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Unleash the Power of AI: These 5 Steps Will Transform Your Business Teams!

How Startups Can Leverage AI to Optimize Operating Costs


As startups navigate how to operate with shrinking budgets, leveraging AI to optimize operating costs has become a favored strategy for many founders and CEOs. However, a mistake they often make is limiting the role of AI to specific functions such as customer service or translations. The potential of AI is considerably greater, and if properly harnessed, it can lead to the creation of AI-driven business units that are capable of executing projects at faster speeds.

Building an AI-powered team:

To explore the potential of AI in startups, we used OpenAI ChatGPT to build an AI-powered team and see if it would be possible for it to perform functions like testing new products, preparing roadmaps, and more. The results obtained were solid and the evidence clear. We saved several weeks and reduced our expenses by over $10,000. The experiment allowed us to come up with five key steps founders can take to fully capitalize on the power of AI and successfully onboard AI as a valuable team member given their capabilities and limitations.

1. Clarity matters: break up tasks as much as possible to improve accuracy.

Before you start, you should have a clear vision of how you plan to use AI and what you would like to achieve with it. In our case, we had to identify and break down each task to increase understanding and clarity, and it will be the same for you.

For example, we use AI to test the impact a new product feature would have on the Indian market. We write to ChatGPT: “Give me the following: 10 companies constantly working with Indian designers and adding information about their industry and projects, Ten Popular Pastimes Among Indian Freelancers In Bangalore, Ten of the biggest fears among Indian freelancers in Bangalore, Ten of the highest hopes among Indian freelancers in Bangalore.”

The results obtained helped us better understand our target market and reduced the estimated research and development time by several days. The help of AI in this process was more valuable as we needed answers to the same questions regarding other Indian cities, such as Kerala, which have a very different cultural mindset compared to Bangalore. By being able to leverage this information to our advantage, we saved approximately two weeks of research time, as well as over $2,000 in expenses. To maximize results, it’s important that you ask ChatGPT to become the person you need. By doing this, the AI will have more clarity on how to respond. It’s important to note that if you skip this step, the results may not be a good match for what you’re looking for.

2. Strike a balance between automation and the human touch.

Companies successfully leveraging AI as new members of their team will need to strike a balance between automation and the human touch. While AI can bring efficiencies and cost savings, it is important to remember that it is still in its early stages and has limitations. AI can handle specific tasks effectively, but it still struggles with abstract tasks and logic. Therefore, it’s crucial to dig deeper and provide explicit instructions and specific details to get the most out of AI.

3. Leverage AI for non-essential activities that free up time.

One of the significant advantages of AI is its ability to handle non-essential activities, freeing up time for in-demand freelancers or other team members to focus on more critical tasks. By offloading repetitive or time-consuming activities to AI, startups can optimize their resources and improve productivity. For example, you can task AI with data analysis, market research, content generation, or even social media management. This not only saves time but also allows the human team members to focus on high-value work that requires creativity and critical thinking.

4. Be aware of AI’s limitations and supplement with human expertise.

While AI can perform various functions and provide valuable insights, it is essential to keep in mind its limitations. AI is not capable of replacing human expertise entirely. It lacks empathy, creativity, and the ability to deal with complex situations that require emotional intelligence. Therefore, it is crucial to supplement AI with human expertise to ensure a holistic approach to problem-solving. By combining the strengths of AI and human intelligence, startups can achieve optimal results and make data-driven decisions.

5. Continuously train and improve AI models.

AI models require continuous training and improvement to stay relevant and accurate. As startups use AI as a team member, it is crucial to invest time and resources in training the AI model to understand the specific needs and requirements of the business. This includes feeding it with relevant data, monitoring its performance, and making necessary adjustments based on feedback and new insights. By treating AI as an ongoing project and allocating resources for its improvement, startups can unlock its full potential and maximize cost savings.


In conclusion, startups can leverage AI to optimize operating costs by integrating AI as an AI-powered team member. By breaking up tasks, striking a balance between automation and the human touch, leveraging AI for non-essential activities, being aware of AI’s limitations, and continuously training and improving AI models, startups can achieve cost savings, improved productivity, and faster project execution. The key to successfully onboarding AI lies in understanding its capabilities and limitations and utilizing it as a complementary resource to human expertise. As AI continues to advance, startups that embrace this technology will gain a competitive advantage and pave the way for future success.

Additional Piece: The Future of AI in Startups

The future of AI in startups is incredibly promising, with advancements in machine learning and natural language processing revolutionizing how businesses operate. Here are some unique insights and perspectives on the future of AI in startups:

1. Enhanced customer experiences:

Startups can employ AI to provide personalized and enhanced customer experiences. By analyzing customer data, AI can understand preferences, anticipate needs, and deliver tailored recommendations. This level of personalization can strengthen customer loyalty and drive revenue growth.

