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Unbelievable! Chris Christie throws down the gauntlet against Donald Trump in epic US presidential election showdown!

Chris Christie Returns to National Stage with Second Presidential Run

Former New Jersey governor Chris Christie has filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission to launch his second presidential race, with an event in Manchester, New Hampshire. New Hampshire is a critical voting state; Christie suspended his campaign in 2016 after finishing sixth in the state’s primary. Christie’s advisers claim the state, famous for its Independent voters, is the right place to launch his long presidential campaign. Other potential presidential candidates are struggling with former President Donald Trump’s hold over the Republican Party. Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida has launched his campaign, while Mike Pence filed documents with the FEC on Monday. Meanwhile, New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu has written an op-ed urging anti-Trump Republicans to avoid “vanity campaigns.”

Christie’s Tough Job amidst Scandals and Tenuous Relationship with Trump

Christie is faced with a stubborn plurality of Republicans’ reluctance to accept him as their representative. His scandals and thorny relationship with Trump have weakened his standing among Republican members. In a scandal that rocked his political career, his aides were accused of orchestrating a traffic jam to punish a political opponent. A recent poll of Republican voters in New Hampshire found only 10% of primary voters therein had a favorable opinion of Christie, well behind its Governor Ron DeSantis and former President Trump, the frontrunner, with 63% and 59% respectively. Christie’s advisers insist that his Kryptonite days are in the past and emphasize his political skills, experience, and impeccable leadership, as well as his ability to give Trump a different perspective on a range of issues.

Can Christie Help Dislodge Trump’s Hold on the Republican Party?

While there is no certainty that a Christie candidacy will dislodge Trump’s control of the Republican Party, some anti-Trump Republicans view his prospective entry as a potential opportunity for the party to overcome the former president’s control. Christie’s ability to directly attack Trump unlike other candidates, his political acumen, and his star power make him a compelling option for Republicans looking for a genuine alternative to Trump. However, experts predict that Christie has a challenging path to the nomination and can only appeal to a niche audience. Nonetheless, Christie has been vocal about his conviction that he can win the nomination, and his advisers echo his sentiment.

Expanding on Christie’s Prospects and Challenges

Chris Christie’s path to the Republican nomination is not an easy one, given the lengthy list of high-profile candidates vying to replace Trump. In particular, Christie’s reputation has been tarnished by scandals and a strained relationship with Trump, and it’s unclear whether Republican voters would consider him a viable alternative to Trump. Christie’s advisers believe he can leverage his political experience, leadership skills, and ability to tackle issues with Trump, such as his infrastructure plan and handling of the pandemic, to his advantage. Christie’s attempt to be the standard-bearer for anti-Trump Republicans might not come to fruition, as it remains to be seen how much of his base remains in the Republican Party. Despite Christie’s challenges, he has the skills and star power to be a formidable candidate, drive meaningful policies, and energize the Republican Party.


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Eight years after first announcing he was running for president, Chris Christie is returning to the national stage.

The brash former governor of New Jersey filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission on Tuesday as he launched his second presidential race ahead of a town hall-style event in Manchester, New Hampshire, about 300 miles north of his home state. origin.

New Hampshire is a crucial early voting state, a fact Christie knows firsthand – in 2016 he suspended his presidential campaign after finishing sixth in the primary there.

But people close to Christie – who in the years since have gone from a close adviser to Donald Trump to one of the former president’s most vocal critics – insist that the New England state, renowned for its independent voters, is the right place for the tough guys. talk about the former governor to launch his long run for the presidency.

“There’s a reason these contestants get better the second time they do it,” said a senior adviser to Tell It Like It Is, the Christie-affiliated super Pac fundraising vehicle. “You learn, you improve, you hone your skills. It’s a job.

Christie is the latest in a growing list of candidates vying to challenge Trump for the Republican Party appointment in 2024including Ron DeSantis, the Florida governor who ended months of speculation when he entered the race last month.

