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Unbelievable! Vietnam’s Jaw-Dropping News Headlines You Won’t Believe on July 9, 2023

“The Criminals Using Bitcoin for Drugs Transactions”

The preliminary conference held by the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Procuracy reviewed the implementation of activities in the first six months of the year. It was reported that the crime situation in Ho Chi Minh City has significantly increased compared to the same period last year, with a rise in complicated and difficult-to-handle cases. Among the various crimes, there has been a notable trend of using Bitcoin for illegal drug transactions, with suspects using cryptocurrencies as a means of payment. Additionally, crime groups have expanded their operations in the area of black credit, disguising their criminal activities by operating as legitimate enterprises and using various methods to access lenders. A total of 169 people have been prosecuted for corruption-related crimes, particularly involving bribery and the production or sale of software used for illegal purposes at the Vietnam Register Agency and register centers. In total, 4,794 cases with 5,184 accused individuals have been detected and prosecuted by the two-level investigation agencies. On the other hand, civil disputes, commercial business disputes, labor disputes, and administrative complaints have also seen an increase compared to the same period last year.

“Hanoi to Conduct Online Registration for Tenth-Grade Enrolment”

To address the issue of parents queuing overnight to submit their children’s schooling records in Hanoi, the Director of the Hanoi Department of Education and Training announced that online registration will be implemented for tenth-grade enrolment in the next school year. The director explained that the long lines and queues witnessed this year were not due to a lack of schools but rather the preference of parents to enroll their children in specific schools, which has put pressure on both schools and parents. The director advised parents to consider other types of educational institutions such as vocational education centers and continuing education institutions alongside public and private schools. In an attempt to curb the overnight queuing, the Hanoi Department of Education and Training will introduce online registration. However, the department cannot impose the online registration system on public self-financed and private schools as they have the autonomy to enroll students according to their goals.

“Continuous Landslides Impact Lives in Tien Giang, Long An”

Continuous landslides have been occurring recently in Tien Giang and Long An provinces, greatly affecting the lives of local residents. The Ba Rai River road in Hoi Xuan Commune, Cai Lay District, Tien Giang Province, has experienced multiple landslides. One particularly significant landslide, spanning over 20 meters in length and nearly 5 meters in width, occurred on July 3, completely blocking the road. Local authorities have set up barriers and issued warnings to ensure safety. They have also established a temporary alternative route for residents while awaiting repairs. Various districts in Tien Giang Province have encountered a total of 34 landslide locations, spanning over 8,843 meters, requiring an estimated budget of VND47 billion for restoration work. Similarly, ongoing landslides have been observed in Long An Province, affecting riverbanks and canal embankments. These landslides have caused road subsidence, road surface collapse, and damage to safety barriers on National Highway 62 and National Highway N2 in Thuy Tay Commune, Thanh Hoa District. To address these incidents, the provincial authorities have mobilized a task force to oversee irrigation works, including dredging, debris removal, and weed clearance. They are also taking strict actions against those encroaching upon protected areas and disrupting water flow. Heavy rains, thunderstorms, whirlwinds, and lightning have further contributed to damages in Long An Province, including injuries, house collapses, and infrastructure damage. The total estimated damages from natural disasters in the province during the first half of the year exceed VND2 billion. The Long An Provincial People’s Committee has emphasized the need to closely monitor and address the situation promptly to ensure the safety of lives and properties.

“EC to Visit Vietnam in October for Checking IUU Implementation”

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development held a press conference to review activities implemented in the first six months of the year. Deputy Director of the Directorate of Fisheries Surveillance, Duong Van Cuong, highlighted positive changes in the fight against illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. These changes include the installation of vessel monitoring systems (VMS) on nearly 100 percent of vessels and improvements in vessel management and seafood traceability. However, there have been challenges in handling violations committed by fishing vessels. Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Phung Duc Tien, provided statistics, stating that there are 86,820 fishing vessels in the country, with 97.65 percent of them equipped with VMS. The ministry aims to ensure full compliance with IUU fishing regulations. The European Commission (EC) is scheduled to visit Vietnam in October to assess the implementation of IUU fishing measures.


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Criminals using Bitcoin for drugs transactions

The Ho Chi Minh City People’s Procuracy this morning organized a preliminary conference to review the activities implementation for the first six months of the year.

