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Top Surprising Exercises That Will Transform Women’s Bodies Faster Than Men’s!

Maximizing Health Benefits of Exercise for Women and Men

Maximizing Health Benefits of Exercise for Women and Men

The Importance of Exercise for Women and Men

Exercise is crucial for overall health and well-being, benefiting cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and longevity. According to recent research, women can derive more health benefits from physical activity than men, raising the question of whether sex-based exercise guidelines are necessary.

While experts have not reached a consensus on prescribing different exercises based on sex or gender, weight training emerges as a key component for all individuals. Women, in particular, are advised to incorporate weight training into their routines to combat the increased risk of osteoporosis, especially as they near menopause.

Incorporating Weight Training into Fitness Regimens

Current guidelines recommend incorporating weight training or resistance training at least twice a week for optimal health. This includes performing one or two sets of 8 to 12 repetitions of various exercises such as bicep curls, deadlifts, and bench presses.

A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology highlights the significant decrease in premature death rates for women who consistently engage in exercise compared to men. Regardless of age, starting a weight training routine can yield substantial benefits, particularly for women.

Focusing on Flexibility and Balance

While weight training is crucial, maintaining flexibility is equally important, especially for men. Insufficient flexibility can lead to tendon ruptures and muscle strains. Incorporating exercises like yoga and pilates, typically associated with women, can improve overall flexibility and prevent injuries in men.

Experts emphasize that fundamental exercise routines—encompassing strength training, endurance, aerobic exercise, flexibility, and balance—should be universal for both sexes. Achieving a balance in all aspects of fitness is key to optimal health.

Individual Fitness Recommendations

Despite potential differences in body composition between men and women, spot training—targeting specific areas through isolation exercises—is not always effective. A holistic approach that targets all muscle groups is more beneficial for overall health and fitness.

  • Strength Training Tips for Women:
    • Utilize bodyweight exercises like push-ups and squats.
    • Incorporate free weights for added resistance.
    • Explore weight machines for specific muscle targeting.

For men, focusing on flexibility through stretching routines and activities like yoga and pilates can enhance overall performance and reduce the risk of injuries associated with limited flexibility.

  • Flexibility Tips for Men:
    • Include regular stretching in your workout routine.
    • Embrace yoga for comprehensive stretching benefits.
    • Consider pilates to improve flexibility and core strength.

Exploring Gender-Based Exercise Guidelines

While the debate persists on the need for sex-specific exercise guidelines, it is crucial to acknowledge the unique responses of women and men to different forms of exercise. Women may benefit more from weight training due to their predisposition to osteoporosis, while flexibility and balance training are essential for men to prevent injuries.

Striking a Balance in Fitness

Embracing a holistic approach to fitness, regardless of sex or gender identity, involves incorporating diverse exercises to enhance strength, flexibility, and endurance. By focusing on achieving well-rounded fitness goals, individuals can maximize the health benefits of exercise and improve overall quality of life.

Challenging Norms and Embracing Diversity

Breaking away from traditional gender norms in exercise can lead to a more inclusive and effective approach to fitness. Encouraging men to explore activities like yoga and pilates, typically associated with women, can broaden their fitness horizons and prevent injuries associated with limited flexibility.


Exercise plays a vital role in promoting cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and longevity for both women and men. While weight training is beneficial for all individuals, emphasizing flexibility and balance training can address specific health concerns, such as osteoporosis in women and tendon injuries in men. Adopting a comprehensive approach to fitness that encompasses strength, endurance, flexibility, and balance is essential for optimizing health outcomes and improving overall well-being.


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February 28, 2024: We know we have to exercise. It improves our cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles and ultimately contributes to our longevity and quality of life. But according to new research, women can benefit more from physical activity than men. Does that mean there should be sex-based guidelines around exercise?

It turns out that when it comes to recommending different exercises based on sex and gender, there is no expert consensus.

