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Unbelievable! Government Set to Pour Massive Funds into 2 Future Prisons in Rio

Rio de Janeiro Government Signs Agreements in the Area of Public Safety

The federal government of Brazil, in collaboration with the government of Rio de Janeiro, recently signed several agreements pertaining to public safety. These agreements aim to address the pressing concerns surrounding prisons, the transfer of dangerous prisoners, cargo theft, protection for women victims of violence, and research to reduce violence. The agreements highlight the commitment of both governments to tackle these issues effectively and establish a safer environment for their citizens.

Construction of Two Prisons

One of the key agreements focuses on the construction of two prisons in Rio de Janeiro. These new facilities will have the capacity to accommodate up to a thousand inmates. One of the prisons will be high-security and will house up to 200 prisoners, while the other will be medium-security and capable of accommodating 800 individuals. The construction of these prisons is crucial in addressing the overcrowding problem in existing facilities, ensuring that adequate living conditions are provided for inmates.

Transfer of Dangerous Prisoners

Another significant agreement involves the transfer of highly dangerous prisoners from Rio de Janeiro to federal penitentiaries in other states. While initially, there are 31 vacancies in the federal prison system, the Rio State Penitentiary Administration has been assured that all necessary transfers authorized by the Justice system will be carried out. The selection of prisoners to be transferred is being done in collaboration with the Public Ministry and the Criminal Execution Court, ensuring a fair and just process.

Joint Operation Against Cargo Theft

In an effort to combat cargo theft, the Ministry of Justice has signed a collaboration agreement for a joint operation with the state government of Rio de Janeiro. Cargo theft has been identified as a priority by the governor, and integrated operations will be conducted to curb this criminal activity. The Ministry of Justice recognizes that criminal activities are interconnected, forming a criminal ecosystem. Therefore, addressing cargo theft can ripple positive effects throughout the broader illegal activities.

Protection for Women Victims of Violence

Addressing gender-based violence is another key aspect of the government’s initiatives. An agreement has been signed for the construction of the Casa da Mulher Brasileira, a facility that will serve as a protection team for women who are victims of violence. This comprehensive support system will provide essential resources and assistance to women in need, ensuring their safety and well-being.

Partnerships with Universities for Violence Reduction Research

The Ministry of Justice has also established partnerships with the federal universities of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and Fluminense (UFF) to strengthen research aimed at reducing violence. By collaborating with academic institutions, the government aims to gain fresh insights and explore innovative approaches to address the root causes of violence. This research will provide valuable data and evidence to inform policy decisions and guide the implementation of effective preventive measures.

Additional Piece:

Public Safety: A Holistic Approach to Crime Prevention

Crime is a multifaceted issue that requires a comprehensive approach. While law enforcement plays a crucial role in combating crime, addressing its root causes is equally important. Public safety initiatives should focus not only on apprehending criminals but also on preventing crime from occurring in the first place. This necessitates a holistic approach that encompasses various dimensions, including social, economic, and educational factors.

One of the key aspects of crime prevention is ensuring the effective functioning of the criminal justice system. This involves adequate funding and resources for law enforcement agencies, as well as a fair and efficient judicial process. By strengthening the justice system, we can instill a sense of trust and confidence in the community, ultimately deterring potential criminals.

Furthermore, addressing the underlying societal factors that contribute to crime is crucial. This includes tackling poverty, inequality, and limited access to education and employment opportunities. By providing individuals with a pathway to a better life, we can reduce the motivation for engaging in criminal activities. Investments in social welfare programs, vocational training, and educational initiatives can make a significant difference in breaking the cycle of crime and poverty.

Preventing violence against women is another essential component of public safety efforts. Gender-based violence has devastating consequences not only for the victims but also for society as a whole. By establishing dedicated support facilities like the Casa da Mulher Brasileira, and implementing comprehensive programs that raise awareness about gender equality and promote respectful relationships, we can create an environment that respects and protects the rights of women.

Moreover, addressing cargo theft is critical for economic stability and growth. By collaborating with law enforcement agencies, businesses, and transportation companies, a united front against cargo theft can be established. Employing technology, such as GPS tracking and enhanced security measures, can act as deterrents and help recover stolen goods. By actively addressing this specific type of criminal activity, we can protect not only the companies directly affected but also the economy as a whole.

In conclusion, the recent agreements signed by the federal and Rio de Janeiro governments highlight their commitment to improving public safety. The construction of new prisons, the transfer of dangerous prisoners, the joint operation against cargo theft, the protection for women victims of violence, and the research partnerships with universities all signify a comprehensive and proactive approach to addressing crime. By implementing these initiatives and investing in holistic crime prevention strategies, Brazil can pave the way for a safer and more secure future for its citizens.


The federal and Rio de Janeiro governments have signed agreements in the area of public safety, focusing on prisons, the transfer of dangerous prisoners, cargo theft, protection for women victims of violence, and research to reduce violence. The construction of two prisons aims to address overcrowding issues and provide adequate facilities for inmates. The transfer of dangerous prisoners will be carried out according to authorized criteria. A joint operation against cargo theft will be conducted, recognizing the interconnectedness of criminal activities. The construction of the Casa da Mulher Brasileira will offer protection and support for women affected by violence. Research partnerships with universities will deepen understanding and inform violence reduction strategies. Ensuring public safety requires a holistic approach that encompasses crime prevention, addressing underlying societal factors, and protecting the rights of women. The recent agreements demonstrate a commitment to tackling crime and establishing a safer environment.


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The federal and Rio de Janeiro governments signed this Monday (19) agreements in the area of ​​public safety. Among them is the transfer of resources for the construction of two prisons in the state.

The two units will have the capacity to receive up to a thousand inmates. One of them will be maximum security and will be able to house 200 prisoners. The other, medium security, will be able to receive 800 people.

It was also agreed to transfer 31 highly dangerous prisoners from Rio de Janeiro to federal penitentiaries in other states.

“Initially, there are 31 vacancies in the federal prison system, but the secretary (Rio State Penitentiary Administration, Maria Rosa Nebel) knows that she has unlimited credit in the federal prison system. All the transfers that are necessary and authorized by the Justice will be carried out”, said the Minister of Justice and Public Security, Flávio Dino.

According to the governor of Rio de Janeiro, Cláudio Castro, the prisoners who will be transferred are still being defined together with the Public Ministry and the Criminal Execution Court.

cargo theft

The Ministry of Justice also signed a collaboration agreement for a joint operation against cargo theft in the state.


“Cargo theft was a priority defined by the governor of Rio de Janeiro. He defined it as the first theme of integrated operations. There will be others,” Dino said. “No criminal activity today is isolated from others that make up a kind of criminal ecosystem,” he added.

In a ceremony, an agreement was also signed for the construction of the Casa da Mulher Brasileira, a protection team for women victims of violence.

The Ministry of Justice also established partnerships with the federal universities of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and Fluminense (UFF) to strengthen research aimed at reducing violence.

Governo anuncia recursos para construção de dois presídios no Rio
