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Unbelievable! Educational Musicals Saved from Doom with Business Ready Support

Educational Musicals: Revitalizing History Education for Children

Educational Musicals is a Kenilworth-based company that helps school children learn history through music and songs. Founded by a husband and wife team, Tony and Anita Dalton, and artist Anthony James, the business had customers in 40 countries and was providing packets of learning materials for children. However, the pandemic had a harsh impact, causing a near-collapse of the business. With the switch to online lessons, many of their clients changed priorities and the company had to start from scratch. But with the help of Business Ready, the company has undergone a significant transformation, putting it on the path of growth and sustainability.

Business Ready Gave a New Lease of Life to Educational Musicals

Business Ready, a support program for growing businesses run by the University of Warwick Science Park and funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Warwickshire County Council, helped Educational Musicals to revamp its business model. Gaynor Matthews, a growth advisor for the show, suggested a move to a subscription model, where schools could pay a monthly fee to access a full range of teaching materials for history, not just music, rather than one-time package payments. Business Ready growth specialists Mark Wisniewski and Hannah Price guided Educational Musicals through the initial processes and encouraged them to attend Business Ready workshops on business development and creating competitive advantage.

From Near Collapse to Stability and Confidence

Tony Dalton mentioned that the pandemic nearly killed their business, and they had to start from scratch when the restrictions were lifted. They were not ready to close Educational Musicals and searched for possible sources of funding and support. Anita came across Business Ready at a networking event meeting Gaynor Matthews, and from there, the rest is history. With the help of Business Ready, Educational Musicals has launched a revamped website with the subscription model at the core of its business proposition. Tony appreciates the support that the Business Ready team gave them, and now they feel much more secure about the future. The schools love how they teach children in a fun and engaging way, which is what their packages offer, with a core idea much more marketable.

Business Ready: Helping Small Businesses to Grow

Business Ready also works with other companies to help them re-evaluate their offering and find ways to improve and grow. It has helped many small businesses to stabilize and strengthen their business. Warwickshire County Council is pleased to continue its support for the Business Ready program as it provides highly effective support for many small businesses. To know more about other support available to your business, visit the CWLEP Growth Center in Warwickshire or call 0300 060 3747.

Expanding on the Topic: The Power of Music in Education

Music is a powerful tool for learning, and it is a universal language that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers. Music has been a part of human culture for thousands of years and continues to have a significant impact on our lives. In education, music can be used to reinforce knowledge and stimulate the imagination, making it easier and more fun to learn. Here are some ways that music can be used in education:

1. Memorization and Repetition

Music can help students remember important information by putting it to a familiar tune. Repetition is a fundamental part of learning, and music makes it easier to repeat information multiple times without losing interest. For example, students can learn the multiplication table by putting each set of numbers to a specific tune.

2. Emotional Connection

Music has a powerful emotional connection that can engage students’ attention, making it easier to remember information long-term. When students associate a particular piece of music with a specific event or concept, they are more likely to recall that information when they hear that same song.

3. Creative Expression and Collaboration

Music is not just limited to listening and learning; it can also be used for creative expression and collaboration. Music can be used to communicate feelings, ideas, and expression, providing a rich source of opportunities for creative expression and collaboration.

4. Multisensory Learning

Music appeals to multiple senses, making it easier to integrate into a range of learning styles. By incorporating visual, auditory, and kinetic learning, students are more likely to engage with the material more fully and retain the information better.

The Benefits of Music in Education

Music has been shown to have a range of cognitive, emotional, and social benefits in education. Here are some of the ways that music can enhance learning:

1. Improved Memory and Retention

Research has shown that music can help improve memory and retention by engaging the brain in different ways. Music provides a more multisensory experience, and when used effectively, can help students remember information more easily.

2. Higher Levels of Focus and Attention

Music has been shown to increase levels of focus and attention in students, reducing distractions and improving concentration. This is particularly important for students who are easily distracted or struggle to stay focused on their learning.

