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Unbelievable! You won’t believe what these kids do in their spare time!



Racing go-karts at high speeds is not just reserved for professional adult drivers. Many kids across the United States are starting their racing careers at a young age, competing in go-kart races and dreaming of becoming professional drivers one day. This article explores the world of young kart racers, their dedication, the challenges they face, and the rewards they reap.

The Beginnings of a Racing Dream

Mikey Collins, a nine-year-old from Orlando, Florida, is one such child who aspires to become a racing professional. Starting at the age of five, Mikey began racing go-karts at his home track and instantly fell in love with the sport. With the opportunity to drive at speeds of 60 to 70 miles per hour, just inches off the ground, Mikey’s passion for racing became undeniable.

Aspiring to Greatness

Mikey’s journey is not unique; many children who are serious about racing start at a young age and participate in national races like the Texas Grand Prix. These day-long competitions bring together dozens of young drivers who compete in heats against their peers in the same age group. The thrill of passing competitors and trying to get ahead fuels their competitive spirit.

Commitment and Sacrifice

The path to becoming a successful kart racer requires a significant amount of time, effort, and financial investment. Serious drivers often participate in dozens of races each year, including both local and national events. Due to the demanding schedule, many young racers are homeschooled, allowing them to focus on their training and competitions. Additionally, they follow rigorous training regimens that include weightlifting, cardio exercises, and using driving simulators to enhance their racing skills.

The Extra Mile

Succeeding in kart racing not only demands physical strength but also nerve and mental toughness. Young drivers like Bristol Borneman, an eleven-year-old from San Diego County, recount moments where they almost crashed due to the high speeds and adrenaline. However, despite the risks, the love for the sport and the opportunity to compete with talented riders from around the world make it all worthwhile.

Perspectives from the Track

For these young drivers, kart racing is more than just chasing trophies or dreams of turning professional. It offers them the chance to travel and compete internationally, experience the excitement of racing on different tracks, and forge friendships with fellow racers. The camaraderie and the thrill of being on the track make go-kart racing an incredible adventure for these ambitious youngsters.


Go-kart racing serves as a gateway for young drivers to enter the world of motorsport, and it can lead to a plethora of opportunities. While the focus of young drivers is on go-kart racing, their passion can extend to other forms of motorsport, such as formula racing or even NASCAR. The skills and experience gained on the go-kart track can provide a solid foundation for future endeavors.

Beyond the wheels, there are various roles within the motorsport industry that young racers can pursue. These include becoming mechanics, engineers, or even team owners. The exposure gained from participating in races and interacting with professionals in the field can shape their future career paths.

However, the world of go-kart racing is not without its challenges. The financial aspect of the sport can be a barrier for many families. The cost of equipment, travel, coaching, and maintaining the vehicles can quickly add up. In addition, the pressure to perform at such a young age can take a toll on the mental well-being of these aspiring racers. Sports psychologists are often employed to help them cope with the stresses and pressures they face.

The Benefits of Youth Racing

Go-kart racing offers numerous benefits for young participants. It promotes discipline, perseverance, and resilience. The intense training and competition teach young drivers the value of hard work and focus, shaping their characters and instilling values that can be carried into other areas of their lives. Moreover, the requirement for home-schooling provides flexibility and allows young drivers to balance their education with their racing ambitions.

Additionally, the physical demands of go-kart racing contribute to the athletes’ overall fitness levels. Regular exercise, strength training, and honing their driving skills all contribute to their physical development. Furthermore, the exposure to different race tracks and the opportunity to compete against diverse competitors from around the world broaden their horizons and foster cultural understanding.

Conclusion: Racing Dreams on the Fast Track

Go-kart racing serves as the foundation for many young drivers’ dreams of becoming professional racers. The sport fuels their competitive nature, teaches them valuable life lessons, and opens doors to exciting opportunities within the motorsport industry. With determination, support from their families, and a passion for the sport, these young drivers defy age barriers and strive towards their dreams of one day racing on the biggest stages in motorsport.


The article delves into the world of young go-kart racers who aspire to become professional drivers. It explores the experiences and challenges faced by these talented youngsters. Starting at a young age, many of the drivers compete in national races, pushing the limits of their go-karts and striving to get ahead. Their commitment to the sport requires homeschooling, rigorous training, and perseverance through demanding schedules. The article highlights the importance of mental toughness and the thrilling experiences that come with competing in go-kart races. It emphasizes that racing is not just about trophies and dreams but also about the friendships formed and travel opportunities it provides. The additional section delves into the wider opportunities available to young drivers in the motorsport industry and the challenges they face. It also discusses the physical and mental benefits that go-kart racing offers, creating a well-rounded summary of the topic.

