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Unbelievable! Witness the Epic Comeback of the Enigmatic Golden Boomerang

Additional Piece: Exploring the Loss of Imagination in CA Conrad’s Poetry

In CA Conrad’s poem, “from ‘Listen to the return of the Golden Boomerang'”, the poet delves into the theme of skepticism and its detrimental effects on imagination and our connection to ancient practices. The poem highlights the importance of believing in both Earth and Heaven, and the loss that occurs when we lack faith in the spiritual realm.

The poem’s form and structure play a significant role in conveying the poet’s message. Conrad’s attention to the visual impact of the poem is evident in the disciplined form, where the poetic line not only conveys sound and feeling but also builds towards a striking sculptural presence. The arc and increased indentation throughout the poem create a sense of movement and progression, leading the reader towards the poem’s conclusion.

One of the key ideas explored in the poem is the loss of direction and guidance in the present. Without astral maps, which symbolize our connection to ancient practices and wisdom, we are left feeling lost and disoriented. Conrad suggests that skepticism robs us of this necessary connection, leaving us without a sense of purpose or meaning.

The skepticism portrayed in the poem also challenges our belief in the existence of the Earth itself. Conrad questions how we can believe in something as tangible as the Earth if we cannot believe in Heaven, which represents the spiritual and metaphysical aspects of our existence. This juxtaposition highlights the interconnectedness of the physical and spiritual realms and the importance of embracing both.

Moreover, Conrad’s use of poetic language and imagery further enhances the impact of the poem. The repetition of phrases, such as “we would try to verify” and “we do not trust ourselves,” emphasizes the self-doubt and lack of confidence that arises from skepticism. The use of enjambment and fragmented lines also adds depth and complexity to the poem, reflecting the fragmented nature of our beliefs and the need for reconciliation.

In conclusion, CA Conrad’s poem “from ‘Listen to the return of the Golden Boomerang'” explores the detrimental effects of skepticism on imagination and our connection to ancient practices. The disciplined form, visual impact, and use of poetic language and imagery all contribute to the poem’s compelling message. Conrad’s words serve as a reminder of the importance of belief, both in the physical and spiritual realms, and the profound loss that occurs when imagination is stifled.


CA Conrad’s poem “from ‘Listen to the return of the Golden Boomerang'” delves into the theme of skepticism and its impact on imagination and our connection to ancient practices. The poem highlights the loss that occurs when we lack faith in both Earth and Heaven and the disorientation that arises without astral maps. Conrad’s attention to form and visual impact, as well as the use of poetic language and imagery, enhance the poem’s message. The repetition of phrases and fragmented lines reflect the self-doubt and lack of confidence that skepticism brings. Overall, the poem serves as a reminder of the importance of belief in both the physical and spiritual realms and the profound loss that occurs when imagination is stifled.


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This is a poem about what the skeptic loses: imagination, along with a necessary connection to ancient practices. How can we believe in Earth if we cannot believe in Heaven? In the painful lack of direction of the present, we are lost without astral maps. I also want to note CA Conrad’s characteristic care for the poem’s visual impact. The disciplined form means that the poetic line here not only conveys sound and feeling, but builds towards a striking sculptural presence. CAConrad’s poetry seeks multidimensionality, and in this poem, the arc and increased indentation is compelling, moving with and toward the poem’s conclusion. (This poem first appeared in Copenhagen magazine.) Selected by Anne Boyer

By ssssssssssssssssss

we stopped
studying the
night sky for
if someone said
we invented it
planet Earth
It’s not real
we would try
to verify try
to be sure
are the
We do not
trust ourselves
your imagination is
asking for parole
what is your
warden verdict
always try
remember the
calendar made
of our light
followed by
Spend the year

anna boyer He is a poet and essayist. His memoir about cancer and care, “The Undying,” won a 2020 Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction. CA Conrad has worked with the ancient technologies of poetry and ritual since 1975. Her latest books are “AMANDA PARADISE: Resurrect Extinct Vibration” (Wave Books, 2021) and “Listen to the Golden Boomerang Return” (Wave Books, 2024). They exhibit her poems as art objects, with a recent solo show in Santander, Spain, and a current show in Porto, Portugal.
