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Top officials of the new $32.5 billion capital Nusantara resign

Progress in Indonesia’s new capitala groundbreaking project for outgoing President Joko Widodo, is on shaky ground following the ouster of its top officials. unexpectedly resigned On Monday.

In 2019, Joko Widodo, commonly known as Jokowi, promised to move Indonesia’s capital from Jakarta on the island of Java to “Nusantara,” a new city to be built on the island of Borneo, more than 800 miles away.

Jokowi blamed Jakarta’s overpopulation and flood risk for the move. The city, already below sea level, is sinking further, increasing the risk of severe flooding during heavy rains, which are becoming more frequent due to climate change.

But more than four years later, the project battle with a lack of foreign investment. Jokowi’s government hoped that international investors would finance 80% of the $32.5 billion project, but foreign investors are According to reports cautious.

And to make matters worse, the senior project managers have just left the company.

Indonesia’s Foreign Minister Pratikno announced on Monday the resignation of Nusantara Capital Authority (OIKN) chief Bambang Susantono and deputy chief Dhony Rahajoe. The Public Works and Housing Minister will serve as Nusantara’s acting chief, Pratikno said.

According to the state news agency Antara, Susantono will take over a new portfolio in the area of ​​international cooperation.

The resignations came just one day before Jokowi’s planned visit to the new capital. Indonesia’s President arrived on Tuesday; during his visit, he is expected to inaugurate educational projects and inspect preparations for the upcoming Independence Day celebrations on August 17.

In an Instagram post published shortly after the resignations were announced, Jokowi said construction of Nusantara was continuing. Indonesia plans transmitted via 10,000 officials in the new city in September.

The Nusantara project has already under pressure due to construction delays, complications in acquiring land and a lack of financing. Well-known investors such as Softbank have already pulled out.

The Jokowi government has tried to sell Nusantara as a green, high-tech metropolis with high-speed transport and modern architecture. Indonesia hopes that up to 1.9 million people will move to Nusantara by 2045. (Currently, around 11 million people live in Jakarta)

Jokowi’s successor, future President Prabowo Subianto, promised during his election campaign to continue the development of Nusantara.

Jokowi is still going full steam ahead with the Nusantara project. On Monday, Indonesia’s Minister of Public Works and Housing told an Indonesian media outlet that Jokowi planning a move to the new city as soon as the supply of clean water is ensured, possibly as early as the end of June.