The HCMC People’s Procuracy said that the crime situation in Ho Chi Minh City in the first six months of the year has surged highly over the same period last year and it continued to develop complicatedly causing more difficulties for prosecuting agencies on crime prevention and control.

During the passing time, there were popular kinds of crime, including “illegally transporting drugs” from overseas to Vietnam via Tan Son Nhat International Airport, drugs being concealed in the form of goods by postal services in the form of individual, non-commercial gifts, “hand-carried” goods or suspects using crypto-currencies (Bitcoin) to pay for illegal drug transactions.

Besides, crime groups were operating in the field of black credit in wide areas, operating as enterprises to hide their crime; accessing lenders in various forms of flyers, advertisements on social media, lending via online mobile apps and then they performed to collect debt in illegal ways causing concern on people.

Regarding corruption crimes, 169 people were prosecuted for the acts of “Receiving bribes”, “Giving bribes”, “Production, sale, exchange, donation of software used for illegal purposes” at the Vietnam Register Agency and register centers in the city causing concern on people. Accordingly, the two-level investigation agencies detected and prosecuted 4,794 cases with 5,184 accused.

On the other hand, the situation of civil disputes, commercial business, labor and administrative complaints increased compared to the same period in 2022.

Hanoi to conduct online registration for tenth-grade enrolment

The Director of the Hanoi Department of Education and Training said that in the next school year, online registration will be conducted for tenth-grade enrolment.

Due to the scene of parents’ queuing overnight for submission of their children’s schooling records in front of public schools, the Director of the Hanoi Department of Education and Training said that in the next school year, online registration will be conducted for tenth-grade enrolment.

In a talk with reporters about parents’ long lines on July 4 and 5 nights to apply for 10th grade for their children at some self-financed private and public high schools in Hanoi, Mr. Tran The Cuong, Director of the Hanoi Department of Education and Training, said that this situation did happen in previous years, but this year the scene was seen in more schools.

According to him, schools in the capital city were built in every corner of the city, which can well meet the learning needs of students. He advised parents to consider vocational education centers – continuing education, vocational education institutions in addition to public and private schools.

He further explained that according to regulations, public schools in Hanoi were allowed to admit 60 percent of students; therefore, the remaining 40 percent of students must study in other types of schools. It is not because of a lack of schools that parents in Hanoi were queuing overnight for their children’s enrollment into senior high schools as many schools have not yet filled their quota, but because parents’ expectation to enroll in a few schools which has put pressure on both schools and parents.

This problem is a big headache for leaders of the education sector and school managers, said Mr. Tran The Cuong.

To curb parents’ queuing overnight to submit school records for their children, the Director of the Hanoi Department of Education and Training said that in the next school year, the department and schools will start online registration.

Currently, public self-financed schools and private schools have the right to autonomously enroll students in accordance with the school’s goals, so the Department of Education and Training cannot impose them.

Continuous landslides occur in Tien Giang, Long An, impacting lives of locals

Continuous landslides have been occurring in recent days, greatly affecting the lives of the residents in the provinces of Tien Giang and Long An.

The road along the Ba Rai River (Hoi Xuan Commune, Cai Lay District, Tien Giang Province) continuously suffers from landslides.

On July 3, Mr. Le Van Thon, Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Hoi Xuan Commune, Cai Lay District, Tien Giang Province, stated that in the early morning of the same day, a landslide spanning over 20 meters in length and nearly 5 meters in width happened on 54B Road along the Ba Rai River, in Hoi Xuan Commune, Cai Lay District.

The landslide incident has resulted in the complete blockage of the road. The local authorities have responded by setting up barriers and issuing warnings about the danger. Additionally, they have established a temporary alternative route for the residents to use while waiting for the repairs to be carried out.

According to the leader of Hoi Xuan Commune, there has been a series of severe and persistent landslides in the area, causing significant disruptions to the lives of the local residents.

The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in Tien Giang Province has provided an update stating that the districts of Cai Be, Cai Lay, Chau Thanh, and Cai Lay Town have encountered a total of 34 landslide locations, spanning over 8,843 meters. An estimated budget of around VND47 billion is needed for the restoration work. Some of these landslides are particularly significant and hazardous, surpassing the allocated district budget. Urgent measures are required to safeguard the fruit orchards, lives, and properties of the local residents.

