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Unbelievable! The Shocking Connection: How Putin and Prigozhin Fuel Unrest in Ukraine

Title: The Growing Unease in Moscow: Challenges Faced by Putin in the Ukraine Conflict

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The ongoing counteroffensive in Ukraine, which began in early June 2023, has shown signs of success in expelling Russian troops from the occupied territories. However, this push has triggered fear in Moscow, leading to uneasiness among influential military bloggers and support for the war. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent meeting with these bloggers highlighted his defensive stance and revealed cracks in his narrative about the conflict. Coupled with political challenges from figures like Yevgeny Prigozhin, who openly criticizes the war, Putin faces growing pressure as the conflict spreads beyond the Russian border.

The Meeting with Military Bloggers and War Correspondents:

For months, Putin had avoided public statements about the war, but his meeting on June 13 with military bloggers and war correspondents broke this pattern. The meeting saw Putin confronted with pointed questions, deviating from his usual line that the events in Ukraine constituted a “special operation.” Interestingly, Putin acknowledged that Ukrainian attacks had crossed over into Russian territory, causing harm. This contradicted his earlier claims that life for ordinary Russians would continue as usual, reinforcing fears that the conflict had escalated into a full-blown war.

The Rise of Yevgeny Prigozhin and the Wagner Group:

Another challenge to Putin’s handling of the war comes from Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner Group. Prigozhin, a former cook turned mercenary leader, played a crucial role in capturing the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut. However, his open criticism of Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu and Chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov, along with his refusal to sign a contract with the Defense Ministry, has caused tensions within the Russian establishment.

Prigozhin’s media empire, including the Internet Research Agency accused of interfering in the 2016 US presidential election, allows him to reach millions of Russians, further amplifying his influence. His popularity has grown, with polls indicating that he has made it to the top 10 most trusted officials among ordinary Russians for the first time. Prigozhin’s vocal opposition to the war’s management adds to the discontent surrounding Putin’s handling of the conflict.

Growing Criticism and Unanswered Questions:

The meeting with war correspondents and military bloggers marked Putin’s first public assessment of the conflict since the war expanded into Russian territory. The encounter raised several significant issues and left many questions unanswered. Criticisms ranged from the legality of private military companies in Russia to the discrepancies in bonuses paid to contract soldiers and the exclusion of soldiers fighting in border districts from combat wages.

Putin’s vague responses and ambiguous remarks regarding troop rotation and the definition of victory added to the concerns surrounding his leadership. These unanswered questions and the lack of transparency contribute to the growing unease among the Russian elite and the public.

The Elites’ Concerns and Radical Proposals:

The Russian elite, including government officials and policy experts, recently attended a meeting where the prevailing sentiment was that the war was not going well. The failure to achieve the initial goals of the “special operation” and the realization that Russian actions were causing harm to Ukrainians has shaken the elite’s confidence. Some radical proposals, such as using atomic bombs on transport hubs or even advocating the demonstrative use of nuclear weapons, indicate a shift in Russia’s conventional warfare approach.


The counteroffensive in Ukraine is posing significant challenges for Putin and his government. The successes achieved in expelling Russian troops from occupied territories are overshadowed by the fear and unease felt in Moscow. The meeting with military bloggers and war correspondents exposed the cracks in Putin’s narrative, and the rise of figures like Prigozhin further deepens the discontent surrounding the war. Unanswered questions, growing criticism, and radical proposals indicate that the Russian elite is becoming increasingly alarmed about maintaining social stability and countering political challenges from nationalists advocating for more aggressive warfare.


The ongoing counteroffensive in Ukraine has led to fears and unease in Moscow. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent meeting with military bloggers and war correspondents revealed cracks in his narrative about the conflict. Challenges also arise from Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner Group, who openly criticizes the war’s management. The meeting highlighted unanswered questions and criticisms, adding to the growing discontent among the Russian elite. Radical proposals, such as the use of atomic bombs or nuclear weapons, further indicate a shift in Russian approach. The challenges faced by Putin and the lack of progress in defeating Ukraine are making the Russian elite increasingly nervous about social stability and political challenges from nationalists.


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Whether or not The counteroffensive of Ukraine Although efforts that began in early June 2023 are succeeding in expelling Russian troops from the occupied territories, there are increasing signs that this push was triggered Fear back in Moscow.

I think this uneasiness was palpable at the meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin on June 13 with a group of influential military bloggers – People who support the war but have at times been critical of the way it is being waged. The meeting was unusual: in recent months, Putin avoided public statements about the war And postponed his annual Russia Day phone call Show scheduled for June. He similar canceled both the convocation in June 2022 and his Annual press conference in December.

And the standard events he has attended have been far from convincing. At the June 13 meeting with military bloggers and war correspondents, Putin was confronted with a number of pointed questions. In response he replied used the term “warseveral times – deviating from his line that what is happening in Ukraine is a “special operation” – and acknowledging that Ukrainian attacks lead across the border into Russia had been harmful.

