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Unbelievable perk: Employees now have the power to pick unrivaled benefits with Bundl!

Revolutionizing Employee Rewards: The Rise of Personalized Benefits Packages

Employee Rewards

Employee benefits and perks have long been a way for companies to attract and retain top talent. From healthcare plans to gym memberships, these offerings can significantly impact an employee’s overall job satisfaction. However, traditional benefits packages often fail to address the individual needs and preferences of employees.

Enter Bundl, a groundbreaking total rewards software that allows employees to create and customize their own benefits package. Co-founded by Brad Brochocki and Justin Hundley, Bundl seeks to revolutionize the way companies approach employee rewards.

Understanding the Problem

Brad Brochocki, now CEO of Bundl, experienced firsthand the limitations of traditional benefits packages during his time at a solar energy startup. When offered additional equity and a commuter pass as a substitute for a holiday cash bonus, Brochocki realized that these perks did not align with his personal preferences and needs.

Further research revealed that many companies faced a similar problem of not knowing what benefits their employees truly desired. The lack of customization and personalization made it challenging for employers to incentivize and retain their workforce effectively.

Introducing Bundl: The Personalized Rewards Solution

Bundl aims to bridge this gap by providing an open platform that empowers employees to design their own benefits packages. Rather than relying on generic debit card programs, Bundl allows employers to offer a wide spectrum of rewards that employees can choose from, based on their individual preferences.

With Bundl, employees have the freedom to select the benefits that matter most to them. Whether it’s increasing equity, eliminating fitness stipends, or negotiating alternative work arrangements, employees can tailor their rewards to best suit their needs.

How It Works

Employers start by creating a list of benefits and perks available to their workforce. They then designate which job roles or titles are eligible for each reward. Once the options are set, the company sends the Bundl offer to employees.

Employees, in turn, review the offer and customize their own benefits packages based on their preferences. They can even make trade-offs, such as reducing compensation in exchange for flexible work hours or additional work-from-home stipends.

Once employees finalize their personalized rewards package, the data is collected and analyzed by Bundl. Employers can access a comprehensive dashboard that showcases the most and least desired rewards, categorized by job roles and departments. This valuable insight enables employers to make informed decisions about future rewards offerings.

The Benefits of Bundl

Bundl differentiates itself from other rewards platforms by prioritizing full personalization. Unlike debit card programs that restrict spending to certain categories, Bundl empowers employees to allocate their rewards according to their own priorities.

By embracing individual choice and customization, Bundl offers the following benefits:

  • Increased employee satisfaction: When employees have control over their benefits, they are more likely to feel valued and engaged in their work.
  • Better retention rates: Personalized rewards create a stronger emotional connection between employees and their company, reducing turnover.
  • Improved cost management: By allowing employees to make trade-offs, employers have the flexibility to align rewards with their budget constraints.
  • Data-driven decision making: Bundl’s comprehensive analytics provide valuable insights to employers, helping them better understand employee preferences and needs.

The Future of Bundl

Since its launch earlier this year, Bundl has gained traction with several companies participating in its early access program. The platform’s success lies in its ability to bridge the gap between employers and employees, ensuring that rewards align with individual needs.

Looking ahead, Bundl plans to integrate with large HR platforms, expanding its reach and onboard even more clients. Additionally, the company aims to anonymize the data collected, allowing employers to gain industry-wide insights without compromising privacy.


Bundl is transforming the way companies approach employee rewards. By empowering employees to customize their benefits packages, Bundl enhances job satisfaction and retention rates. As the platform continues to evolve, it promises to revolutionize the landscape of employee benefits and personalized rewards.

Unleashing the Power of Personalized Employee Rewards

Employee rewards have come a long way since the days of annual cash bonuses and generic gift cards. Today, forward-thinking companies recognize the value of personalized benefits packages in attracting and retaining top talent. Bundl, the brainchild of Brad Brochocki and Justin Hundley, is at the forefront of this revolution, empowering employees to create their own rewards journey.

Understanding Employee Preferences

Traditional benefits packages often fail to consider the diverse needs and aspirations of employees. What may be a desirable perk for one person may be of no value to another. Bundl recognizes this challenge and seeks to address it by putting the power in the hands of employees.

Through Bundl’s intuitive platform, employees can curate a benefits package that aligns with their goals and unique circumstances. Whether they prioritize financial incentives, work-life balance, or professional development, employees have the freedom to select rewards that truly matter to them.

Empowering Employees, Enhancing Engagement

When employees have control over their rewards, they become active participants in their journey. This sense of ownership fosters a deeper connection with the company and enhances overall engagement. Employees feel valued and appreciated for their individual contributions, leading to increased job satisfaction and productivity.

Moreover, personalized rewards create a positive feedback loop. As employees experience the benefits of customization, they become more motivated to excel in their roles, contributing to the company’s success.

Driving Retention and Recruitment

Retaining top talent is a priority for every organization. By offering personalized benefits packages, companies can create a competitive advantage in the job market. Prospective employees are more likely to choose an employer that values their individual needs and supports their personal and professional growth.