In Long An Province, there have been ongoing landslides in the past few days along the riverbanks and canal embankments. These landslides have specifically caused subsidence and the collapse of road surfaces on National Highway 62 and National Highway N2 in Hamlet 2, Thuy Tay Commune, Thanh Hoa District. Moreover, cracks have appeared on the Bun Ba Cua Bridge and safety barriers have been damaged, leading to challenges for vehicles using the road.

Mr. Vo Kim Thuan, Chief of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and Irrigation in Long An Province, said that in the face of the ongoing landslides in the region, the provincial authorities have mobilized a task force to oversee the irrigation works. They are conducting activities such as dredging, debris removal, and weed clearance to maintain the unobstructed water flow in the drainage and canal systems. Additionally, strict actions are being taken against individuals and organizations that violate the protected areas surrounding the irrigation works or encroach upon river and canal beds, which disrupts the natural water flow.

According to the Head of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and Irrigation of Long An Province, heavy rains accompanied by thunderstorms, whirlwinds, and lightning have been occurring in several areas of Long An Province, including Tan Hung District, Tan Thanh District, Can Giuoc District, and Kien Tuong Town. These weather conditions have resulted in two people being injured by lightning strikes, the collapse of two houses, and roof damage to 47 houses.

Additionally, strong winds have toppled trees on some roads, snapped power poles, and had a significant impact on the lives and daily activities of residents. The natural disasters occurring in Long An Province during the first half of 2023 have resulted in estimated damages exceeding VND2 billion.

Mr. Nguyen Minh Lam, Vice Chairman of the Long An Provincial People’s Committee, has urged the relevant departments to closely monitor the situation of natural disasters and landslides. He also emphasized the need to promptly address any incidents to ensure the safety of people’s lives and properties.

EC sets to visit Vietnam in October for checking IUU implementation

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development yesterday held a press conference to review its activities implementation in the first six months of the year.

At the conference, Deputy Director of the Directorate of Fisheries Surveillance under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Duong Van Cuong informed that regarding illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, the Directorate of Fisheries Surveillance and Directorate of Fisheries had recorded positive change in localities, comprising the result of installing vessel monitoring system (VMS) reaching nearly 100 percent; vessels management works and certificate of seafood traceability.

However, although there were many violated vessels in localities, the handling results were not as expected.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Phung Duc Tien said that the whole country has 86,820 fishing vessels with a proportion of VMS installation of 97.65 percent. The rest number of the boat has been under a high risk of violation.

In order to reorganize the prolonged violation, the leader of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development said that functional agencies would impose strict measures to monitor the vessels, comprising increasing six devices of monitoring to conduct stringent penalties for violated vessels; adding regulations of fining both boat owner and captain and allowing the coast guard to handle the violated boats.

Deputy Director of the Directorate of Fisheries Surveillance Duong Van Cuong informed that in October, a working delegation of the European Commission (EC) is set to visit Vietnam for checking IUU regulations for the fourth time.

From now to October, the National Steering Committee will continue to check the IUU implementation in localities and support localities having numerous violated vessels.

Vu Quang National Park receives rare species of monkeys

The Vu Quang National Park in Ha Tinh Province has just received 14 monkeys of precious and rare species from the Animals Asia Foundation and the functional agency of Hai Duong Province.

It is expected that the Vu Quang National Park will receive 11 more monkeys from now until July 9.

Among the 25 monkeys, there are 14 pig-tailed macaques, five stump-tailed macaques, two Assam macaques and four rhesus macaques being on the list of endangered, precious and rare forest animals of group 2B in need of being protected and preserved.

Accordingly, the monkeys will be released back to nature in the Vu Quang National Park after they are isolated and monitored.

On the same day, the Vu Quang National Park also received an iguana with its scientific name of Varanus salvator. The wild animal has a length of two meters and a weight of over 15 kilograms.

The national park also received one rhesus macaque under group 2B which was handed over by functional units of Ha Tinh Province to release the animal back to nature.

Secretariat green-lights elderly association establishment in localities

The Secretariat has agreed with the policy to establish elderly associations in provinces and districts in places that satisfy the condition.

