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U.S. Supreme Court Oral Argument: Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization

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The U.S. Supreme Court hears the oral argument in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, a case concerning the …


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39 thoughts on “U.S. Supreme Court Oral Argument: Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization”

  1. Saw this case Now this day 11-17-2022. 17 Years ago. 40 years age. I don't need to sue for basic needs cash from State of New York and other states can send money on Card. Name on EBT Card
    Missionary Porter Glory. I don't need to appeal my Full Retirement onset date 04/14/2004. I received my EBT card after I became a Republican. But on a Temporary EBT card issued onset date 1/27/2003 after You all took my Social Security. Who would not be angry. I Twitter that report on today.

  2. 20 years ago To USA Supreme Court. When I went into the Hospital for help because I am Homeless no income; What was asked? When did your last period come?. Eyes and laws all on me. Asked because the church put me out on 4/23/2002. 3 days to change their minds by 4/26/2002. Now I applied and contacted the State of New York all this time for New York State Public Assistance. Can not say Disability. Social Worker Never came to hospital as many times in beginning dates 10/14/2002 to November 28, 2002 I wait for worker to come in morning.

  3. Now January 9 2003 injuries added to Homelessness. You know I died but GOD kept me alive. As the Cock Crow 1x onset Date September 24 2002 and I was inside but if the church did that 6 months ago 2002 everyone did what they wanted. Hospital put me out 1/10/2003. That is Judgement. In at least 4. hospitals from 1/9/2003 to 1/14/2003. 1 1x 1 2x. What they asked instead of tending to my limb that was savaged from my Body. When did you have last period. Put out stayed in lobby overnight. Now You have 20 years. Where is my family, where the people who suppose to love you Inspight of. Not just say Jesus loves you. You used me to get and keep your laws and you still taking taxing me. To the USA Supreme Court they can not just have there Thanksgiving Thief beliefs and dictate to me to wait. Nope It 8 years. Where was i at 7 years this. In a shelter and I had to apply. Took my credit my things and put me out in Way out East. When I said my things my money my Social Security. A Human life. By 2016. Put out again still no Public Assistance Cash money and expect me to find a Full Time job. 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020Stop. They all that Earnings my Social Security. My Retirement and wrote claims on it.USA I Retired. That is why Social Security Is wrong to. I don't have to apply for disability to get My Retirement. It is my money. $1102 is amount onset date April 14 2004. Increase November 9, 2015 is $250 monthly. 16 years of $1102×$13224 Yearly is $211584 onset date 10/24/2020.

  4. Ironically SCOTUS made abortion access easier and cheaper in AZ. Before June 24, 2022 a medical abortion cost up to $1600. After Dobbs you can now buy the pills online for $105. So as far as abortion access I would like to thank SCOTUS for making abortion much cheaper and more accessible where I live even though that's the opposite of what they wanted. There will still be lots of abortions here but many won't be on record. Obviously it was about control, not morality, because SCOTUS isn't going to be saving any sentient fetuses with Dobbs.
    I guess most people don't realize this but abortifacients are everywhere. They're quite likely in your medicine cabinet or a friend's medicine cabinet as we speak. The same drugs used in medical abortions are prescribed for so many other ailments that it's easy to get them or just buy them online. My pro-life sister's dog was even being prescribed abortifacients for a medical condition. She was super pissed off when I told her she was buying abortion drugs 😝

  5. I've been saying since high school (I'm 26 now) that we needed to return the issue to the states. It's too axiomatic. The conversation begins and ends at it's premises. Is a fetus a unique human life, ie a person, and if so, does their right to live trump it's mother's most fundamental right to property, that of her own body?

    Now, I think you can argue from a purely scientific perspective that a fetus is a unique human life. A single cell is the most basic unit of what science terms "life," and every cell inside a human is identifiable as a human cell, therefore human life. As to the "unique" aspect, genetics tells us that the first stem cell is unique from both the mother and the father, so from conception the fetus is in point of fact a "unique human life."

