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Unbelievable Transformation: How Horse-Enthusiast Leigh Finds Bliss in Aberdeen Business Network!

Title: Exploring the Journey of Leigh Reid and the Aberdeen Business Network

In this article, we delve into the fascinating journey of Leigh Reid, the owner and manager of Aberdeen Business Network (ABN). From her humble beginnings as a regular member to now steering the network as its leader, Reid shares her experiences, mentors, advice, achievements, and aspirations. Additionally, we discuss her strategies for managing costs and offer insights into her personal life, hobbies, and interests.

1. A Passion for Building Connections: How Leigh Reid Started in the Business
– Reid’s love for ABN’s services as a member motivated her to seize the opportunity of purchasing the network.
– She aimed to build on her positive experiences and enhance the growth of her own small business simultaneously.

2. The Journey to Success: From Education to ABN Ownership
– Initially uncertain about her career path, Reid pursued higher education in business administration.
– Her work experience in personnel logistics provided valuable knowledge of the oil and gas sector.
– Working at a recruiting company specializing in remote operations built a strong network, which supported her in taking over ABN.

3. Influential Mentors: The Power of Guidance and Support
– Reid highlights three influential mentors in her career: Iain Petrie, Moira Murawiecka, and Andrew Smith.
– Each mentor provided valuable lessons, such as the importance of understanding clients and candidates, the power of networking, and building confidence in public speaking.

4. Overcoming Challenges and Regaining Confidence
– Reid shares a mistake she made, feeling undervalued in a role that affected her confidence.
– With the support of others, she bounced back and emphasizes the importance of seizing opportunities.

5. Family: A Personal Achievement Beyond Business
– Reid’s greatest achievement is her family, including her husband and three supportive children.
– They provide constant encouragement and inspire her in both personal and professional endeavors.

6. Managing Costs and Government Support
– Implemented strategies for cost optimization, better supplier agreements, and leveraging cost-saving technologies.
– Suggests government consideration of lowering trade fees to alleviate the burden on businesses.

7. Aspirations for the Future: Expanding ABN Throughout Scotland
– Reid strives to expand ABN’s reach and impact throughout Scotland, promoting connections and opportunities for small businesses.

8. Relaxation and Guilty Pleasures
– Reid finds relaxation in horseback riding and enjoying the serenity of nature.
– Indulges in her guilty pleasure, TikTok, though she tries to limit her time on the platform.

9. Current Reading, TV Shows, and Wasting Money
– Reid shares her current read, “Cows Not Cows: How to Make Your Business Network Really Work,” by Andrew Smith.
– She reveals her favorite TV show, “Yellowstone,” and the spinoff shows.

10. The First Morning Ritual and Dreaming of Leading a Team of Clydesdales
– Starting her day with a loving embrace of her two dogs, Boskar and Penelope.
– Reveals her passion for horses and a dream of leading a team from the Budweiser Clydesdales.

Additional Piece: The Importance of Networking for Small Businesses
– Networking plays a crucial role in the growth and success of small businesses.
– Building connections allows entrepreneurs to establish partnerships, gain referrals, and access new opportunities.
– Effective networking involves cultivating genuine relationships, actively engaging with others, and leveraging various platforms and events.
– Small business owners can benefit from joining networks like ABN to connect with like-minded individuals and expand their reach.

Leigh Reid’s journey from member to owner of the Aberdeen Business Network showcases the power of passion, networking, and perseverance. Her determination to provide value to small businesses while growing her own enterprise highlights the importance of seizing opportunities and seeking guidance. Reid’s story inspires us to build meaningful connections and harness the support of mentors, ultimately propelling our businesses to greater success.


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Every Monday, we ask small businesses key questions. Here we speak with Leigh Reid, owner and manager of Aberdeen Business Network.

How and why did you start in the business?

For four years I was a regular member of Aberdeen Business Network (ABN). I loved everything the service offered, from networking and connecting people to hosting great events and seeing other people’s success.

When I had the opportunity to purchase it last year, I jumped at the chance to take the great things I had experienced as a member and really build on it, further develop the network and grow my own small business at the same time.

How did you get to where you are today?

At 16 I had no idea what I wanted to do for work, but I knew that I wanted to continue my education. I decided to go to college and get a degree in business administration.

After graduating, I worked for several companies in personnel logistics, gaining a good knowledge of the oil and gas sector.

I ended up working at a family recruiting company specializing in remotely operated vehicles and survey crews. This allowed me to grow a great network of friends and colleagues, not just in Aberdeen but internationally. This network has been a great support to me since I took over ABN.

Who helped you?

I have been very lucky in my career to have three amazing people who I consider mentors. Iain Petrie, the former owner of HPR UK, taught me that recruitment isn’t just about the keyword on a CV. It’s all about taking the time to get to know your clients and candidates.

Moira Murawiecka, who I worked with at Genesis Personnel, taught me the power of a network. And Andrew Smith, the previous owner of ABN, helped me build my confidence and master public speaking.

After Taking over from Andrew I quickly joined the Small Business Federation. I have found their help and support invaluable, from advice on insurance and debt recovery to £250 for local physiotherapy; this benefit alone was more than my annual membership fee.

What is the best advice you have received?

Be kind, as you never know which way someone else is going.

What is your biggest mistake?

There have been some amazing ones, but you’d better pick one that I’m happy to share in The Press and Journal. At one point in my career I felt like I had spent too much time in a role where I was undervalued, which really destroyed my confidence. It took a lot of effort and the support of others to regain that confidence again. If I could give my younger self one piece of advice, it would be to grab the bull by the horns at every opportunity.

What is your greatest achievement?

Without a doubt, my family is my greatest achievement. My husband, Steven, and my three children: Hadyn, 12, Imogen, 10, and Madison, nine. They are by far my biggest supporters.

How are you managing the rapidly rising costs and how could the government help?

I have implemented some strategies, such as optimizing resources, negotiating better agreements with suppliers, and exploring cost-saving technologies to improve efficiency and reduce expenses. In general, I would like the government to consider lowering the cost of trade fees.

What are you still hoping to achieve?

Personally, I hope to achieve world peace. I’m only kidding, of course, but it wouldn’t be a bad thing. More realistically, I would like to expand the ABN name throughout Scotland.

What do you do to relax?

I like to go out into the garden or field on my horse and watch the world go by. My guilty pleasure is TikTok – I try to limit myself to just 30 minutes a day, though Steven says it’s more like three hours.

What are you currently reading, listening to or glued to the television?

I’m reading Cows Not Cows: How to Make Your Business Network Really Work by Andrew Smith. Most people, including me, need to continually review their networking skills. On TV, I’m glued to Yellowstone and all the spinoff shows.

Leigh Reid with Andrew Smith, the previous owner of ABN.
Leigh Reid with Andrew Smith, the previous owner of ABN. Image: Engage PR

What are you wasting your money on?

A television license.

What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning?

I hug my two dogs: Boskar, a Jack Russell, and Penelope, a miniature Cypriot hound.

What do you drive and dream of driving?

I’m not really a big car person. I am much more of a big horse person. I would give my right arm to lead a team from the Budweiser Clydesdalebut then again, you would probably need both arms.

Budweiser Clydesdale.
Ms. Reid would love to “drive” a team of Budweiser Clydesdales. Image: Shutterstock

Horse-mad Leigh Reid happy in the saddle at Aberdeen Business Network