On behalf of the Secretariat, Permanent Secretary of the Secretariat Truong Thi Mai has just signed Conclusion No. 58-KL/TW of the Secretariat on the organization and operation of the Vietnam Association of the Elderly.

According to the conclusion, party committees and organizations, and the Central Committee of the Vietnam Elderly Association have achieved positive results after the 10-year implementation of the pilot model of elderly associations in 13 provinces and cities.

However, some Party committees and organizations and local authorities are not fully aware of the tasks of the elderly work as well as did not pay due attention to associations’ organizations and staff. Elderly associations in some places have not met the quality requirements and tasks.

Therefore, for better protection, caring for the elderly people and good promotion of the elderly role in the new situation, the Secretariat asked all levels of Party committees, agencies and local administrations to direct and strengthen the leadership and direction of the Party committees and organizations and local authorities for the elderly.

Party committees, agencies and local administrations should strictly follow the government’s guidelines, especially the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress, the State’s policies and laws on the elderly.

The Secretariat also requested to step up communications about the role of elderly people and raise people’s awareness of the responsibility of families, community and society in protecting and taking care of senior citizens. Additionally, these bodies should propose to the Party and State the legitimate needs and aspirations of special citizens.

The Vietnam Elderly Association was urged to renovate its modes of operation for the sake of its members.

The Secretariat gave the green light to the establishment of elderly associations in provinces and districts. The Standing Committee of provincial Party committees shall consider the establishment of provincial and district elderly associations based on localities’ conditions and decide on the number of employees working on local payrolls.

Ho Chi Minh City enters high season of teacher recruitment

Many districts in HCMC are entering the season of recruiting teachers and staff for the new school year. There is not much change in the recruitment demand compared to previous years, but the scarcity of recruitment resources remains.

Today, July 5, is the application deadline for public school teachers to apply to the Department of Education and Training in District 4. In the school year 2023-2024, this locality is to recruit 157 teachers and school staff. In particular, primary schools have the highest recruitment demand with 62 vacancies, followed by the preschool level, the secondary level, and the specialized schools, with the vacancies being 50, 23, and 22 respectively.

A list of qualified candidates for the second round of recruitment is expected to be announced on July 16. The results of public employee recruitment will then be announced on August 15 to promptly fulfill the need for teachers in the next school year.

Similarly, in District 7, candidates participating in the recruitment of public employees are to submit their documents online via a QR code from now until the end of July 10.

This year, secondary schools and vocational-continuing education centers lead the recruitment demand with 87 people, followed by primary level and preschool level, with the demand of 62 and 48 people respectively.

The representative of the Department of Education and Training in District 7 noted that candidates are allowed to apply for one vacancy only; otherwise, they will either be removed from the list of candidates or have their admission results canceled.

Hoc Mon District, in particular, has a remarkable recruitment demand of 484 teachers and 59 staff for the new school year. There is a great teacher shortage for the secondary level, with 221 vacancies, due to the need for teachers to teach new subjects of the 2018 General Education Program.

Regarding the high school level, in the 2023-2024 school year, the HCMC Department of Education and Training recruits 255 new teachers, with the admission condition including a bachelor’s degree or higher in the field of high school teacher training. In case the candidates have a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, but not in the field of training, they shall submit the certificate of pedagogical training for high school teachers.

According to the representative of the HCMC Department of Education and Training, the recruitment method remains unchanged, with two-round recruitment. In particular, round one tests general knowledge via a computer-based multiple-choice test. In round 2, candidates perform classroom skills for 30 minutes. The qualified candidate shall have a performance result of 50 points or more, and the schools shall admit the candidates in the order of scores from high to low until the recruitment demand is met.

Cultural program in Hanoi to showcase colorful Vietnamese brocades

The event aims to introduce the unique cultures, customs and traditions of Vietnam’s 54 ethnic groups to domestic and international visitors.

The cultural exchange program with the theme “The Color of Vietnamese Brocade” will last until the end of July at the Vietnam Ethnology Cultural and Tourist Villages (VINACULTO) in Son Tay, a suburb of Hanoi.

Organizers say 100 people from 15 ethnic groups like Nung, Tay, H’Mong, Dao, Muong, Thai and Kho Mu… from 12 provinces and cities nationwide will participate in this ongoing cultural program.

