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Unbelievable! You won’t believe what happened when sixty brave firefighters battled an intense inferno at this Urchfont thatched property!

Title: Protecting Thatched Roofs: Understanding the Challenges and Preventing Fires

Thatched roofs possess a unique charm and character, but they also come with their fair share of challenges, especially in the face of fire hazards. In a recent incident in Urchfont, near Devizes, sixty firefighters from the Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service battled an intense fire that engulfed a residential property’s thatched roof. Fortunately, no individuals or pets were harmed. As incidents like this become more likely due to climate change and hot weather, it is crucial to understand the risks associated with thatched roofs and implement preventive measures to protect these historic architectural features.

Understanding the Risks:
1. Thatched Roofs and Fire Hazards:
– Thatched roofs are vulnerable to fire due to the highly combustible nature of thatch material, typically made from straw or reed.
– Factors such as age, quality of the thatch, and maintenance practices can impact the fire resistance of a thatched roof.
– Sparks from chimneys, electrical faults, and even nearby open flames can ignite a thatched roof, leading to rapid and devastating fires.

2. Limited Access and Difficulty Containing Fires:
– Thatched properties often have limited access due to narrow lanes or restricted entry points, hindering firefighting efforts.
– The dense layers of thatch can also make it challenging to fully extinguish fires, as smoldering embers can remain hidden within the roof structure.
– Firefighters require specialized equipment, such as aerial ladder platforms and water carriers, to effectively combat thatch fires and protect surrounding areas.

Preventing Thatched Roof Fires:
1. Regular Maintenance and Inspections:
– Routine inspections by professionals can identify potential fire hazards, such as damaged or deteriorated thatch and faulty electrical installations.
– Proper maintenance, including regular removal of moss and debris from the roof, can reduce fire risks by eliminating fuel sources for potential sparks.

2. Fire Barriers and Treatments:
– Installing fire barriers, such as fireproof underlays and ridge treatments, can enhance the fire resistance of thatched roofs.
– Fire retardant treatments can be applied to the thatch to slow down the spread of flames and increase the time available for evacuation and firefighting.

3. Safe Practices and Awareness:
– Educate homeowners and residents living in thatched properties about safe practices, including proper storage and use of flammable materials.
– Raise awareness about the importance of reporting potential fire hazards, such as faulty wiring or insulation, to prevent accidents before they occur.

Expanding on the Importance of Thatched Roof Safety:

Thatched roofs hold historical significance and contribute to the cultural heritage of many regions. Preserving and protecting these architectural treasures requires a collective effort from homeowners, firefighters, and communities. The incident in Urchfont serves as a wake-up call to prioritize fire safety measures and develop a deeper understanding of the challenges involved.

1. Climate Change and Increasing Fire Hazards:
– As global temperatures rise and extreme weather events become more common, the risk of thatched roof fires is expected to increase.
– Warmer and drier conditions can accelerate the drying of thatch material, making it more susceptible to ignition.

2. Collaborative Risk Assessment and Planning:
– Establishing partnerships between thatched property owners, local fire services, and heritage organizations can facilitate comprehensive risk assessments.
– By identifying high-risk areas, implementing preventive measures, and creating emergency response plans, communities can be better prepared to handle such incidents effectively.

3. Insurance Considerations for Thatched Properties:
– Thatched property owners should carefully review their insurance policies to ensure adequate coverage for fire risks.
– Some insurers may require specific fire safety measures to be in place before providing coverage for thatched roofs.
– Understanding policy terms and consulting with insurance providers can help homeowners navigate the intricacies of insuring thatched properties.


Protecting thatched roofs from the devastating effects of fires requires a collaborative approach encompassing regular maintenance, proper fire barriers, safe practices, and increased awareness. By acknowledging the unique challenges associated with thatched roofs and implementing preventive measures, we can preserve these historical gems while ensuring the safety of occupants and surrounding areas.


Sixty firefighters from the Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service recently battled a fire on the thatched roof of a residential property in Urchfont, near Devizes. No individuals or pets were harmed in the incident. Thatched roofs present fire hazards due to the combustible nature of the thatch material and limited access for firefighting efforts. Preventive measures, such as regular maintenance, fire barriers, and awareness, can help mitigate the risks associated with thatched roofs. It is crucial to address the challenges posed by climate change and collaborate with various stakeholders to ensure the safety and preservation of these historic architectural features.


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No people or pets were injured by the fire.

Sixty firefighters are fighting a fire on the thatched roof of a property.

Teams from the Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service were called to the residential house in Urchfont, near Devizes, at 09:36 BST on Thursday.

They said the house was “well lit” when they arrived.

The fire service urged local residents to keep windows and doors closed due to the smoke and to give them “as much space as possible” due to limited access to the area.


The fire service urged local residents to keep windows and doors closed due to the smoke.

Wayne Jones, station manager for the Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service, said no occupants or pets were injured.

“Everyone is in the care of their family and friends now,” he said.

“Today has been quite a busy day for us trying to get the fire under control,” he added.

Jones said incidents like this are becoming more likely due to the current hot weather.

image source, Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


Fifteen teams have been fighting the fire at Urchfont, near Devizes.

Crews from the Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service removed the roof from the property as part of the operation.

“Firefighters have been working under arduous conditions to contain the fire, remove thatch from the roof and salvage the occupants’ belongings,” a spokesman added.

A total of 15 fire crews attend, with equipment including an aerial ladder platform, water carriers, support devices and a small 4×4 pumper.

Drivers were asked to avoid the center of Urchfont and The Green, which is used as a meeting point for crews.

The fire service said an investigation into the cause of the fire would take place in due course, but they currently believe it started accidentally.