Indian comedian Akaash Singh along with Tushar Singh, and Kase Raso answering some tough parenting questions from the audience in San Diego, California.
Indian comedian Akaash Singh along with Tushar Singh, and Kase Raso answering some tough parenting questions from the audience in San Diego, California.
Rough parenting decisions? Seems like they was a really freaking easy decision
Rather be able to have grandchildren than an abomination
I’ll like to see his reasoning, does he explain it further in the show?
That’s not a hard choice at all
That laugh shows how much they chill together, the got the same laugh
I would prefer to have no kids then
Great decision. Girls anyways bring nothing but sh@me for family
An OF son is a Chad, an OF daughter is a thot
That's a sad answer…. tbh… even if it is a hypothetical…
I would rather have an escort daughter than an onlyfans daughter! At least they're more honest.
If the parents do their jobs properly, they won’t have to make that decision.
Lmao he hit them good
He's not wrong though. What dad can honestly be proud of his OnlyFans career having, no life skills ass daughter?
How about neither? Degeneracy is degeneracy. I'd rather have no cancer, than pick one or the other.
I have to disagree.
Cant imagine clothing and feeding my daughter for 18 years for her to grow up and make money on OF actually soul crushing
These are the topics that real Americans are facing. Thank you
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