The highlight of the festival is the demonstration of brocade weaving of ethnic villages with the theme “The Color of Time”, aiming to preserve the traditional craft – one of the precious folklore treasures of ethnic minorities in Vietnam, accordingto the organizers. 

At each destination in the village, visitors also have an opportunity to enjoy a folk art program and learn about the traditional culture of ethnic minorities in Vietnam such as Ede, H’Mong, K’Ho and others.

They can also participate in various activities practiced daily by ethnic people such as cooking, folk performances with village elders, weaving bamboo and rattan baskets, making musical instruments from wild leaves and stones, and playing folk games.

Apart from exciting performances, the program also includes culinary activities for visitors to taste some ethnic specialties prepared by people from Kho Mu, Tay and Thai groups.

Covering an area of 1,500 hectares in Dong Mo Tourism Site, Son Tay Town, Hanoi, about 40 km from downtown, the Vietnam Ethnology Cultural and Tourist Villages is a complex of traditional Vietnamese architecture highlighting the country’s unique culture.

It includes an Ede long house, a Tay stilt house, a Dao house half on stilts and half on the ground, a H’Mong house with a roof made of fokienia wood, a Viet house with a tile roof, a Ja Rai tomb, a Bahnar communal house, a traditional Cham house, and a Ha Nhi house made of beaten walls.

Between the houses are indigenous trees, zigzagging paths, and a meandering stream crossed by small bridges. Visitors can do the tour on foot or by electric car.

Traditional performing arts contest to be held in Hanoi

A competition titled “Keeper of National Color” Intangible Cultural Heritage Performance Contest has been launched in Hanoi to celebrate the capital city’s 69th liberation anniversary (October 10, 1954) and Vietnam’s Cultural Heritage Day (November 23).

It’s also an effort to promote traditional performing arts, increase people’s pride in the capital’s traditional cultural values, and honor people who have dedicated themselves to preserving and promoting Vietnamese cultural identity.

Participants are encouraged to perform the nation’s living cultural heritage, such as chau van (spiritual singing), ca tru (ceremonial singing), xam (blind busker singing), cheo (traditional operetta), tuong (classical drama) and folk dance, as well as intangible cultural forms steeped in Hanoi’s culture such as bai bong (flower carrying) dance of Phu Xuyen District, bong dance (men dressed as women and dance) of Trieu Khuc Village, and tu linh (four sacred mythical creatures: Dragon, Kylin, Phoenix and Turtle) dance from My Duc District.

In the preliminary round, contestants must submit a video clip they create on the nation’s intangible cultural heritage and traditional arts.

The registration period is now open until September 30. The preliminary round is expected to be held in October 2023.

The final round will be a live competition in November at the open-air stage in the pedestrian zone of Hoan Kiem District.

HCM City’s museums pilot audio exhibit spaces

The French Embassy in Vietnam and the Department of Culture and Sports of Ho Chi Minh City held a ceremony on July 5 to inaugurate two audio exhibit spaces, and handed them over to the Museum of HCM City and the Southern Women’s Museum.

The concept of audio exhibit spaces, also known as “story cabins”, was originally conceived by the Confluences Museum in Lyon, France. Vietnam is the first country where France has implemented this model.

Story cabins are sound devices accessible to all visitors. There is a control screen inside each cabin, allowing users to choose presentations for four outstanding artifacts displayed at the Museum of Ho Chi Minh City, the Southern Women’s Museum, the History Museum of HCM City and the HCM City Museum of Fine Arts.

Doan Thi Trang, Deputy Director of the Museum of HCM City, said that her museum plans to add more artifact presentations to these cabins in the near future in order to attract more visitors.

The initiative is part of the Solidarity Fund for Innovative Projects (FSPI) supported by the French Embassy in Vietnam and the Consulate General of France in HCM City.

Hélène Lafont-Couturier, Director of the Confluences Museum, said she hopes the new devices will bring an interesting experience to Vietnamese people. 

Tran The Thuan, Director of the municipal Department of Culture and Sports, said that the application of technology is an indispensable part of the digital transformation roadmap in all fields in the city, including the museum system.

