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Train ChatGPT To Do Your Customer Support! 🥳

Learn how you can quickly build an AI chatbot powered by ChatGPT that’s trained on your business so it can answer customer …

13 thoughts on “Train ChatGPT To Do Your Customer Support! 🥳”

  1. Thanks for video , but we needs a chat bot to connect our instagram and whatsapp account and chat with costumers , we needs chatbot to collect data from costumers and use this data to conversations to them .. chatbot to connect our CRM and use data for conversation with costumers.. please help us

  2. What's the software you use to transcribe your audio in real-time? In the video you just spoke the words to give to the chat and it typed it out. What program did you use.

  3. Thank you for all the amazing info you share Jason!! I saw your previos chatbot video with CustomGPT. Which one do you think is better for a newbie? Is there any complicated set up with this one? That has always been a big problem for me 🙁

  4. Eu sou do Brasil, estou acompanhando os vídeos no CustomGPT, assinei o plano 49$, hoje tive a primeira reunião com o cliente ecommercer, ele gostou muito. Agora estou indo atrás de mais clintes para tentar fechar mais apresentações

  5. Agora eu tenho que aprender como eu posso personalizar para obter as informações de CustomGPT.for meus clientes não podem identificar de onde esta ferramenta é

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