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Unbelievable! Meet ‘Baby Al Capone’ who just stole a jaw-dropping $24 million in crypto! You won’t believe how he did it!

The Dark Side of Technology: SIM Swapping and the $24 Million Cryptocurrency Heist

The Rising Threat of SIM Swapping

Have you ever heard of something called SIM swapping? It may sound like a term straight out of a 70s suburban party, but in reality, it’s a much more sinister practice. In this week’s episode of Dirty Money, we take a deep dive into the intricacies of SIM swapping and how a group of minor actors orchestrated one of the most significant cryptocurrency heists worth $24 million.

Now, you might be wondering, what exactly is SIM swapping? To put it simply, it’s a technique where hackers gain control of someone’s phone number by deceiving the mobile carrier into transferring it to a new SIM card under their control. This enables them to bypass text message-based 2FA (two-factor authentication) and gain access to sensitive online accounts.

In the case we explore, Michael Terpin, a cryptocurrency investor, fell victim to this alarming form of cybercrime. He watched in horror as his millions of cryptocurrencies vanished before his eyes, prompting him to launch a relentless campaign to track down and bring the criminals to justice.

The Story of Michael Terpin: From Victim to Crusader

The captivating tale reported by Margi Murphy and Drake Bennett for Businessweek sheds light on the shocking details of Terpin’s ordeal. As we peel back the layers of this story, you’ll find yourself on a rollercoaster ride of twists and turns that will leave your head spinning.

Terpin, fueled by a burning desire for justice, embarked on a tireless quest to unmask the perpetrators behind his devastating loss. His journey unraveled a complex web of collaboration among a group of teenage gamers led by the mastermind known as “Baby Al Capone.”

But why would young gamers target Terpin, a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency world? This is where the allure of cryptocurrency comes into play. The stolen funds were transformed into digital assets, allowing the criminals to hide their tracks while exploiting the anonymity that cryptocurrency transactions provide.

Throughout the podcast episode, we witness Terpin’s determination in fighting back against the rising tide of cybercrime. We explore the resilience he musters, offering valuable lessons on fortitude and the importance of being proactive in safeguarding our own digital lives.

The Deceivers Among Us

One of the most unsettling aspects of SIM swapping is the fact that the criminals often operate right under our noses. The podcast episode takes us deep into the world of these deceivers, exposing how seemingly innocuous individuals can be part of a covert crypto crime syndicate.

Surprisingly, even within the syndicate itself, there is an inherent risk of betrayal. As Terpin discovered, fellow criminals can turn against each other, making it imperative for law enforcement agencies to stay one step ahead in their pursuit of justice.

This raises a crucial question: why do people become involved in these illicit activities? The allure of quick riches and a sense of power can be compelling motivations. Understanding the mindset of these criminals offers a glimpse into the dark underbelly of society and serves as a cautionary tale for us all.

Protecting Yourself in the Digital Age

As we delve deeper into the story, it becomes evident that no one is truly immune from the threat of cybercrime. However, there are steps we can take to protect ourselves and minimize the risk:

  • Enable multi-factor authentication using methods other than SMS, such as authenticator apps or hardware keys.
  • Regularly review and update your privacy settings on social media platforms.
  • Be cautious when sharing personal information online, especially with unknown individuals or websites.
  • Consider using a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your internet connection and enhance online privacy.
  • Keep your devices and software up to date with the latest security patches.
  • Stay informed about the latest cyber threats and scams to recognize warning signs.

By being proactive and vigilant, we can mitigate the risks associated with our increasingly interconnected digital lives.

The Unseen Consequences of Technological Advancement

The world of cybercrime is constantly evolving, fueled by advancements in technology. While digital innovation has undoubtedly brought numerous benefits, it has also opened the door to new and unconventional forms of crime.

The SIM swapping incident discussed in this podcast episode serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing arms race between cybercriminals and those working tirelessly to protect individuals and organizations from their malicious activities.

As we navigate this digital landscape, it is essential to acknowledge the potential risks and take measures to safeguard ourselves. We must also encourage authorities and tech companies to enhance security measures and ensure stronger safeguards are in place to prevent such incidents.


The story of Michael Terpin and the $24 million cryptocurrency heist sheds light on the alarming rise of SIM swapping and the devastating consequences it can have on individuals and the wider digital economy. It serves as a stark reminder that our interconnected world is not without its perils.

By staying informed and taking proactive measures to protect ourselves, we can navigate this digital landscape with greater confidence. Let Terpin’s journey be a cautionary tale that drives us all to be more vigilant, to question the status quo, and to actively participate in securing our digital lives.

Subscribe to Dirty Money

If you want to delve deeper into the world of legendary con artists, scammers, and barely legal lowlifes, make sure to subscribe to Dirty Money. Hosted by Entrepreneur editors Dan Bova and Jon Small, this podcast series unveils captivating stories that will leave you both fascinated and alarmed.

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About Dirty Money

Dirty Money is a riveting podcast series from Entrepreneur Media that peels back the layers of deception, exploring the stories of notorious con artists, scammers, and shady characters who stop at nothing to swindle their way to millions. Hosted by Dan Bova and Jon Small, Dirty Money takes listeners on a thrilling journey into the underworld of white-collar crime.


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Have you ever heard of something called SIM swapping? It sounds like something that would happen late at night at a ’70s party in the suburbs, but it’s a lot dirtier than that. In this week’s episode, we examine the intricacies of what a SIM-swap phone hack is and how a group of minor actors were able to spearhead a major $24 million cryptocurrency heist.

Related: Why do we let ourselves be deceived?

Based on an incredible story reported by Margi Murphy and Drake Bennett for Business week (read it here), we tell the story of Michael Terpin, who after literally watching his millions of cryptocurrencies disappear before his eyes, launched a tireless campaign to find and punish the criminals who did it. The twists and turns of this story will leave your head spinning and make you think about ditching your smartphone for a flip phone. Or better yet, a landline. And a word to the wise? Never do business with someone nicknamed “Baby Al Capone.” Also, if you are in a crypto crime syndicate called Community? Your fellow criminals could be your worst enemies.

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About dirty money

Dirty money is a new podcast series from Entrepreneur Media that tells the stories of legendary con artists, con artists, and barely legal lowlifes who will stop at nothing to swindle their millions. Hosted by Entrepreneur editors Dan Bova and Jon Small, the podcast delves into the deviants behind the events.