French films to entertain Da Nang residents this July

French Cinema Rendez-vous, a new weekly event which will introduce French cinema’s richness and diversity with a different film every Saturday, is set to start on July 8 at METIZ Cinema in Da Nang City.      

Four films subtitled in English and Vietnamese will be screened at the event, which is scheduled to last through to July 29. The screenings will start at 5 p.m. every Saturday, with ticket costing VND75,000.

Fire Training Secrets will be the curtain raiser which tells the story of two best friends Jean-Gab and Manu. The pair see a giant fly stuck in the trunk of a car while they walk along the road. They suddenly come up with the idea of catching the fly and training it to make money.

Meanwhile, The Umbrellas of Cherbourg will be introduced to local audiences on July 15. The musical romantic drama film written and directed by Jacques Demy, with music by Michel Legrand, won the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival in 1964. 

Furthermore, Bed with Victoria, a 2016 French romantic comedy-drama film directed by Justine Triet, is set be screened on July 22, having been previously screened in the International Critics’ Week section at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival. Efira received a Magritte Award for Best Actress at the seventh Magritte Awards for her role in the film.

The last film to make the list is The Big Bad Fox and Other Tales, a 2017 French/Belgian animated anthology comedy film that will be unveiled in Da Nang on July 29. The film premiered at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival on June 15, 2017, and was later released by StudioCanal in France on June 21.

Concert celebrates 30-year career of well-known musician

Famous love songs by Nguyễn Nhất Huy, a well-known musician and producer in the 1990s and 2000s, will be featured at a concert in Đà Lạt City on July 22.

The event, Love Songs by Nguyễn Nhất Huy, will feature pop stars Cẩm Ly, Đan Trường and Lam Trường.

These singers won a series of top prizes titled Làn Sóng Xanh (Blue Wave) – a radio programme by the Voice of HCM City (VOH) that promotes Vietnamese music.

The programme, first broadcast on FM frequency 99.9 MHz in 1997, has attracted several million Vietnamese listeners at home and abroad. VOH presents Blue Wave Awards to artists who received the most votes from listeners during the year.

Folk singer Ly and pop idols Đan Trường and Lam Trường will perform hits by Huy, who was a phenomenon in Vietnamese contemporary music in the 1990s-2000s.

“Many fans were obsessed with my music from their youth. I hope my melodies will bring a new taste to young people today,” said Huy, who has 30 years in the industry.

Huy, 48, has composed more than 120 songs in praise of life, love, youth and women. His music combines traditional and western styles, using folk elements.

Many of his hits, such as Đêm Cô Đơn (Lonely Night), Em Quên Mùa Đông (Winter in Her Heart) and Nụ Hồng Hờ Hững (Elegant Rose), were performed by leading Vietnamese singers.

He has also produced many albums and MVs, and is a member of the HCM City Music Association.

Huy will soon release three music books of his 99 songs. The books will also come with sheet music and photos featuring pop stars who performed the musician’s songs.

“I began singing Huy’s music when I was very young. Huy’s pop songs using folk elements changed me completely, from my music style to my music mind,” said 53-year-old singer Ly.

For many years, Ly has been selected as one of the top 10 singers in Việt Nam by the local press and listeners of the Làn Sóng Xanh programme on the VOH.

She has released 34 solo albums and held eight live tours, including Vòng Quanh Ký Túc Xá (Tours around Dormitories) and Tự Tình Quê Hương (Tales of Fatherland), which have attracted hundreds of thousands of fans.

The duo Ly and Lam Trường will sing for the first time Yêu Trong Niềm Đau (Love in Pain), a hit by Huy, at the musician’s concert in Đà Lạt.

The event, Love Songs by Nguyễn Nhất Huy, will open at 8pm on July 22 at the music venue Lululola in Ba Tháng 4 Street, Commune 3 in Đà Lạt City. 

Three children drown in Quang Nam river
Three children drowned while playing near a river in the central province of Quang Nam.

According to local authorities in Hiep Duc District, the boys and girl aged between 6-9 were the children of Vo Hong Tuan, 38, and Nguyen Thi Loc, 33.

The children were having a summer holiday and the couple from An Phu Commune took them to play at the river bank while they caught snails and clams on the morning of July 5.