On the defensive?

The meeting was Putin’s first public assessment of the conflict since Ukrainian forces expanded the war into Russian territory Drone attacks on Moscow on May 1st and again on May 30th and shelling and forays across the border in the Belgorod region on May 22nd. the latter led to the evacuation by tens of thousands of Russian civilians.

These developments undermine Putin’s argument that this is a “special military operation” and no war, and that life for ordinary Russians can go on as usual.

At the same time is Putin facing a political challenge out of Yevgeny Prigozhin, the former cook and mercenary leader. Prigozhin goes ahead the Wagner group, a private company that recruited around 50,000 fighters for the Ukraine war on behalf of Moscow. They played a key role in that Capture of the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, which fell on May 20 after a 224-day siege. After the fall of Bakhmut, polls indicate that Prigozhin collapsed the list of the 10 most trusted officials as seen by ordinary Russians for the first time.

Prigozhin was openly critical about the way Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu and Chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov are waging the war. In May 2023, Prigozhin organized one series of town meetings throughout Russia he presented his demands. In an attempt to contain Prigozhin, Shoigu ordered that all volunteer fighters must sign a contract with the Defense Ministry by July 1 – which Prigozhin refuses.

Media companies are part of Prigozhin’s business empire, according to the Internet Research Agency, which the US claims interfered in the 2016 US presidential election, a film series and social media channels that allow it to reach tens of millions of Russians. It forms what reporter Scott Johnson has called “Wagner verse”..”

ask questions

Putin faced it against a backdrop of more overt criticism of a war that has now swept across the Russian border some difficult questions when meeting with war correspondents.

One asked why private military companies are not legal in Russia. All Putin said was that it was time to change the law.

Another asked why different regions are allowed to pay different bonuses to contract soldiers from their region. In response, Putin could only offer that Russia was a federal system and regions would spend as much as they could afford. One blogger pointed out that the border districts inside Russia are not considered part of the “special military operation,” meaning soldiers fighting there do not receive combat wages. Another asked about the troop rotation and when the Russians would know the war was won. Putin’s answers were ambiguous on both counts.

One participant questioned Putin about the problem of “parquet generals”, a Term used by Prigozhin This means people who sit in comfortable offices far away from the front lines. Putin agreed that some generals were not up to the task, but supported Shoigu’s order that all volunteers register with the Defense Ministry.

It wasn’t an extensive barbecue, but it wasn’t a cozy chat either.

desperate measures

Measured at opinion pollsSo far there has been little evidence of military setbacks any decline in popular support for the war in Russia. Many Russians seem to think that even if starting a war were wrong, it would be a war It was a mistake to allow Russia to be defeated.

However, members of Russia’s elite seem to share the growing concern being voiced among bloggers. On May 20-21, Russian officials and policy experts attended a meeting of influential people Foreign and Security Policy Council think tank. Judging by the reports of participants such as State Duma Deputy Konstantin Zatulin, there was an unequivocal feeling that the war was going badly.

in one Speech of June 1stZatulin, a prominent nationalist lawmaker, noted that none of the “special operation’s” original goals had been realized and admitted that “the Ukrainians hate us because we kill them.”

Zatulin said that at the session of the Foreign and Security Policy Council, one of the participants suggested dropping an atomic bomb on Rzeszow Transport hub in south-eastern Poland through which most of the western arms reach Ukraine. In fact, on June 14, Sergey Karaganov, the chairman of the council, published an article in which he advocated the demonstrative use of a nuclear weapon to force the West to stop arms sales to Ukraine.

In the 1990s, Karaganov was seen as a liberal who supported Russia’s integration into Europe. Now he appears to believe that Russia’s inability to defeat Ukraine poses a serious threat to its security. Moreover, his talk of using nuclear weapons suggests that Russian elites increasingly believe the country cannot win by conventional means alone. In fact, on June 16, Putin announced that Russia had already started Transfer of some tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus.

In the meantime, the mercenary leader Prigozhin remains a wildcard. Seldom in history have mercenary generals succeeded in seizing political power. Maybe the most famous mercenary of all timeAlbrecht von Wallenstein successfully commanded an army of 50,000 men in the Thirty Years’ War. He became so powerful that his Habsburg paymasters had him murdered.

In Russia’s tightly controlled political landscape, there is no precedent for a personality like Prigozhin. He seems to have few allies in the military establishment or among regional governors. So it’s hard to imagine a scenario where he would be allowed, say, to start his own political party, let alone run for the presidency in 2024.

Nonetheless, he is clearly proving to be a thorn in Putin’s side. And the lack of progress towards defeating Ukraine appears to be making the Russian elite increasingly nervous about how to maintain social stability and fend off political challenges from nationalists arguing for more aggressive warfare.

Peter Rutland is Professor of Government, Wesleyan University.

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