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Unbelievable Hype: Are Superconductors the Future of Science?

Exploring the Excitement and Skepticism Surrounding LK-99

The Rise of LK-99: A Pebble that Shook the World

Have you heard of LK-99? If not, you’ve been missing out on the latest craze that has taken social media by storm and left investors eager to seize the opportunity. This seemingly ordinary rock, composed of lead, phosphorus, copper, and oxygen, has captured the attention of scientists, tech enthusiasts, and investors worldwide. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of LK-99 and uncover the truth behind the hype.

A Revolutionary Breakthrough: Room-Temperature Superconductor?

Scientists have long been fascinated by superconductivity – the ability of certain materials to conduct electricity with zero resistance. The existing superconductors, however, require extremely low temperatures or high pressures to function effectively. Hence, the discovery of a room-temperature, room-pressure superconductor made from affordable materials would be a game-changer. It could pave the way for high-capacity power grids, desktop quantum computing, fusion reactors, and even levitating trains.

The race to find these high-temperature superconductors has been fierce, with Europe, the United States, Russia, and Japan competing for the noblest of prizes – the Nobel Prize. Enter LK-99: a potential breakthrough in the field of superconductivity.

Sifting Through the Evidence: The Elusive Proof

Superconductivity has been a subject of interest since its discovery in 1911. However, confirming it in the laboratory is no easy task. Many false sightings of superconducting materials, known as Unidentified Superconducting Objects (OSI), have led to skepticism and caution in the scientific community. So, how does LK-99 fare when it comes to substantiating its superconducting claims?

On July 22, a preprint surfaced, authored by scientists from the Korea Institute of Science and Technology and the country’s Quantum Energy Research Center. It boldly asserted that LK-99 not only displayed zero-resistance characteristics but also demonstrated levitation in the presence of a magnet – two telltale signs of superconductivity. However, skepticism quickly followed, questioning the simplicity of the experimental setup and the lack of detailed information.

The Divided Opinions and Ongoing Debate

While a researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California acknowledged the theoretical plausibility of the Korean claim, others cast doubt due to ambiguous graph scales and limited replication success. A team in China reported partial success in replicating the results, while another team in India reported complete failure. With such conflicting accounts, the verification committee in South Korea issued a cautionary note, citing a lack of concrete evidence.

The Anticipation and the Human Need to Dream

As the debate around LK-99 continues, one aspect is undeniable – the excitement it has generated among scientists, tech enthusiasts, and investors alike. Beyond the scientific implications, LK-99 represents the collective human need to dream and explore new possibilities. The fervent interest in this seemingly ordinary rock is a testament to our innate curiosity and thirst for groundbreaking discoveries.

Unveiling the Mystery Behind Superconductivity

To fully appreciate the significance of LK-99 and its potential impact on various fields, it is crucial to understand the underlying principles of superconductivity.

The Dance of Electrons and the Transition to Superconductivity

An electrical current consists of the flow of electrons, akin to a bustling dance floor filled with rowdy partygoers. However, below a critical temperature, certain materials undergo a remarkable transformation. Electrons pair up and glide effortlessly, much like dancers moving in perfect harmony. This phenomenon, known as superconductivity, manifests in two distinct ways – a drop in resistance to zero and the Meissner effect, where a superconductor levitates above a magnet.

The Quest for High-Temperature Superconductors

Traditionally, superconductors have operated at extremely low temperatures or under significant pressure. This limitation has hindered their widespread application in various industries. The pursuit of high-temperature superconductors aims to overcome these constraints and unlock new possibilities.

If LK-99 proves to be a genuine room-temperature superconductor, it would mark a monumental leap forward. The potential applications in power grids, quantum computing, and transportation systems are immense. Moreover, the discovery would undoubtedly secure a place in the annals of scientific advancement.

The Essence of LK-99: An Exciting Saga of Science and Discovery

As we delve deeper into the mysteries of LK-99 and superconductivity, it becomes apparent that the allure of this topic extends beyond its scientific implications. LK-99 symbolizes our relentless pursuit of knowledge and our unyielding desire to push the boundaries of what is possible.