2. Streamlined operations and decision-making:

AI can automate repetitive tasks, streamline operations, and enhance decision-making processes. Startups can leverage AI-powered analytics to gather insights from large datasets, enabling data-driven decisions in real-time. This can lead to improved efficiency, cost reduction, and faster innovation cycles.

3. Increased competitiveness:

The integration of AI in startups can provide a competitive advantage in various sectors. AI-powered chatbots can deliver instant customer support, AI algorithms can optimize pricing strategies, and AI-driven recommendation systems can enhance product discovery. By embracing AI, startups can stay ahead of their competitors and meet evolving customer demands.

4. AI-powered innovation:

Startups can use AI to drive innovation, developing new products and services that were previously unimaginable. AI can uncover patterns, detect anomalies, and generate new ideas, opening up opportunities for disruptive innovation. Startups can harness AI to discover untapped markets and create novel solutions, fueling growth and differentiation.

5. Ethical considerations:

As AI becomes more prevalent in startups, ethical considerations become crucial. Startups must prioritize transparency, fairness, and privacy when leveraging AI. Ensuring that AI algorithms are unbiased, secure, and protect user data is essential to maintain trust and foster long-term relationships with customers.

In conclusion, the future of AI in startups is promising, with numerous opportunities for growth and innovation. By embracing AI, startups can enhance customer experiences, streamline operations, gain a competitive edge, foster innovation, and address ethical considerations. It is crucial for startups to stay informed about the latest AI advancements, proactively adapt to changing market dynamics, and leverage AI strategically to unlock its full potential.


Startups can leverage AI to optimize operating costs by integrating AI as an AI-powered team member. By breaking up tasks, striking a balance between automation and the human touch, leveraging AI for non-essential activities, being aware of AI’s limitations, and continuously training and improving AI models, startups can achieve cost savings, improved productivity, and faster project execution. The key to successfully onboarding AI lies in understanding its capabilities and limitations and utilizing it as a complementary resource to human expertise. The future of AI in startups is promising, with opportunities for enhanced customer experiences, streamlined operations, increased competitiveness, AI-powered innovation, and ethical considerations. It is crucial for startups to embrace AI and stay informed about the latest advancements to unlock its full potential and drive long-term success.


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As startups navigate how to operate with shrinking budgets, leveraging AI to optimize operating costs has become a favored strategy for many founders and CEOs. However, a mistake they often make is limiting the role of AI to specific functions such as customer service or translations.

The potential of AI is considerably greater, and if properly harnessed, it can lead to the creation of AI-driven business units that are capable of executing projects at faster speeds.

We used OpenAI ChatGPT to build an AI-powered team and see if it would be possible for it to perform functions like testing new products, preparing roadmaps, and more.

The results obtained were solid and the evidence clear.

We saved several weeks and reduced our expenses by over $10,000. The experiment allowed us to come up with five key steps founders can take to fully capitalize on the power of AI and successfully onboard AI as a valuable team member given their capabilities and limitations.

1. Clarity matters: break up tasks as much as possible to improve accuracy

Before you start, you should have a clear vision of how you plan to use AI and what you would like to achieve with it. In our case, we had to identify and break down each task to increase understanding and clarity, and it will be the same for you.

For example, we use AI to test the impact a new product feature would have on the Indian market. We write to ChatGPT:

Give me the following:

  • 10 companies constantly working with Indian designers and adding information about their industry and projects.
  • Ten Popular Pastimes Among Indian Freelancers In Bangalore.
  • Ten of the biggest fears among Indian freelancers in Bangalore.
  • Ten of the highest hopes among Indian freelancers in Bangalore.

The results obtained helped us better understand our target market and reduced the estimated research and development time by several days. The help of AI in this process was more valuable as we needed answers to the same questions regarding other Indian cities, such as Kerala, which have a very different cultural mindset compared to Bangalore.

Companies successfully leveraging AI as new members of their team will need to strike a balance between automation and the human touch.

By being able to leverage this information to our advantage, we saved approximately two weeks of research time, as well as over $2,000 in expenses.

To maximize results, it’s important that you ask ChatGPT to become the person you need. By doing this, the AI ​​will have more clarity on how to respond. It’s important to note that if you skip this step, the results may not be a good match for what you’re looking for.

For example, if we perform the aforementioned task (research the Indian freelance market) without specifying a role, ChatGPT will not be as efficient. You might still save a few days of research time, but not as much as you’d like.

This is because, as we will explain throughout the article, the key to getting the most out of AI lies in the details and being as specific as possible.

Without a role, there is a chance that working with chat will consume time instead of saving it.

Also, remember that AI still has a hard time handling abstract tasks effectively, and it’s still devoid of logic. So sometimes you may need to dig deeper. Here’s another message we used that successfully got us around the limitations of LLM.

  • Hello, I want you to act as an AI-powered business assistant that frees up time for in-demand freelancers by taking care of non-essential activities. In the next three messages I will give you all the information about your experience, tone of voice, fears and motivation. Here is the message. Please read it carefully; it’s all about your tone of voice.

5 steps for assembling AI-driven business teams