Additional Piece: The Path to Motorsport Excellence

Go-kart racing is an incredible platform that propels youngsters toward their motorsport dreams. While go-kart racing may seem like a small-scale endeavor, it lays the foundation for future success in the racing world. The journey from go-karts to the world of professional motorsport is a challenging one, but with dedication, skill, and a bit of luck, young drivers can achieve greatness.

As young drivers progress in their racing careers, they may venture into higher categories of motorsport. Open-wheel formula racing, for example, offers an exciting opportunity for drivers to showcase their skills on a larger stage. By participating in regional and national formula racing events, young drivers can catch the attention of talent scouts and earn scholarships to further their careers.

On the other hand, the allure of stock car racing, such as NASCAR, captivates many young drivers. The high-speed action, fierce competition, and the chance to race on iconic tracks draw ambitious racers to this unique discipline. A successful transition from go-karts to stock cars requires honing racecraft, building a solid fan base, and gaining sponsorship support.

Parallel to the racing path, young drivers can explore various career options within the motorsport industry. Becoming a mechanic or engineer allows them to stay close to the sport they love while contributing their expertise behind the scenes. These roles offer a deeper understanding of the technical aspects of racing and open doors to professional development and growth.

Nevertheless, the journey toward a successful professional racing career is not without challenges. Financial constraints can be a major obstacle, with the cost of equipment, travel, and coaching proving to be significant barriers for many families. Securing sponsorship is essential, and young drivers need to showcase their talent, marketability, and potential to attract sponsors who believe in their abilities.

The mental well-being of young drivers is also crucial. The pressure to succeed at a young age can be overwhelming, and the competition can be cutthroat. Subjecting oneself to the intense scrutiny of a racing environment requires resilience and a strong support system. Coaches and sports psychologists play a vital role in helping young drivers navigate the mental challenges and ensuring they maintain a healthy mindset.

In conclusion, go-kart racing serves as a stepping stone to a world of opportunities in motorsport. Young drivers who possess the talent and drive to succeed have the potential to achieve greatness. Whether they choose to pursue a career as a professional driver or explore other roles within the industry, go-kart racing provides the necessary foundation, skills, and experiences for a successful future. With passion, determination, and unwavering support, these young racers can overcome obstacles and reach extraordinary heights in the world of motorsport.


The additional piece expands on the topic of young go-kart racers by highlighting the wider opportunities available in the motorsport industry. It explores the paths to professional racing careers, such as open-wheel formula racing and stock car racing. The article also discusses alternative roles within the industry, such as mechanics or engineers, providing insights into potential career paths for young drivers. Furthermore, it addresses the financial challenges faced by aspiring racers and the importance of mental well-being in navigating the pressures of the racing world. Overall, the additional piece offers a comprehensive exploration of the topic, shedding light on the diverse possibilities and challenges that young drivers encounter on their journey to motorsport excellence.


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On the second day of the Texas Grand Prix, the engines were roaring. While the mechanics tinkered with the vehicles, the drivers discussed strategy with their coaches and tried to memorize the curves of the race track at Speedsportz Racing Park outside Houston. “I picture it in my brain,” Mikey Collins said as he waited for his heat to start on the last weekend in April. “I figure it out and try to spin around.”

Mikey is not a professional racing driver yet, he is only 9 years old. And the vehicle he would soon be riding in was a go-kart. But for many kids who dream of racing professionally, this is where it all begins: driving go-karts around a twisty track at 60 or 70 miles per hour, flying just inches off the ground.

Like many drivers, Mikey started young, when he was just 5 years old, at his home track in Orlando, Florida. He was hooked. “I like competitive things,” he says. “Anything to do with passing and trying to get ahead.” Kids who are serious about the sport continue on to national races like the one in Texas: day-long competitions in which dozens of drivers compete in heats against other kids in their age group.

It’s all a lot of time and work. Drivers can participate in dozens of races each year, both national and local, so many are homeschooled. When they’re not competing, some train by lifting weights or doing cardio. Or they could be testing driving simulators that mimic the racing experience. And it’s expensive: equipment and travel, but also coaches and mechanics and even sometimes sports psychologists to help kids deal with the pressures of racing.

You also have to have nerves of steel. “There was one time I was going for a pass and I was out of breath and almost turned over,” says 11-year-old Bristol Borneman, who lives in San Diego County and has been running since he was 7 years old.

But for drivers, it’s all worth it. Not just for the trophies, or even for the dream of turning professional. It is also a very good time. “I get to come here and travel all over the world, go out on the track and compete with some really good riders,” says Bristol. There is nothing better than that.

Additional reporting by Scott Rossi.