When we witness the frenzy surrounding this seemingly ordinary rock, we are reminded that science not only satisfies our curiosity but also ignites our collective imagination. The excitement and skepticism surrounding LK-99 epitomize the quintessential human need to dream and aspire for greatness.


The advent of LK-99, a potential room-temperature superconductor, has sent ripples of excitement throughout the scientific community. While skepticism remains due to the lack of concrete evidence, the mere possibility of a breakthrough in superconductivity has spurred curiosity and ignited the imaginations of scientists and investors alike.

Superconductivity, a phenomenon with transformative implications, has long been a subject of fascination. The quest for high-temperature superconductors has driven scientists worldwide to explore new possibilities and push the boundaries of what is achievable.

Despite the uncertainties surrounding LK-99, its impact on the world of science and discovery cannot be denied. The fervor it has generated reflects our enduring desire to dream and reach for the stars. As we await further developments, the enduring spirit of curiosity and exploration continues to propel us forward.


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The writer is a scientific commentator.

If you haven’t heard of LK-99 yet, where have you been? For the past week and more, this dark, pebble-sized rock made of lead, phosphorus, copper, and oxygen has brought social media to a crash, sent stock markets soaring, and put investors on edge. Silicon Valley in a twist.

Scientists around the world struggled to make sense of the sacred lump. An enthusiast livestreamed his effort to bake a replica, with 16,000 Twitch viewers tuning in to watch an oven.

According to South Korean scientists, LK-99 is a superconductor at room temperature that can work at normal pressure. If true, it represents colossal progress. Superconductors are materials that can conduct an electrical current with zero resistance, which means zero loss of energy. They usually operate only at impractically low temperatures or fantastically high pressures. MRI machines, for example, use a niobium-titanium alloy cooled by liquid helium to below -263C.

But a room-temperature, room-pressure superconductor made of cheap materials would pave the way for perfectly efficient high-capacity power grids, desktop quantum computing, fusion reactors, and even levitating trains. Hence the race in Europe, the United States, Russia and Japan to find so-called high-temperature superconductors. Any breakthrough would be a sure bet for the Nobel Prize.

But there’s a catch: the proof remains elusive. Superconductivity, first discovered in 1911, is notoriously difficult to confirm in the laboratory. The mistaken sightings are so common that they are nicknamed OSI, or Unidentified Superconducting Objects.

An electrical current, essentially a flow of electrons, is a messy affair, a bit like a dance floor of rowdy partygoers trying to play a conga. But below a critical temperature, many materials become superconducting: Electrons abruptly pair up and start moving smoothly. It’s as if partygoers disappear into clouds of dry ice and instantly reappear as pairs of dancers gliding effortlessly in unison.

There are two telltale signs of that transition: first, the measured resistance drops to zero; and, thanks to a curious phenomenon called the Meissner effect, a superconductor will levitate on top of a magnet.

On July 22, a preprint appeared, a draft of a scientific paper that has not undergone peer review, claiming that LK-99 had passed both tests. The skepticism was immediate. The researchers, from the Korea Institute of Science and Technology and the country’s Quantum Energy Research Center, were respectable but not superstars. The method for making this miraculous material, which bears the initials of two authors, Sukbae Lee and Ji-Hoon Kim, seemed incredibly simple, including the use of a mortar and pestle, but was lacking in detail. A linked video appeared to show partial levitation, rather than full.

Interestingly, another article by Lee and Kim quickly followed, this time with four other authors. As Scientific American notes, critics pointed to graphs with a strange scale axis, although a researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California said the Korean claim was theoretically plausible. A team in China reported limited replication success; another in India reported failure.

The matter is not closed yet, but the odds seem unfavorable. A hastily convened verification committee set up in South Korea issued a warning note on August 2, suggesting a lack of concrete evidence.

Given the false dawn history of superconductivity, our trusty pebble, now with its own Wikipedia page, is very likely just an ordinary rock with accidentally interesting properties. But what an exciting spectacle, one that tells us less about physics and more about the collective human need, including among scientists and investors, to dream.
