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The Rentiers: How the Rich Profit from the Poor

In our modern society, a class of people known as “rentiers” has emerged. Rentiers are individuals who make money and accumulate wealth not through productive work or investment but by collecting rents on existing assets. This class of people includes landlords, intellectual property owners, and others who earn income from owning and controlling assets rather than creating new value.

Rentiers often derive their wealth from monopolies, both legal and informal. Examples of legal monopolies include patents and copyrights, which grant exclusive control over certain intellectual properties. Informal monopolies, on the other hand, arise from barriers to entry in certain markets, such as the high cost of entry in real estate due to zoning laws and building codes.

Rent-seeking behavior is harmful to society because it reduces the incentive for productive work and innovation. Rentiers extract value from existing assets rather than creating new value, which perpetuates the concentration of wealth and income inequality.

One of the most visible forms of rentierism is the real estate market. Landlords often charge exorbitant rents for housing, driving up the cost of living and leaving many people struggling to make ends meet. Rent control policies and government subsidies for affordable housing can help alleviate this problem, but more needs to be done to address the root causes.

Another example of rentierism is the entertainment industry, which relies heavily on intellectual property laws to protect music, movies, and other creative works. While these laws may be necessary to ensure that artists and creators are fairly compensated for their work, they can also stifle innovation and restrict the free flow of ideas.

In the tech industry, rent-seeking behavior is exemplified by “patent trolls,” who buy up patents for the sole purpose of suing other companies for infringement. This not only stifles innovation but also imposes a heavy financial burden on companies that are forced to defend themselves against frivolous lawsuits.

Ultimately, the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of rentiers undermines democracy and social cohesion. By extracting value from existing assets rather than creating new value, rentiers contribute to inequality and perpetuate the status quo. It is up to all of us to recognize and challenge the rentier class in order to create a fairer and more just society.

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Breaking Down the Rentiers: How to Overcome the Concentration of Wealth

From real estate speculation to the exploitation of intellectual property, the rise of the rentier class is a threat to progress and social justice. Rent-seeking behavior retards innovation and production, pushes up prices and costs, and perpetuates harmful inequalities.

The concentration of wealth observed in rent-seeking practices undermines the market economy and diminishes social cohesion. The rentier class extract value from existing assets instead of creating new ones, contributing to inequality. When left unchecked, it creates an entrenched power dynamic that stifles opportunity and causes economic stagnation.

With the current social and economic climate, it’s more important than ever to recognize and challenge rentierism. It’s important for individuals and government institutions to address the root causes of this issue in order to create a fairer and more just society.

One way to tackle the concentration of wealth is by examining how rent-seeking behavior operates in different markets. For example, the tech industry is full of “patent trolls” who collect intellectual property rights for the sole purpose of suing other companies for infringement. This form of rentierism is harmful to innovation and imposes a heavy financial burden on startup companies.

Real estate rentiers can charge exorbitant rents, push up housing prices, and leave many struggling to make ends meet. Rent control policies can help address this problem, but more needs to be done to address the root causes of this issue, such as zoning laws and building codes that stifle affordable housing development.

Another way to overcome rentierism in society is by focusing on altering the market to reduce the barriers to entry. By simplifying the process of entry in markets such as real estate and energy generation, a more competitive market would emerge and pressure rent-seekers, driving down prices and reducing the concentration of wealth.

In particular, tax policy can play a critical role in redistributing wealth and encouraging productive investment instead of rentierism. By taxing the wealthy at higher rates, government institutions can generate funds to invest in public goods and services that benefit the economy as a whole, such as universal healthcare and quality education.

Ultimately, it is up to all of us to challenge the rentier class and work towards a more equitable distribution of wealth and power. Awareness of rent-seeking behavior and its harmful effects is the first step towards creating a more socially just society.


The article highlights the rise of the rentier class who derive their wealth and income from monopolies on existing assets, contributing to the concentration of wealth and social inequality. The article presents real estate and entertainment industries as examples of rent-seeking behavior which increase living costs and limit innovation. The article emphasizes that rentierism is detrimental to social cohesion and undermines democracy, perpetuating the status quo by extracting value from existing assets instead of creating new value. The author also provides some solutions, including simplifying entry processes to some markets, addressing the root causes of rentierism (tax policy and zoning laws), and creating awareness can lead to identifying rent-seeking behavior preventing innovation and productivity.


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Rentiers, look away now