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Unbelievable: Twitter Traffic is Plunging as Threads Explode with 100 Million Users!

**The Rise of Threads: Is Meta Taking Over Twitter?**

*Subtitle: Insiders claim Threads is chipping away at Twitter’s dominance, but is it really a Twitter killer?*


In the ever-evolving landscape of social media platforms, new contenders are constantly emerging, each vying for a slice of the massive user base. One such platform that has recently caused a stir is Meta’s Threads. With its skyrocketing download numbers and an increasing user base, Threads has managed to make a dent in the seemingly impenetrable armor of Twitter. However, the question remains – is Threads truly a threat to the Twitter empire? In this article, we will explore the impact of Threads on Twitter and delve deeper into the contentious relationship between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg. Brace yourselves – the gloves are off!

**Threads vs. Twitter: The Battle Begins**

The launch of Threads marked a turning point in the competition between Meta and Twitter. While some hailed Threads as the potential “Twitter killer,” industry analysts were quick to point out that the impact is not as significant as initially claimed. Nevertheless, the numbers don’t lie – Threads reached a staggering 100 million downloads in just four days, a feat that cannot be ignored. On the other hand, Twitter witnessed a noticeable slump in traffic, as indicated by a chart tweeted by Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince, displaying Twitter’s domain rankings falling over the same period. This development didn’t bode well for Twitter, but is it all doom and gloom for the blue bird?

**Twitter Fights Back: Threats of Lawsuits and Copycat Accusations**

As the battle between Meta and Twitter intensified, the CEO of Twitter, Elon Musk, threatened legal action against Meta, claiming that Threads had shamelessly copied Twitter’s platform. In response, Twitter attorney Alex Spiro penned a strongly-worded letter, demanding that Meta takes immediate action in ceasing the use of Twitter’s trade secrets. This legal showdown added fuel to the fire, further escalating the tension between the two titans of the tech industry.

**When Musk Met Zuckerberg: Tweets and Taunts**

While the legal teams were getting ready for battle, Elon Musk decided to take matters into his own hands. In a series of tweets, Musk directly targeted Mark Zuckerberg, referring to him as a “cuckold” and even proposing a “literal dick-sizing contest.” This blatant show of provocation stirred up the already tempestuous atmosphere surrounding Threads and Twitter. However, Zuckerberg chose not to engage in a war of words with Musk, instead opting to focus on promoting Threads’ impressive achievements. He even humored Musk’s suggestion of a cage fight, although it remains to be seen whether this was merely a cheeky retort or a genuine willingness to lock horns.

**The Impact of Threads: A Shiny New Car, But Will Users Stick Around?**

While the billionaires bickered, the million-dollar question remained unanswered – what impact will Threads actually have on Twitter’s bottom line? Mark Mahaney, an analyst at Evercore ISI, pointed out the initial success of Threads but emphasized the need to wait and see if these users become engaged and active on the platform. The numbers are impressive – 100 million users in just four days – but Threads still has a long way to go to catch up to Twitter’s staggering 354 million active users. It’s essential to remember that a test drive doesn’t always translate into a long-term commitment. To truly evaluate the impact of Threads, we need to dig deeper and explore the engagement levels and user retention on the platform.

**Threads: A Double-Edged Sword for Twitter**

While Threads may appear to be a formidable challenger to Twitter’s dominance, it also presents an opportunity for Twitter to reevaluate and enhance its own offerings. The introduction of a worthy competitor could ignite a newfound sense of innovation, pushing Twitter to improve its platform and address any shortcomings. The threat of competition can be a powerful motivator, spurring companies to deliver better user experiences and stay ahead of the curve. Thus, it is crucial to consider Threads not only as a threat but also as a catalyst for growth and development in the social media landscape.


As Meta’s Threads continues its meteoric rise, the impact on Twitter’s reign is undeniable. The numbers, the legal battles, and the Twitter feuds all point to a shifting social media landscape. However, it is essential to approach this change with caution and skepticism. While Threads has shown promise with its impressive download numbers, it still has a long way to go to catch up to Twitter’s vast user base. Moreover, Twitter’s ability to adapt and evolve in the face of competition cannot be underestimated. Only time will tell if Threads truly has what it takes to dethrone Twitter, but until then, let the battle rage on!


In summary, the launch of Meta’s Threads has disrupted the social media landscape, impacting Twitter’s traffic and sparking a heated rivalry between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg. With Threads amassing 100 million downloads in four days, Twitter faced challenges in retaining its user base. However, the real test lies in whether Threads’ users will remain engaged and active on the platform. Amidst the chaos, Twitter has an opportunity to innovate and improve its offerings, leveraging the competition to foster growth. As the battle for social media supremacy unfolds, time will reveal the true impact of Threads on Twitter’s dominance.


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The new Meta app Threads It may not yet be the “Twitter killer” some social media denizens claim, but industry analysts say its launch last week is seriously hurting Twitter’s numbers.

mark zuckerbergMeta CEO said on Monday that Threads has already reached 100 million downloads.

Meanwhile, traffic to Twitter is “slumping,” according to Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince, who tweeted a chart of Twitter’s domain rankings falling over the weekend.

According similar websitesa website analytics and market intelligence platform, Twitter’s website traffic dropped 5% in the first few days of Threads’ launch.

the gloves are off

The surprising initial success of Threads has caused a contentious relationship between Twitter’s Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta to come undone entirely.

Last week, Twitter CEO threatened to sue Metaclaiming that the new platform copied Twitter.

“Twitter intends to strictly enforce its intellectual property rights and demands that Meta take immediate action to stop using Twitter trade secrets or other highly confidential information,” Twitter attorney Alex Spiro wrote.

Over the weekend, Musk directed his anger directly at Zuckerberg, tweeting, “Zuck is a cuckold” and proposing “a literal dick-sizing contest.”

So far, Zuckerberg hasn’t taken the bait, preferring to point to Threads’ impressive numbers than fight Musk, though he agreed. to a cage match last week.

In a Threads post, Zuck bragged that Threads signups were the result of “mostly organic demand, and we haven’t activated many promotions yet.”

But despite the colorful criticism and derision among billionaires, the jury is still out on the actual impact Threads will have on Twitter’s bottom line.

Sure, 100 million users in 4 days is a staggering achievement, but it’s still a long way from Twitter’s 354 million active users. And just because everyone is looking at the shiny new car on the lot doesn’t mean they’ll stick around after the test drive.

“Whether they actually become engaged users or not is going to take a while to know,” said Mark Mahaney, an analyst at Evercore ISI. The Wall Street Journal.
