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Unbelievable! How a Bold Group of Rural Kashmiri Women Shattered Taboos and Revolutionized Sanitary Napkin Production!

Empowering Women in Kashmir: The Remarkable Journey of a Sanitary Napkin Production Group


The picturesque landscapes of Bandipora district in North Kashmir have witnessed a remarkable initiative taken by a group of women from the remote village of Shahgund. Committed to spreading women’s health and hygiene awareness, these eleven dedicated members have embarked on a mission to produce and promote sanitary napkins. Their efforts not only aim to improve the lives of rural women but also empower them economically.

Promoting Health and Hygiene

Shahgund’s women have recognized the lack of knowledge on health and hygiene among women in villages and remote areas. This knowledge gap exposes them to various diseases and health problems. To address this issue, the group has taken the responsibility of distributing sanitary products and raising hygiene awareness. Their ultimate goal is to extend their reach to all villages in Kashmir and ensure the well-being of women.

Supported by the ‘JKRLM UMEED’ scheme, the group conducted extensive research on their environment. The findings revealed the urgent need to educate women about the benefits of using sanitary napkins. Many women were found to be unaware of the proper use of sanitary napkins and resorted to unhygienic alternatives, leading to severe health problems.

To break the stigma surrounding health and hygiene, the group recognized the importance of open discussions and providing women with essential knowledge. By distributing sanitary napkins and raising awareness about their use, the group not only improves the health and well-being of women but also empowers them to lead fulfilling lives.

Sustainable Livelihood and Economic Empowerment

Economically empowering women is a crucial step towards achieving gender equality. The Shahgund women’s group has shown immense determination and resilience in establishing a sanitary napkin production unit. With comprehensive training and support from JKRLM, they have not only written their own success story but also earned a sustainable livelihood.

The unit, although in its early stages, has already been able to produce 1,000 to 1,200 sanitary napkins per day, thanks to the collective efforts of group members. The cost of these napkins is relatively low, making them affordable for women in the region. Buoyed by their initial success, the group aims to increase production to around 2,000 pieces per day and eagerly awaits an official launch ceremony to introduce their products to the market.

Impact and Recognition

The initiative taken by the women’s group in Shahgund has had a positive impact on the lives of women in the village. They now have access to affordable, hygienic sanitary napkins, which were once considered a luxury. This not only boosts their confidence but also protects their health.

The impact of their work extends beyond the production of sanitary napkins. The women’s group has become catalysts for breaking down social taboos surrounding women’s health. By starting open discussions and addressing the stigma associated with menstruation, they are fostering a more inclusive and supportive community.

The efforts of the Shahgund women’s group have gained recognition from neighboring towns as well. Women from these towns have expressed their gratitude and support for the group’s mission, highlighting the importance of hygiene and the practical solutions provided. The group’s work serves as an inspiring example of grassroots initiatives aimed at improving the lives of rural women in Kashmir.

Additional Piece: Empowering Women Through Health Education

The story of the Shahgund women’s group is a testament to the power of education and empowerment. By prioritizing women’s health and hygiene, this group has not only transformed the lives of women in their village but is also making a significant impact on the wider Kashmir region.

Women’s health and hygiene have long been neglected in many rural areas, creating a host of problems for women who lack access to proper products and knowledge. Menstruation, a natural process experienced by every woman, is too often shrouded in shame and secrecy. This lack of openness and awareness perpetuates harmful practices and prevents women from taking care of their bodies.

However, the Shahgund women’s group is breaking down these barriers through education and action. By producing and distributing sanitary napkins, they are demystifying menstruation and providing women with a practical solution. Through their open discussions and awareness-raising efforts, they are normalizing conversations surrounding women’s health and challenging deeply ingrained societal taboos.

Moreover, the economic empowerment that comes with their initiative is equally significant. When women have control over their own income, they gain more autonomy and decision-making power within their households and communities. This, in turn, leads to greater gender equality and improved societal well-being.

The impact of the Shahgund women’s group’s efforts reaches far beyond the production of sanitary napkins. By empowering women to prioritize their health and well-being, they are fostering a generation of confident and empowered individuals who can then inspire others. Their work is not just about providing access to affordable and hygienic sanitary products; it is about transforming lives and breaking the cycle of generational inequality.


The women of Shahgund in the Bandipora district of North Kashmir have taken the initiative to produce and promote sanitary napkins as a means to improve women’s health and hygiene in rural areas. Their group, supported by the ‘JKRLM UMEED’ scheme, aims to spread awareness and provide essential knowledge about the benefits of using sanitary napkins.

The impact of their work has been significant, not only improving the health and well-being of women but also empowering them economically. Through their efforts, the women’s group has established a sanitary napkin production unit and aims to increase production to meet the growing demand in the region.

Apart from the production of sanitary napkins, the group has become a driving force in breaking down social taboos surrounding women’s health. Their open discussions and awareness-raising efforts have fostered a more inclusive and supportive community that prioritizes women’s well-being.

The story of the Shahgund women’s group serves as an inspiring example of grassroots initiatives that have the power to transform lives and challenge societal norms. By prioritizing women’s health and empowerment, they are paving the way for a more equal and inclusive society in Kashmir and beyond.


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Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir) [India]July 5 (ANI): A remarkable group of women from the remote village of Shahgund, located in the picturesque landscapes of Bandipora district in North Kashmir, have taken the initiative to produce and promote sanitary napkins.

Comprised of eleven dedicated members, its mission is to spread women’s health and hygiene awareness to all villages and remote areas of Kashmir. Raziya, owner of the unit, shared her vision and expressed the group’s determination to improve the lives of rural women while earning a living.

Raziya pointed out that many women in villages and remote areas lack knowledge on health and hygiene, making them vulnerable to various diseases and health problems.

“We decided to give them knowledge and raise hygiene awareness. In our village, Shahgund, we distribute sanitary products to women. However, our ultimate goal is to extend our reach to all the villages in Kashmir and spread health and hygiene awareness among women,” she said.

Inspired by the formation of a Self Help Group and supported by the ‘JKRLM UMEED scheme, the group embarked on extensive research into their environment. The findings revealed a great need to educate women about the benefits of sanitary napkin use.

Raziya emphasized that in their research they found that many women were unaware of the proper use of sanitary napkins. “Instead, they have been resorting to wearing clothing or fabric, which can lead to numerous health problems,” she added.

Recognizing the importance of providing women with essential knowledge, one of the group members, Zahida, passionately expressed: “Access to proper hygiene products is a fundamental right of women. By distributing sanitary napkins and raising awareness about their use, we not only ensure their health and well-being, but also empower them to lead fulfilling lives.” Another member, Farida, added: “We want to break the stigma surrounding health and hygiene. It’s about time we normalized open discussions and gave women the information they need to make informed decisions about their bodies and their health.” the unique idea of ​​the group to produce sanitary napkins. Members of the Self Help Group (SHG) received comprehensive training to ensure the successful operation of the unit. This support from JKRLM enabled them to not only write their own success story, but also earn a sustainable livelihood.

“Economically empowering women is a crucial step towards gender equality,” Shareen said. The Shahgund women’s group has shown immense determination and resilience in establishing this sanitary napkin production unit. Their efforts not only improve the health and well-being of women, but also contribute to their financial independence.

Although still in its early stages, the unit has already been able to produce 1,000 to 1,200 sanitary napkins per day, all thanks to the collective efforts of group members. Raziya also mentioned that the cost of her napkins is comparatively low, making them affordable for women in the region. Buoyed by its initial success, the group aims to increase its production to around 2,000 pieces per day and is eagerly awaiting an official launch ceremony to introduce its products to the market.

Reflecting on the impact of her initiative, Raziya shared: “We have witnessed a positive change in the lives of women in our village. They now have access to affordable, hygienic sanitary napkins, once considered a luxury. This not only boosts your confidence but also protects your health.” The women’s group in Shahgund serves as an inspiring example of grassroots initiatives aimed at improving the lives of rural women. By spreading awareness of women’s health and hygiene and producing sanitary napkins, they are empowering women to prioritize their well-being and take control of their bodies.

Their dedication and passion are driving positive change, not just within their village, but throughout the Kashmir region.

As word of their efforts spreads, women from neighboring towns have expressed their gratitude and support for the group’s mission. Parveen, a resident of a nearby town, shared: “I am grateful to the women’s group for their initiative. They have opened our eyes to the importance of hygiene and provided us with a practical solution. Now we can take care of ourselves without compromising our health.” The impact of the group’s work extends beyond the production of sanitary napkins. They have become catalysts for breaking down social taboos surrounding women’s health. By starting open discussions and addressing the stigma associated with menstruation, the women’s group is fostering a more inclusive and supportive community.

Aisha, a young woman from Shahgund, expressed her admiration for the group, saying, “I used to feel embarrassed and embarrassed during my periods. But now, thanks to the women’s group, I understand that it is a natural process and I have the right to take care of myself. I aspire to be like them and make a difference in the lives of other girls.” (ME TOO)

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Rural Kashmir’s women’s group breaks taboos, produces sanitary napkins