The father Vo Hong Tuan said in tears that he and his wife were searching for snails and clams in the river and hadn’t paid close attention to their children for a while. When the couple started to notice their children’s disappearance, they rushed to look for them and saw them in the river. Some local people came to help the couple take their children from the river but they were all dead.

“It was all our fault and now we’ve lost all our children,” Tuan cried. “How can we carry on living?”

A neighbour Huynh Thi Son shared that the couple were unemployed and they did odd jobs to earn money to support their three small children and an elderly mother who was bed-ridden for 10 years following a traffic accident.

“Poor them,” Son said. “We have raised money from neighbours and kind donors to hold a funeral for the children and support the family.”

Grand Marathon Dong Hoi to make debut on July 9

In the Grand Marathon Dong Hoi, athletes will run in four categories of full marathon, half marathon, 10km and 5km.

Hanoi-The first Grand Marathon Dong Hoi 2023 will be held on July 9 featuring around 1,500 athletes in the central province of Quang Binh.

Quang Binh has great potential for tourism as the province is naturally beautiful, has many national sites and landmarks and enjoys world heritage status.

According to the organisers, the race is to bring Quang Binh to the wider communities, introducing the local famous destinations to domestic and international friends.

The event is also expected to encourage sporting activities in the province.

The tournament will be held over two days. On the first day on July 8, athletes will check in, receive their bib and take part in many sideline activities such as a talk show and meet between famous athletes and supporters.

In Dong Hoi, athletes will run in four categories: full marathon, half marathon, 10km and 5km.

Among runners are SEA Games 3,000m steeplechase winner Nguyen Trung Cuong, SEA Games walk race champion Nguyen Thi Thanh Phuc, SEA Games walk race bronze medallist Nguyen Thanh Ngung and former SEA Games champion Đinh Thị Bích.

The routes are designed to help runners discover historic places such as 400-year-old Quang Binh Gates; Dong Hoi Citadel which was built in the Gia Long Dynasty in 1812; Mother Suốt Monument, a symbol of the heroic Vietnamese woman; and the historic Nhat Le Bridge among others.

Runners will also see the white sand and clear blue water of Nhat Le Beach while admiring the beautiful sun set on their way to the finish.

Bảo Ninh Beach Square will be the main place for most activities including the presentation ceremony. The area will impress participants with unique design imbued with Japanese culture and characteristics. The running tracks, starting and finishing gates are designed with two rows of cherry blossom trees, symbol of Japan.

The tournament which offers up to VND280 million (US$11,900) bonus to athletes in gift and cash is one of activities to celebrate the 50th anniversary of relationship between Vietnam and Japan.

The Grand Marathon Dong Hoi is jointly organised by Viet Jungle and Niinuma Vietnam under the support of the Quang Binh Province’s Culture and Sports Department. It is expected to be an annual event.

Viet Jungle successfully organised Mucangchai Ultra Trail 2022, one of international trail tournaments in which athletes’ results could be used to gain points for world ranking.

Niinuma Vietnam is a company with 100 per cent investment capital from Japan, operating in the field of solar energy and agriculture.

Ministry asks to check labs countrywide

In its official dispatch to the health departments of provinces and cities across the country on the implementation of regulations on ensuring biosafety in laboratories, the Ministry of Health asked to check labs.

According to the Ministry of Health, over 3,300 laboratories in the country are currently performing testing for pathogenic microorganisms and microorganisms that can cause infectious diseases, but only nearly 3,100 laboratories have self-declared meeting biosafety standards.

Along with that, six certified laboratories across the country achieved biosafety level III, and they are operating. But the certificates of biosafety level III of some of them have expired and have not been re-issued due to the delay in completing the prescribed procedures and documents.

To correct biosafety activities in accordance with the Government’s regulations, the Ministry of Health requested health departments in cities and provinces to review establishments that are capable of causing infectious diseases to humans in the area under their management.

Moreover, health departments should guide establishments to self-declare before operation. Local health departments should post the list of establishments that have announced meeting biosafety standards on their website as per the present regulations.

At the same time, responsible agencies continue to pay visits to testing facilities that have been granted the Certificate of Biosafety or have self-declared meeting biosafety standards in their respective management areas at least once every 3 years. These bodies should propose competent state management agencies to handle establishments that do not ensure biosafety regulations.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes
