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Treasury purchases suggest Buffett doesn’t believe US could default, says analyst

Purchases of a “truck” of U.S. Treasuries (treasuries) of Berkshire Hathaway, a conglomerate managed by famed investor Warren Buffett, caught the attention of some financial agents in the balance sheet released on Saturday (6).

In a special live off stick picker To reflect the main highlights of the Berkshire event, one of the program’s presenters, Lucas Collazo, emphasized the purchases of treasuries point out that Buffett “doesn’t seem that concerned about the possible default (Default) of the United States Government”.

“It shows a sense of security that he’s getting the money,” he said. “I would not make this allocation if I had a solvency problem,” he warned.

This Sunday (7), US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said that unless Congress acts quickly to raise the country’s debt limit, “financial and economic chaos will ensue.”

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“It is simply unacceptable that Congress is threatening economic doom to American households and the global financial system at the cost of raising the debt ceiling,” he said. Janet’s pipes were made into a sewer ABC.

The whole discussion is about the United States being able to enter on June 1st default (Default) if the legislature does not raise or remove the debt ceiling, which has led to disputes in the US Congress.

Republicans have defended the spending cut, while the other side claims the funding cut constitutes “blackmail.”

The US national debt ceiling is currently set at $31.381 trillion and can only be raised with the approval of an Act of Congress passed by the President.

Since January, when the United States hit its debt ceiling, the Treasury Department has taken extraordinary measures to continue funding the government. But, as Janet warned weeks earlier, such measures will soon be phased out. In practice, there is a possibility that the functioning of the government will be paralyzed if the limit is not raised.

While the discussion is heated, it’s not the first time it’s been held. The debt limit has been raised dozens of times in previous administrations, including under former Republican President Donald Trump.



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