3. Emotional Wellness and Wellbeing

Music has been shown to have a range of emotional benefits, reducing stress and boosting mood. In education, music can be used as a tool for emotional regulation and a source of support for students struggling with their emotional wellbeing.

4. Increased Creativity and Collaboration

Music provides a platform for creative expression and collaboration, encouraging students to explore new ideas and work together towards a common goal. This can be particularly beneficial for students who struggle with traditional learning methods or need additional support in their learning.

Conclusion: The Power of Music Bedecked in Educational Musicals

Educational Musicals is a company that recognizes the power of music in education and has harnessed its potential. The pandemic nearly wiped out the business, but with the help of Business Ready, it has undergone a significant transformation, making it more attractive to schools. Music has the power to engage students, enhancing their learning experience and improving their educational outcomes. By incorporating music into education, we can transform the future of learning, making it more engaging, enriching, and enjoyable. The Educatinal Musicals story is a testament to the fact that businesses small or big can reorganize the focus and come out strong.


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“I cannot say enough about the support that Gaynor and the Business Ready team have given us. Now we feel much more confident about the future.”

A Kenilworth-based innovative music company that helps school-age kids see the fun in history is undergoing a major makeover after the pandemic nearly saw it collapse.

educational musicalsRun by husband and wife Tony and Anita Dalton along with artist Anthony James, it provided packets to schools where students can learn about periods of history through the performance of songs and music.

The company had customers in 40 countries and had created an impressive array of songs covering a wide variety of topics and periods for schools to use. However, the pandemic nearly wiped out their customer base with the switch to online lessons, leaving Educational Musicals’ existence hanging in the balance.

Tony said: “COVID nearly killed business – we had been running for almost 20 years and it pretty much undid all of our hard work. When the restrictions were lifted, we basically had to start from scratch, and many of our clients changed their priorities.

“But we didn’t want to close Educational Musicals. We just needed some support to help us get back on our feet.”

After searching for possible sources of funding and support, Anita came across ready for business at a networking event meeting Gaynor Matthews, a business growth advisor for the show.

Business Ready supports growing businesses run by the University of Warwick Science Park business support team, and is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and Warwickshire County Council as part of the CW Business: Start Up, Grow and Scale Program.

Later, Gaynor met with the Educational Musicals team and looked for ways to improve the business model to make it more attractive to schools. She suggested a move to a subscription model, whereby schools could pay a monthly fee to access a full range of teaching materials for history, not just music, rather than one-time package payments.

Business Ready growth specialists Mark Wisniewski and Hannah Price guided Educational Musicals through the initial processes and encouraged them to attend Business Ready workshops on business development and creating competitive advantage. Following his advice, Educational Musicals is ready to launch its revamped website with the subscription model at the core of its business proposition.

Tony said, “I cannot say enough about the support that Gaynor and the Business Ready team have given us. Now we feel much more secure about the future. Schools love being able to teach children in a fun and engaging way, and that’s exactly what our packages offer.

“With the help of Business Ready, we’ve made that core idea much more marketable, and we can’t wait to see where we go from here.”

Gaynor said: “Tony and Anita are great entrepreneurs, but they needed a bit of support to give their business the boost it needed post-pandemic. It has been a pleasure working with them and we are sure that many schools will soon be enthusiastic subscribers to Educational Musicals.

“Business Ready works with many companies like Educational Musicals to help them re-evaluate their offering and find ways to improve and grow. We encourage any small business seeking advice to contact the team.”

WCC Business Growth and Support Program Manager Gillian Dale said: “It’s great to hear that the support from Business Ready has helped Tony and Anita to stabilize and strengthen their business. The Business Ready program has provided highly effective support for many small businesses and Warwickshire County Council is pleased to continue to support it.”

* To find out what other support is available to your business, call CWLEP Growth Center in 0300 060 3747