Mike Pence, Trump’s vice president, filed documents with the FEC to form his official campaign on Monday, and will kick off his efforts with an event in Iowa, another crucial early voting state, on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, others have abandoned plans to run, arguing that anti-Trump Republicans need to coalesce around one candidate rather than risk a repeat of 2016, when a fractured field allowed Trump to consolidate its own base of support and secure the necessary delegates to win the party’s nomination.

“We must not be complacent, and candidates must not enter this race to advance a vanity campaign, to sell books, or to audition to become Donald Trump’s vice president,” Governor Chris Sununu New Hampshire Republican who for months has toyed with his own race, wrote Monday in a Washington Post op-ed.

Critics wonder if Christie, Pence and other challengers — including Nikki Haley, Trump’s former ambassador to the UN, and Tim Scott, the Republican senator from South Carolina — have a plan to win the party’s nomination .

The latest national opinion polling average from RealClearPolitics shows that Trump has the support of more than half of Republican voters, followed by DeSantis with just over 22%. The rest of the candidates languish in the single digits.

“Any time a candidate enters a race, they need to have a very clear idea of ​​who their riding is and how they’re winning,” said Kevin Madden, a senior partner at Washington consultancy Penta, who has served as a senior adviser to Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign in 2012. . “I’m not getting any of that from any of them right now.”

Nonpartisan analysts say Christie, who is no stranger to controversy, may have a tougher job than most. When he was governor in 2013, his aides were accused of orchestrating a scheme to create a traffic jam to punish a political opponent, in a scandal known as “Bridgegate”.

A University of New Hampshire poll this year found that only 10% of Republican primary voters in the state had a favorable opinion of Christie. By comparison, 63% had a favorable opinion of DeSantis and 59% had a favorable opinion of Trump.

“The numbers speak for themselves: far more Republicans dislike him than they like him,” said Dante Scala, a political science professor at the University of New Hampshire.

Christie’s division with the Republican base is partly due to his thorny relationship with Trump. He was among the first National Republicans to endorse Trump after he dropped out of the main field in 2016 and was later vetted as a possible running mate.

He was chosen to lead Trump’s transition team, only to be fired from that role ahead of Inauguration Day amid a dispute with Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law. He continued to advise Trump throughout his presidency, but fell out with him over his efforts to annul the 2020 presidential election.

“Is there still a Chris Christie electorate in this Republican party, the kind of people who want to vote for a moderate, centrist Northeastern Republican governor?” asked a longtime Republican strategist who knows Christie well. “Do they participate more in the Republican primaries? Or are they now Independents or Democrats? Is he still in the party but his constituents are not?

Some anti-Trump Republicans have been emboldened by the prospect of a Christie candidacy, hoping the combative former governor will be willing to attack Trump directly in a way other candidates won’t.

Christie, who helped Trump prepare for the debates in 2016 and 2020, is widely considered to have destroyed the 2016 campaign of Marco Rubio, the Republican senator from Florida, with a devastating primary debate performance.

The first televised debates of 2024, hosted by the Republican National Committee, are scheduled for late August. Trump has not committed to participate.

Christie insists he is not a “paid assassin” with a candidacy designed to eliminate Trump. He told Politico in an interview this year: “When you wake up to your 45th morning at the Hilton Garden Inn in Manchester, you better think you can win, because walking from bed to shower, if you don’t don’t do. think you can win, it’s hard.

Mike DuHaime, a seasoned Republican strategist and longtime Christie ally, said the former governor was not on a “kamikaze mission”, adding that “more than half” of Republican voters “were looking for an alternative, someone one who can bring it to Trump with a better view of the country’s future.

“It doesn’t look like any of the other candidates have the guts to take on Trump directly like Christie does.”

Yet others remain skeptical.

“The idea of ​​watching Christie on stage with Donald Trump appeals to a lot of people, and it would be engaging cable TV,” said Scala of the University of New Hampshire. “But I find it difficult to see, beyond that, what his path is. It’s a path to a niche audience, not the nomination.