it back, or getting a Heroin addict to become hooked and dependent upon the drug. They have all made grandiose pledges of a superficial nature to gain access for eventual destruction. BLM has been nothing but a huge lie that made a few people wealthy, and defund the Police campaign made the most illogical non solution to a real issue, and made it worse than it was before. Everything that Joe Biden and his administration have promoted have all given us way too many adverse consequences.

  10. I am not very political, but I live in Florida where Governor DeSantis is one of the few politicians enacting laws to ensure fairness and protect the safety of biological female athletes as well as all female citizens. Because of it he has been accused of hating the LGBTQ+ community. And yet our record shows that Ft Lauderdale has the largest gay population in the country, Miami hosts the most Pride events, Disney and Orlando host huge gay pride celebrations, and in general Florida welcomes, supports and protects the LGBTQ+community fairly as well. He has proven that with a little common sense and not caving to the extremists, it’s possible to do both. Just something to keep in mind when it comes time to vote.)

  11. This is infuriating. Stop Men invading women's sports! Your dealing with Pretenders! Self centered,self absorbed people who are disrespecting to Women and there accomplishments.

  12. Get em Megan!!!…🇺🇸🗽🐕‍🦺, This is just crazy… These things that call themself women should be expelled from our country …🤔💪🌍….

  13. Simple…today with have many more genders.
    Transgender Woman
    Transgender Man
    And more…
    A Man is not a Woman just as a Transgender Woman is not a Woman or a Man.
    They are Transgender Women
    There should NOT be mixed gender physical competitions of any sort.

  14. Why won’t women take a real standby when a transgender person is competing in their category all the real women refuse to take part

    Women for there own existence need to unite and take a stand

  15. Trans steal money, awards, and sponsorships from real women who deserve it! STOP THE ERASURE OF WOMEN! WOKE, STOP CRAMMING THIS DOWN OUR THROATS!

  16. Alll women athletes need to show up to their event, then when it begins, they all walk out when a trans woman is competing!!

  17. Trans women are strong men and have a prostate and different stronger shaped pelvis. Women have heavy breasts, painful periods fat asses, short arms, short legs and frail bones. Men are not women.

  18. They all should boycott.
    This is institutional abuse of women.
    The men and orgs pushing this shit need to be taken down. They are bullies.

  19. What sports women should do which would go viral, is to turn up at the start line, of whichever sport, then not move when the gun, whatever goes off, let the trans woman take off running, cycling, swimming etc, on their own. You you imagine the reaction on MSM etc ? The sporting world would go would the betting world.

  20. It's time for the women to stand up by STANDING DOWN; let the men have ALL the prizes….this is the time to fight or totally give back everything women have gained…'s up to the ladies to make this stop!

  21. Trans has NOTHING to do in biological born woman sports. All support to any real female athletes for keeping it real and getting these creeps out of our daughters bathrooms.

  22. Stop participating in the events. Whatever sport it may be. Don't tolerate it, support it or endorse the trans participation in any form. Then see what happens. I believe in protesting, but sometimes it's more effective to just boycott.

  23. We all know this shit won't be curtailed unless Trump or DeSantis become president. Republicans win congress and senate. We can't stop it but we can build in some fair and sense policies.

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