Weight training, for example, should be an essential part of anyone's exercise regimen. But it's especially important for women to incorporate weight training into their routines, says Dr. Phillip Williams, an orthopedic surgeon at Baylor College of Medicine, due in large part to their increased risk of osteoporosis as they approach menopause.

“Weight training improves bone density more than any other type of exercise,” says Williams. “As an orthopedic surgeon, I definitely recommend any woman who may be at risk for osteoporosis to follow a good weight training regimen that challenges her muscles regularly.”

The current guidelines published The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommend that weight training, also known as resistance training, be incorporated into everyone's routine at least twice a week.

There is no specific amount of time for muscle strengthening exercises, but it is suggested to do one or two sets of 8 to 12 repetitions of the same movement. These sets may include bicep curls, deadlifts, bench presses, push-ups, etc.

The new studypublished in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, found that premature death rates among women who exercised consistently decreased by up to 24%; For men who did the same amount of exercise, their premature death rates only decreased by 15%.

Although the sooner you start weight training the better, it's never too late to start, Williams said. The benefits of weight training, even more so for women, can still occur even if you're just starting out in your 60s.

Although men don't see as high rates of improvement in bone density through weight training as women, Williams said, men with Osteoporosis sees significant improvements.

Where men can fall short, in Williams' experience, is flexibility.

“Men often suffer from tendon ruptures from an exercise standpoint from not having enough flexibility and not stretching their tendons and muscles,” Williams said. “You see more tears of the Achilles tendons, biceps tendons and things like that in men because of the types of sports they play.”

That's why men of all ages should experiment with exercises that are usually dominated by women, such as yoga and pilates. Male-dominated sports and forms of exercise often incorporate “explosive movements,” but neglecting the stretching that yoga and Pilates can provide can be detrimental and lead to more muscle strains and tendon tears.

However, many experts follow the school of thought that all people, regardless of sex and gender identity, should follow the same basic exercise routines.

“Everyone should want to achieve all the pillars of fitness, including strength training, endurance, aerobic exercise, flexibility and balance,” said David Janke, an exercise physiologist certified by the American College of Sports Medicine at the cardiac rehabilitation center at the University of California, San Francisco. . “That applies to men and women.”

The only difference Janke sees when it comes to sex differences in exercise is that men and women tend to maintain their weight and muscle mass. Studies have shown that, on average, women tend to have a higher percentage of body fat than men; They also tend to store extra weight in the buttocks, while men tend to store extra fat in the abdominal region.

But even with that knowledge, there isn't much data to support the effectiveness of what many call “spot training,” or doing certain exercises to target “problem” areas of the body.

Janke has seen the same thing while working with people recovering after cardiac events.

“In my experience, spot training doesn't seem to benefit people (men or women) as much as simply focusing on exercising all muscle groups,” Janke said. Prescribe the same routines to everyone, regardless of sex or gender.

strength training tips for women:

  • Use your own body weight: Push-ups, squats, and lunges are included under the umbrella of weight training.
  • If you have free weights, such as dumbbells or barbells, you can add bicep curls, bench presses, deadlifts, and more. You can also add dumbbells to your bodyweight exercises for an added challenge.
  • Weight machines may seem intimidating at the gym, but they're not as scary as they seem, as long as you listen to your body and research proper form. They can help you work even more specific muscle groups, with exercises like hamstring curls, chest presses, side bends, and more.

Flexibility Tips for men:

  • Stretching: Making a simple stretching routine a staple of your pre- or post-workout regimen can be a game-changer in helping you avoid injury.
  • Yoga has it all when it comes to stretching and you don't have to pay for expensive classes either. With online classes and YouTube tutorials, adding weekly doses of yoga can provide the necessary amount of stretching you may be missing from your workout routine.
  • Pilates: Like weight machines at the gym, Pilates reformers can be intimidating at first. But it is not necessary to begin with the reformer; You can reach that level after practicing floor exercises on a mat. However, if you can use a reformer, classes are the best option to fully understand what the machine can do because of its flexibility potential.
