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Toyota leaked vehicle data from 2 million customers

While the company says it found no evidence of malicious use of the exposed data, the incident highlights a growing threat as automakers push vehicle connectivity and AI-enabled features require the collection of massive amounts of data. .

You can check the types of data that a particular car manufacturer might be collecting and sharing using this free tool made by the automotive privacy company Privacy4Cars.

The United States and its allies have successfully disabled Russian malware that one of the Kremlin’s most sophisticated hacking units had installed on hundreds of computers around the world. After spending years monitoring a malware network called Snake, the FBI developed and deployed a tool called Perseus, named for the monster-slaying Greek hero, that caused the malware to overwrite itself and disable itself, the Justice Department announced Tuesday. .

Snake is developed and operated by Turla, a notorious state-sponsored hacking group linked to Russia’s Federal Security Service, or FSB. Prosecutors said Russian spies behind Turla have used versions of the Snake malware to steal confidential documents from dozens of governments, journalists and “other targets of interest to the Russian Federation.”

According to unsealed court documents, the Snake malware operated as a “peer-to-peer” network linking infected computers around the world, allowing Turla to install malware and exfiltrate data.

This week, Europe came one step closer to banning facial recognition in public spaces with an agreement by lawmakers to strengthen proposed legislation governing how artificial intelligence technology can be used in the European Union.

In a vote Thursday morning, members of the European Parliament agreed to include the ban in the text of the highly anticipated AI Act, the world’s first comprehensive legislation governing the technology. “This vote is a milestone in AI regulation and a clear signal from Parliament that fundamental rights should be the cornerstone of that,” Kim van Sparrentak MEP told Reuters. “AI must serve people, society and the environment, and not the other way around.”

A ransomware group attempted to extort money from Dragos, a leading industrial cybersecurity company, in a failed campaign targeting company executives, the company said Wednesday.

While the hackers gained access to a limited set of customer data, Dragos said he chose not to interact with the group. “The data that was lost and will likely be made public because we chose not to pay the extortion is regrettable,” the company said. “However, we hope that highlighting the adversary’s methods will help others consider additional defenses against these approaches so they don’t fall victim to similar efforts.”


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