Additionally, personalized rewards play a crucial role in employee retention. When individuals can design their own benefits package, they are less likely to seek opportunities elsewhere. This not only reduces turnover costs but also helps foster a culture of loyalty and commitment within the organization.

Making Informed Decisions with Data

Bundl’s robust analytics offer invaluable insights into employee preferences and trends. By leveraging this data, employers gain a comprehensive understanding of what motivates and satisfies their workforce. This knowledge enables them to make data-driven decisions when shaping future rewards offerings.

From identifying emerging trends to tailoring rewards to specific job roles, Bundl’s analytics empower employers to optimize their benefits programs. They can fine-tune rewards based on employee feedback and stay ahead of the curve in attracting and retaining talent.

Creating a Culture of Empowerment

Bundl isn’t just about personalization; it’s about creating a culture of empowerment. When companies prioritize individual needs and provide employees with the tools to navigate their rewards journey, they foster a culture of autonomy and trust.

Employees feel valued and respected for their unique contributions, resulting in a more inclusive and supportive work environment. This culture of empowerment benefits not only individual employees but also the company as a whole, driving innovation and collaboration.


The era of one-size-fits-all benefits packages is coming to an end. Bundl’s personalized rewards platform is revolutionizing the employee experience, empowering individuals to design their own journey. By aligning rewards with individual preferences, companies can attract, engage, and retain top talent in today’s competitive job market. With Bundl, the future of employee rewards is bright.


Bundl, a total rewards software co-founded by Brad Brochocki and Justin Hundley, is transforming the employee rewards landscape by offering personalized benefits packages. Unlike traditional one-size-fits-all approaches, Bundl empowers employees to curate their own rewards journey. By placing individual needs and preferences at the center, Bundl enhances employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention.

Through its open platform, Bundl allows employers to offer a range of benefits and perks that employees can choose from based on their unique circumstances. From increased equity to flexible work arrangements, employees have the flexibility to design a rewards package that aligns with their goals.

Bundl’s comprehensive analytics provide employers with valuable insights into employee preferences and trends. This data-driven approach enables companies to make informed decisions when shaping future rewards offerings, improving cost management and overall program effectiveness.

By embracing personalization, Bundl fosters a culture of empowerment where employees feel valued and supported. This, in turn, drives engagement, productivity, and loyalty within the organization.

In a rapidly evolving job market, personalized benefits packages have become a key differentiator for companies seeking to attract and retain top talent. Bundl is at the forefront of this paradigm shift, paving the way for a future where employee rewards are tailored to individual needs and aspirations.


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Ten years ago, Brad Brochocki was working for a solar energy startup in Denver. At the end of the year, the owners said they could not give a holiday cash bonus, but instead wanted to give Brochocki more equity in the company.

“I was in my mid-twenties at the time and equity wasn’t something that really incentivized me at all,” CEO Brochocki told TechCrunch. “What also felt like a slap in the face was offering me a commuter pass, but I was driving to and from work, so a bus pass was of no use to me.”

It wasn’t just co-workers and friends who thought the same. He also spoke with human resources representatives and discovered that companies had a similar problem: knowing what benefits and perks people want or need.

That’s when the idea occurred to him. package, a total rewards software that allows employees to create and customize their own rewards package that best suits their wants and needs. For example, like Brochocki, someone may not want the commute pass, but they do want the ability to buy a Peloton bike.

“When companies don’t know what people want or don’t want, they take the stance that the more we can offer, the better,” Brochocki said. “When we don’t know what people are actually investing in or opting into, it’s a two-sided problem. “We want employers to be able to have visibility into what people choose and also give that option to the employee.”

Brochocki and co-founder and CTO Justin Hundley, a full-stack engineer, built Bundl as an open platform. By addressing full personalization of rewards, Brochocki says Bundl differentiates itself from others in this space that use debit cards preloaded with funds.

He said what debit card programs are missing is that funds often have to be spent in a certain category whether you want it or not. General funds are the same for each employee and rewards are usually basic.

With Bundl, employers can spice up their benefits programs by allowing employees to choose, for example, whether they want to add more equity to their package or eliminate their fitness stipend. They could also choose to reduce their compensation by 10% in exchange for a four-day work week or decrease their number of PTO days in exchange for a higher stipend for working from home.

Here’s how it works: Employers create their list of benefits and perks (Brochocki says Bundl is best if there are five or more) and then say which jobs and titles are eligible for which benefits. Employers then send the Bundl offer to employees to create a rewards package that fits their needs.

Once ready, employees send it back to the employer. Bundl collects that data and provides a dashboard so employers can see the most and least desired rewards and can filter by role and department to better understand what incentivizes and retains employees. This can also help determine future rewards to offer, Brochocki said.

“A future goal is to develop this to anonymize the data so it can be seen across the board,” he said.

Bundl launched earlier this year and continues to operate with just Brochocki and Hundley, who have driven the company so far. It is currently working with just over a dozen companies on its early access program. These businesses can set up shop at Bundl and start using the service for free for the rest of the calendar year, Brochocki said.

Next, the company is building integrations with large HR platforms so it can onboard the nearly 100 clients waiting in the wings.

Don’t want that commuter stipend? Bundl enables employees to choose their own company benefits