    Now the question of whether the mother's rights trump that of the child, or the child's trump that of the mother's. This is where the conversation always stalls out. I've seen an 8 month pregnant woman who drew on her belly the words "still not a human." I have also heard it argued by a religious man of a particular variety that even in the case of the life of the mother being in jeopardy and there being no possibility of the survival of the fetus outside the womb, it was the will of God that she be put to that test. Both of these positions seem patently absurd to me. All this to say, the radicals on one side do in point of fact believe infanticide is ok, and the radical side does believe women have no right to their own body to the point of not having a right to life themselves.

    Even if we clear out the radicals on both sides and only focus on those in an acceptable realm of discourse, we still see divisions which can not be solved due to their diametrically opposed axioms. If you start from "the woman trumps" but you stop before birth, or the third trimester you have to fabricate some post hoc reason for it. Similarly if you say the child trumps, but you don't go all the way to the point of conception, again, you have to fabricate some post hoc reason for doing so. So given the axioms of the debate, the "reasonable people" are actually irrational.

    If we expand the conversation beyond the scope of abortion into sexual rights and morays, contraception, and gender roles I do believe we can resolve the debates, because the cause of abortion is pregnancy, and the cause of pregnancy is sex, so unless we can have a reasonable conversation about sex and gender that isn't couched in ideology the way it seems to be, we'll never resolve the abortion debate. But the nation isn't there yet. Hence if we can't decide nationally, we must allow the issue to be decided locally.

    It's not the absolute "right answer" but it's better than endlessly bringing it back up in court and federal Congress. In a decade's time well see how pro vs anti abortion states do over time, what problems are caused, what solutions are reached, and perhaps we can have a good old constitutional amendment to finalize the issue.

  6. The court aired to political in overturning women’s choice. This court unfortunately has become to corrupt. When Americans have no more faith in the judicial system. The system itself collapses. Faith in the supreme court is at an all time low. Everyone should be worried.

  7. Justice Thomas is the absolute man of the century. He even mentioned overturning sodomy protection cases. We need to recriminalize sodomy, like yesterday. They're castrating children now. Absolute sexual abuse.

  8. This is never going away until there's an amendment, that's not going to happen until the next paradigm shift, for now, there are 3 choices: abstinence, suck it up, or move.

  9. Sorry
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  10. I say this for our safety. I am still completely entirely and totally abstinent and have been for years, even before moving to Clementine Street) in 2018. Neither  my  sons  Cameron, (who lives with me),   Christian (who does not)  nor I are LGBTQIA+ or Non-Binary and I have had no threesomes ever, Cameron and I do not have a "boyfriend" or "girlfriend", no fornicating, no adultery. I have not had sex in years, and am very reluctant to due to religious persecution and lies about us (as Christians). I hope we can find housing anyway without being discriminated against. I am completely abstinent, (and have been for years), and Cameron is a virgin (to my very best knowledge) and Christian is now married.There were also no pandemic babies produced at the house where I am renting.
    My son Cameron and I moved out of 2939 West Clementine Street on August 31, 2019 at 3:00 PM, EST 3 years and almost 9 months ago and still do not have a house of our own. (We also have not seen our father's nakedness as in the Book of Job, which came up as a discussion to distinguish a group of people and their sexual practices). Today is now 5-20-2023 @ 7:02 AM, EST

  11. I say this for our safety. I am still completely entirely and totally abstinent and have been for years, even before moving to Clementine Street) in 2018. Neither  my  sons  Cameron, (who lives with me),   Christian (who does not)  nor I are LGBTQIA+ or Non-Binary and I have had no threesomes ever, Cameron and I do not have a "boyfriend" or "girlfriend", no fornicating, no adultery. I have not had sex in years, and am very reluctant to due to religious persecution and lies about us (as Christians). I hope we can find housing anyway without being discriminated against. I am completely abstinent, (and have been for years), and Cameron is a virgin (to my very best knowledge) and Christian is now married.There were also no pandemic babies produced at the house where I am renting.
    My son Cameron and I moved out of 2939 West Clementine Street on August 31, 2019 at 3:00 PM, EST 3 years and almost 9 months ago and still do not have a house of our own. (We also have not seen our father's nakedness as in the Book of Job, which came up as a discussion to distinguish a group of people and their sexual practices). Today is now 5-20-2023 @ 7:02 AM, EST

  12. Present President of India
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